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The sixth version of the beloved Coding Bot

What is Coding-Bot-v6

Coding-Bot-v6 is a community bot designed to assist and support programmers within our coding community. It is the sixth version of our bot and offers advanced features and enhancements. The bot provides code-related help, suggestions, snippets, and fun.


Special Permissions Category Name (prefixes) Description Cooldown
(x uses/y seconds per [Member/User/Guild/Channel])
Owner Only Developer Sync None Sync all the slash commands globally {prefix}sync
Owner Only Developer load Load a Cog. None {prefix}load [cog]
Owner Only Developer unload Unload a Cog. None {prefix}unload [cog]
Owner Only Developer reload Reload a Cog. None {prefix}reload [cog]
Owner Only Developer loadall Load all Cog. None {prefix}loadall
Owner Only Developer unloadall Unload all Cog. None {prefix}unloadall
Owner Only Developer reloadall Reload all Cog. None {prefix}reloadall
Owner Only Developer getusermetric Get User Metrics. None {prefix}getusermetric <member>
None Fun trash Throw someone in the trash. None {prefix}trash <user>
None Fun number Gets a random number. None {prefix}number: will get a random number
{prefix}number [number]: will get the [number]
None Fun meme Gets a random meme. None {prefix}meme: will get a random meme
None Fun joke Gets a random joke. None {prefix}meme: will get a random joke
None Fun eightball Returns a random response. None {prefix}eightball [question]: will return a random response
None Fun token Generates a random token. None {prefix}token: will generate a token
None Fun binary Commands for binary None {prefix}binary
None Fun binary encode Encodes plaintext and return binary None {prefix}binary [text]: return encoded text
None Fun binary decode Decode binary text to plaintext None {prefix}binary [text]: return plaintext
None Fun reverse Reverse inputted string None {prefix}reverse [string]: returns string reversed
None Fun owofy Owofy inputted string None {prefix}owofy [text]: returns owofy text
None Fun mock Mockify inputted string None {prefix}mock [text]: returns mocked text
None Fun beerparty Start a beerparty 🍻!! None {prefix}beerparty [reason]: start a beer party
None General source (github, code) Get the source of this bot 1/1 [channel] {prefix}source will send link to my source code
{prefix}source [command] will send link to the source code of the command
{prefix}source [command] [subcommand]: will send link to the source code of the subcommand
None General define Gets deinitions from Urban Dictionary. 1/5 [channel] {prefix}define [word]: will send the definition of the word
None General avatar Commands for getting avatars. None {prefix}avatar: will send a list of available methods
None General avatar main Returns the main avatar of a user. None {prefix}avatar main <user>: will send the main avatar of the user
None General avatar display Returns the display avatar of a user. None {prefix}avatar display <user>: will send the display avatar of the user
Helpers Only Helper helper Help command for helpers to manage the help channels None {prefix}helper: will send a list of available commands
Helpers Only Helper helper warn Warns a member breaking rules in help channels None {prefix}helper <member> [reason]: will give the member a warning for x reason
Helpers Only Helper helper warnings Shows a list of help warnings for a member. None {prefix}helper warnings[<member]: will give a list of warnings of the member
Helpers Only Helper helper clearwarnings Clears a help warning from a member. None {prefix}helper clearwarning <member> [index]: will give the member a warning for x reason
Helpers Only Helper helper ban Ban a member from help channels None {prefix}helper <member> [reason]: will ban from help channels for x reason
Helpers Only Helper helper unban Unban a member from help channels None {prefix}helper <member>: will unban from help channels
Helpers Only Helper helper verify Help verify a member for help channels None {prefix}verify <member>: will verify a member for help channels if the member can't be verified
None Miscellaneous retry (re) Reinvoke a command None {prefix}retry: will retry a commandy by replying to a message
None Miscellaneous afk (afk-set, set-afk) Set your afk status 1/10 [Member] {prefix}afk [reason]: will set your afk status to [reason]
None Miscellaneous run Run code in a codeblock None {prefix}run [code]: will return the result of your code
None Miscellaneous thank Thank someone 1/10 [Member] {prefix}thank <member> [reason]: will thank for [reason]
Limited to some roles Miscellaneous thank show Show the thanks information of a user. None {prefix}thank show <user>: will show the thanks information of user
Limited to some roles Miscellaneous thank delete Delete a thank. None {prefix}thank delete [thank_id] : will delete the thank with the id [thank_id]
None Miscellaneous thank leaderboard (lb) Show the thanks leaderboard. None {prefix}thank leaderboard: will show the thanks leaderboard
None Miscellaneous trainee Sends the trainee help menu. None {prefix}trainee: will show the trainee help menu
None Miscellaneous trainee list Lists all the trainees in the server. 1/10 [Member] {prefix}list trainees: will list all the trainees in the server
None Miscellaneous spotify (sp) Shows the spotify status of a member. 5/60 [User] {prefix}spotify: will show your spotify status
{prefix}spotify <member>: will show the spotify status of
Trainee or Higher role Moderation kick Kicks a member from the server None {prefix}kick <member> [reason] : will kick for [reason]
Trainee or Higher role Moderation ban Bans a member from the server None {prefix}ban <member> [reason] : will ban for [reason]
Trainee or Higher role Moderation unban Unbans a member from the server None {prefix}unban <member> : will unban
Trainee or Higher role Moderation mute Timeouts a member from the server. None {prefix}mute <member> <duration> [reason] : will timeout for because [reason]
Trainee or Higher role Moderation unmute Unmutes/removes timeout of a member from the server. None {prefix}mute <member> [reason] : will remove timeout for because [reason]
Trainee or Higher role Moderation massban Mass bans multiple users from the server None {prefix}massban <user1> <user2> <user3> ... : will ban all users inputted
Trainee or Higher role Moderation warn Warn a member from the server None {prefix}warn <member> [reason] : will warn for [reason]
Trainee or Higher role Moderation Purge Purges a number of messages from the current channel None {prefix}purge [amount] : will delete [amount] message from current channel
Trainee or Higher role Moderation warnings Lists all warnings of a member None {prefix}warnings <member> : will show all warnings for
Trainee or Higher role Moderation clearwarnings Clears a certain warning of a member. If no index is provided, it will clear all warnings of a member. None {prefix}clearwarning <member> [index] : will clear a warning or all warnings for
Trainee or Higher role Moderation verify Verifies a member in the server None {prefix}verify <member> : will verify
Trainee or Higher role Moderation verify Verifies a member in the server None {prefix}verify <member> : will verify
None Moderation whois Give information about a member None {prefix}whois <member> : will give info about
Has permission (manage_messages) Moderation delete Delete a message. Either the message ID can be provided or user can reply to the message. None {prefix}delete [channel] [message] : will delete [message] from [channel]
Has permission (manage_messages) Moderation slowmode (sm) Sets the slowmode of a channel. None {prefix}slowmode [seconds] [channel] : will set slowmode to [seconds] in [channel]
Has permission (administrator) Moderation lockdown Lock down the server, requires administrator permissions. None {prefix}lockdown : will lockdown whole server (RAID ONLY)
None Moderation welcomer Welcome commands None {prefix}welcomer : will show welcomer commands
None Moderation welcomer enable Enable welcomer None {prefix}welcomer enable : will enable welcomer
None Moderation welcomer disable Disable welcomer None {prefix}welcomer disable : will disable welcomer
None Moderation welcomer redirect Change welcome channel None {prefix}welcomer redirect [channel] : will change welcomer channel to [channel]
Has permission (manage_messages) Moderation raid-mode Raid mode commands None {prefix}raid-mode : will show raid mode commands
Has permission (manage_messages) Moderation raid-mode enable Enable raid mode None {prefix}raid-mode enable : will enable raid mode
Has permission (manage_messages) Moderation raid-mode disable Disable raid mode None {prefix}raid-mode disable : will disable raid mode



Quick Start

git clone  #Clone the repository
cd coding-bot-v6                   #Go to the directory
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt   #Install required packages


  1. Rename .env.example to .env
  2. Replace the empty space with your token:

After installing all packages and configuring your bot, start your bot by running python


Coding Bot V6 is an open sourced discord bot, and we are looking more contributors to improve its code. Please check the wiki section reagarding to How to Contribute