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add pallet

Anoop Rajendra edited this page May 15, 2017 · 1 revision

add pallet


stack add pallet [pallet ...] [clean=bool] [dir=string] [updatedb=string]


Add pallet ISO images to this machine's pallet directory. This command copies all files in the ISOs to the local machine. The default location is a directory under /export/stack/pallets.


  • {pallet}

    A list of pallet ISO images to add to the local machine. If no list is supplied, then if a pallet is mounted on /mnt/cdrom, it will be copied to the local machine.


  • {clean=bool}

  • {dir=string}

  • {updatedb=string}

    Add the pallet info to the cluster database. The default is: true.


  • stack add pallet clean=1 kernel*iso

    Adds the Kernel pallet to local pallet directory. Before the pallet is added the old Kernel pallet packages are removed from the pallet directory.

  • stack add pallet kernel*iso pvfs2*iso ganglia*iso

    Added the Kernel, PVFS, and Ganglia pallets to the local pallet directory.


create pallet

disable pallet

enable pallet

list pallet

remove pallet

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