A New Way to Build and Collaborate on Data Apps
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Zero-True is a Python and SQL reactive computational notebook able to create beautiful and professional data-driven applications. Designed to foster collaboration and improve data accessibility, it offers a rich UI library and an intelligent code parser. Publish your apps with confidence and with ease.
- Integrated and Simple: Python and SQL reactive computational notebook all in one.
- Transparent Updates: No hidden state. Our reactive cell updates show you what your notebook looks like in real-time.
- Dynamic and Interactive: UI rendering with beautiful Vuetify components, with customizable layouts.
- Fast Prototyping: Create rich, reactive apps with one click.
- Open-Source: Join our community-driven project and contribute to Zero-True's future.
Make sure Python 3.8+ is installed. (Anaconda or virtual environment recommended)
Open a terminal and run:
# install the packages
pip install zero-true
# run your first notebook
zero-true notebook
Once the application is running, head to http://localhost:1326 to begin editing your notebook!
Open a new notebook and create a code cell with the following code:
import zero_true as zt
slider = zt.Slider(id="slider_1")
print(str(slider.value) + " squared is " + str(slider.value**2))
Now run the cell and open your app!
Zero-True comes with a variety of features designed to streamline your experience. Some examples include:
UI Components | Different Cell Types | Plotly Charts |
Check out our docs for more info!
From the command line, run:
# publish your notebook
zero-true publish [api-key] [user-name] [project-name] [project-source]
Note: Publishing is currently only open to a limited audience.
If you are interested in publishing your notebook at a URL in our public cloud, please fill out the email waiting list on our website.
- Connect with others at our discord.
- Star/Follow us on GitHub.
- Join the waitlist for our cloud.
- Share your work with us on Twitter/X.
- Check out our Linkedin.
We would love to see what you're able to build using Zero-True!