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Releases: WPBuddy/largo


14 Jan 21:55
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New Features

  • Full navigation overhaul - menus have a new look, better proportions and interactions
    • Menu items collapse into More dropdown as browser resizes (#1061, #376)
    • New styles for mobile and tablet navigation (#732)
    • Sticky navigation fades as user scrolls down, reappears as they scroll up.
    • Add option for different brand name for use in Sticky Navigation (#1059)
    • Sticky navigation no longer overlaps WordPress Admin Bar for logged-in users (#808)
    • Settings moved to their own Navigation tab in Theme Options.
  • New social media buttons on single-column posts (#961)
  • Featured Images for Terms (#928)
  • Remove Sticky Footer from Posts (#974)
  • Add option to Largo Taxonomy List widget to display series thumbnails (#927)
  • New WordPress Filter in article-bottom Widget area (for Analytic Bridge plugin) (#971)


  • Largo development with Grunt (#1036 for #454)
  • Installing development dependencies using npm install (#1036 for #953)
  • New navigation documentation (#1041)
  • New filters for Load More Posts (#1028, #1043)
  • Add Featured Media to Terms (#1016)
  • PHP inline documentation for navigation partials and header (#603, #604, #605, #606, #607)

Bugs Fixed

  • Navigation shows on Pages, adopting the same settings as Posts (#1062)
  • Featured Posts on Category Archive Pages now receive proper post_class (#1052)
  • Load minified JavaScript for Load More Posts, respecting LARGO_DEBUG constant (#967)
  • Header search box style consistency (#937)
  • Fix display of text-only brand name/logo in sticky navigation on internal pages (#870)
  • Remove background color from hover state on sticky navigation logo, replace with transparency (#767)

Developer Notes / Potentially Breaking Changes

  • Largo Featured Posts, Largo Footer Featured Posts, and Largo Sidebar Featured Posts widgets will be replaced with the more-configurable Largo Recent Posts widget. (#987 for #982)
  • Files for the Largo Featured widgets will be removed in the next release of Largo. (#897)
  • Search view now uses partial chooser similar to Load More Posts (#1021 for #1023 and #1018)
  • Removes “emeritus” and “honorary” profile fields (#1050)
  • Removes Picturefill, which was unused. (#1049)


01 Dec 19:07
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New Features

  • Added backwards lookup to Largo_Related class (allows Largo Related widget to look at both newer and older posts when querying for related items) (#842)
  • Enhancements to the Largo Taxonomy List Widget, including the option to display thumbnails and headlines from the most-recent post in the taxonomy (#932)
  • Converted all links in Largo Follow widget to simple anchor tags, instead of using third-party widgets (#769)
  • Removed “Show read more link?” from Largo Recent Posts widget (#883)
  • Removed third-party social buttons from single-post template, for privacy and page speed (#943)
  • Make nav menus “display: inline” in one column footer (#850)
  • Improved styles for Largo Sidebar Featured widget (#800)
  • Improved styles for the optional social media buttons in the article header and in the Largo Follow widget in the Article Bottom widget area (#951 for #950)
  • Break out less/inc/widgets.less into per-widget less files (#882)
  • General improvements to widget styles (#942)
  • Thumbnails in many places gain a play icon overlay (#923 for #836)
  • Switches to INN logo with grey text (#879)
  • Adds new actions to the homepage: largo_before_sticky_posts, largo_after_sticky_posts, largo_after_homepage_bottom (#966 for #965)


  • Added inline documentation to several template partials (#892)
  • Fixed API documentation generation command in Gruntfile.js (#892)

Bug Fixes

  • Added missing “Save” button to Largo Author Bio widget options (#889)
  • Fix duplicate widget titles (#891)
  • Fix update notice displaying to users that do not have permission to run updates (#855)
  • Fix styling of Largo Tag List widget (#840)
  • Fix footer widget areas 2 and 3 showing in widget settings when using layout with only one available widget area (#853)
  • Properly set the default widgets for the “Article Bottom” widget area (#728)
  • Various fixes for bugs related to updating/migrating from pre-v0.4 Largo (#728)
  • Site logo in the sticky navigation no longer receives a background color when hovered upon (#979 for #767)
  • The Load More Posts button will use the correct partial for archive pages (#925 for #868)
  • Refactors the category page code to make it clearer when featured posts will be displayed (#875 for #869)
  • Fixes for Load More Posts and the ability to use more than one Load More Posts button on a page.
  • Fixes #878, a missing > introduced in Largo version 0.5.2.

Potentially-Breaking Changes

  • If your theme defines largo_load_more_posts_data, make sure that it properly defines is_home in the LMP AJAX request. (#925)
  • Largo now uses the .is-video tag for thumbnail images that are for featured videos. Check your theme for conflicting styles. (#923)


17 Aug 20:01
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Read the announcement blog post on INN's Nerds blog.

Bugfixes and enhancements

  • Featured Media editor enhancements (#832):
    • User can now set a thumbnail for embed and video Featured Media
    • Video Featured Media editor will attempt to pull a thumbnail from any available oEmbed provider if the user has not set their own thumbnail
    • Add "featured-media" and "featured-media-{type}" to story containers to allow for special treatment via CSS
  • Fix malformed "mailto:" links in docs (#824)
  • Adjust the INN logo and credit in site footer and remove "Member since" option for INN members (#761)
  • Add new footer layout options (#761):
    • 4-column asymmetrical layout, with three narrow columns and one wide column. THis is well suited for three custom menus and an image widget.
    • 1-column centered layout, well-suited for a minimalist navigation
  • Update TGM Plugin Activation class to 2.5.2
  • Remove use of border-radius throughout Largo, with the exception of some social media buttons (#777)
  • Add basic styles for Largo Sidebar Featured widget (#800)
  • Prevent homepage layouts from enqueueing assets on non-home pages (#830)
  • Fix formatting of update message (#801)
  • Remove margin-bottom on search form in sticky nav (#804)
  • Improve HTTPS support by removing "http" and "https" from LESS customizer output (#815)
  • Allow for filtering of "Load More Posts" arguments (#822)
  • Fix a bug where Largo outputs markup for bylines despite having no author data to render said markup with (#826)
  • Prevent Image widget image widths from stretching more than 100% the width of the container (#828)


16 Jul 20:23
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A hearty thanks to contributors:


  • Google Custom Search results are now displayed in the WordPress search results page instead of a popup. Use the “Results only” layout in GCSE for best results (PR #758 for Issue #730)
  • The WordPress Admin Bar now contains useful links for Largo (PR #751)
  • Plugin installation notices are hidden for users that cannot install Plugins (PR #740)
  • Author bios now include Email vCard metadata (PR #700, thanks to Ben Welsh)
  • Some Widgets font sizes have changed, for improved readability (PR #733, #755)
  • Social media icon colors updated to reflect latest brand colors (PR #750)
  • The ‘Donate’ link shows up in the sticky nav on smaller screen sizes, instead of being hidden


Developer-facing changes

Breaking Change: If you redefined largo_load_more_posts in your child theme, you will need to update it with code from this release, as the old logic will fail to load the correct posts.

  • The Load More Posts button can now be used multiple times on one page (PR #786 for #745)
  • The Load More Posts button text can be changed with the largo_next_posts_link filter. (1c12526)- The list of users in the Largo Staff widget is now filterable using largo_staff_widget_users. Example use in’s theme on lines 177-202 of functions.php. (PR #701)
  • largo_excerpt() no longer uses $use_more and $more_link arguments. These arguments have been deprecated, and will be ignored. (PR #759 and #765 for issues #52 and #764)
  • The footer, sidebar, and article-bottom widget areas, and the navigation are excluded from consideration in Google’s searches using the nocontent class. (PR #743 and #772 for issue #664)
  • The number of posts in the homepage template is now filterable (PR #744 and #776 for #742)
  • Theme update functions are now organized (PR #739)
  • When the update functions are run, new options will have the defaults set. (PR #734 for issue #727)
  • The tablet size check in largoCore.js is now for window widths less than or equal to 768px wide, instead of less than 768px wide. (PR #704)
  • The Series Landing Page permalink now uses an improved filter (PR #455, thanks to Chris Harmoney)
  • Various fixes related to sidebars for Series Landing Pages (PR #788 for issue #642)
  • The hero image partial has been enhanced with a filterable set of functions (PR #724, #737):
    • largo_hero: Prints the hero
    • largo_get_hero: Returns the hero
    • largo_featured_image_hero: One featured image
    • largo_featured_gallery_hero: A featured image gallery
    • largo_featured_embed_hero: An embedded video. Ex: YouTube or Vimeo
  • Travis now tests against WordPress 4.1.5 and 4.2.2 (fbe7b72) and uses sudo: false (0d8b89d for #738)


  • Miscellaneous typo fixes
  • Bugfix for staff avatars not displaying on the [roster] shortcode (PR #754)
  • The “Exit Clean Read” button is no longer hidden by the sticky navigation (PR #781 for #768)
  • Largo_Related once again looks both forwards and backwards in time for related posts in series, categories and tags (PR #789 for #782)
  • The Load More Posts button now works with the character in a search query (PR #673)


04 May 18:54
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  • LESS source maps are now included in unminified CSS (Issue #369, PR #646)
  • Refactored/updated slideshows (PR #643, Issue #371)
  • Refactored most recent widget display styles (#444)
  • Added LARGO_DEBUG constant to allow use of unminified and uncompressed development versions of all CSS and Javascript (#432)
    • For CSS, this includes sourcemaps.
  • Updated references to INN following INN’s rebranding (Issue #425, PR #428)
  • Clickable hero images for river view (Issue #457, PR #461)
  • Set default Single Column Layout (Issue #438)
  • Added custom taxonomies to menus (Issue #401, PR #640)


  • Largo Related Posts widget now requires less resources (Issue #671, PR #676)
  • Largo Footer is now aligned left
  • Load More Posts functions as expected on Category Pages (Issue #499, PR #636
  • Various fixes for the sticky nav (PR #460)
  • Various fixes for byline and authors (Issue #445, #446)
  • Fixes for the layout of single column story template (remove negative margins) (Issue #379, #290, PR #420)
  • Fix for Facebook® debugging (Issue #462)
  • Fix for Largo Author Widget on Series Landing Pages (Issue #452, PR #639)
  • Fix margins on images without alignment (Issue #443)
  • Fix for Top Story term, replace it with Homepage Top Story (Issue #414, PR #424)
  • Fix Homepage single w/series displays additional stories in list at the top right (Issue #408, PR #429)
  • Fix for Edit Featured Media to enable adding an image after deleting a gallery (Issue #392)
  • Fixes to Clean Contact(Issue #355, #370 PR #372 )



18 Mar 17:52
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  • Largo Recent Posts widget now has options to show byline and top term for posts
  • The featured image of the “Top Story” homepage templates now stretch to fill the frame (#383)
  • Improved print styles (#382)
  • Breakpoints for Doubleclick For Wordpress now included
  • largo_get_the_main_feature() can be passed a WP_Post object
  • Branding now uses Institute for Nonprofit News and ([#425])(#425)
  • Dates are displayed on single column article pages (#405)


  • INN_MEMBER constant is respected in child themes (#386)
  • Duplicate hero images should be removed from posts
  • largo_excerpt now works outside The Loop (#426)
  • Homepage Single Story With Series now displays the correct series
  • Changes to Load More Posts button (#394)
  • Largo Image widget no longer runs the widget_title filter twice
  • Largo Staff widget now uses the author posts URL instead of the author twitter URL.
  • Largo Series Posts widget styles now match other widgets (#384)
  • Homepage Single Story layout shows correct byline (#415)
  • Improvements to the options update functions introduced in 0.4
    • Sticky navigation now enabled by default if not previously set (#377)
    • “Top Story” prominence from 0.3 is now renamed to “Homepage Top Story” to prevent duplication



18 Mar 15:19
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This changes everything.

Here's an overview of what's changed and here's more documentation on