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add storage partition

Anoop Rajendra edited this page May 15, 2017 · 1 revision

add storage partition


stack add storage partition {scope} {options=string} [device=string] [mountpoint=string] [partid=string] [size=int] [type=string]


Add a partition configuration to the database.


  • [scope]

    Zero or one argument. The argument is the scope: a valid os (e.g., 'redhat'), a valid appliance (e.g., 'compute') or a valid host (e.g., 'compute-0-0). No argument means the scope is 'global'.


  • [options=string]

  • {device=string}

  • {mountpoint=string}

  • {partid=string}

  • {size=int}

  • {type=string}

    Type of partition E.g: ext4, ext3, xfs, raid, etc.


  • stack add storage partition compute-0-0 device=sda mountpoint=/var size=50 type=ext4

    Creates a ext4 partition on device sda with mountpoints /var.

  • stack add storage partition compute-0-2 device=sdc mountpoint=pv.01 size=0 type=lvm

    Creates a physical volume named pv.01 for lvm.

  • stack add storage partition compute-0-2 mountpoint=volgrp01 device=pv.01 pv.02 pv.03 size=32768 type=volgroup

    Creates a volume group from 3 physical volumes i.e. pv.01, pv.02, pv.03. All these 3 physical volumes need to be created with the previous example. PV's need to be space separated.

  • stack add storage partition compute-0-2 device=volgrp01 mountpoint=/banktools size=8192 type=xfs options=--name=banktools

    Created an xfs lvm partition of size 8192 on volgrp01. volgrp01 needs to be created with the previous example.

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