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set host boot

Anoop Rajendra edited this page May 15, 2017 · 1 revision

set host boot


stack set host boot {host ...} [action=string]


Set a bootaction for a host. A hosts action can be set to 'install' or to 'os' (also, 'run' is a synonym for 'os').


  • [host]

    One or more host names.


  • {action=string}

    The label name for the bootaction. This must be one of: 'os', 'install', or 'run'.

    If no action is supplied, then only the configuration file for the list of hosts will be rewritten.


  • stack set host boot compute-0-0 action=os

    On the next boot, compute-0-0 will boot the profile based on its "run action". To see the node's "run action", execute: "rocks list host compute-0-0" and examine the value in the "RUNACTION" column.

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