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Releases: archivesspace/archivesspace


11 Jul 17:23
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Release notes for v3.5.1

This patch release addresses three issues introduced in recent releases.

  • Undoes the inadvertent change of some URLs from http to https for EAD and some other exports.
  • Adds an option on EAD exports to include/not include URIs as a unitid.
  • Adds back support for proxy prefixes for the public interface.

Configurations and Migrations

This release includes one modification to the configuration defaults file:

-# alternate example:  AppConfig[:oai_ead_options] = { :include_daos => true, :use_numbered_c_tags => true }
+# Example: AppConfig[:oai_ead_options] = { :include_daos => true, :use_numbered_c_tags => true, :include_uris => false }

This release includes 0 new database migrations. The schema number for this release is UNCHANGED.

Other Considerations:

EAD export plugins or OAI harvests will need to take into account the additional option to include/exclude URIs as unitids

Community Contributions

Our thanks go out to these members of the community for their code contributions:

  • Brian Harrington: Replace https in XML namespaces with http

  • Andrew Morrison: plugin upon which the option to exclude URIs from EAD exports was based

Total community contributions accepted: 2

JIRA Tickets and Pull Requests Completed


14 Mar 15:31
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Release notes for v3.5.0

This release includes bug fixes and feature enhancements. For staff interface users, some of the most significant may be the ability to set column preferences for the Manage Top Containers area, reset passwords (when the feature is enabled by the system administrator), and a small redesign and bug fixes for reorder mode. For public interface users, this release includes some improvements to scrolling and performance of the Collection Organization section on resource records, which are the first in a group of usability improvements planned for future releases. Users will likely also welcome formatting changes made primarily to the public PDF to make the staff and public side PDFs more consistent with each other.

For developers and systems administrators, please note that while we are evaluating removing support for Java 8 in the near future, support for Java 8 will continue with 3.5.0. This release also includes a fix for handling changeovers to/from Daylight Saving Time.

Configurations and Migrations

This release includes several modifications to the configuration defaults file:

New configurations

+AppConfig[:db_pool_timeout] = 5 # number of seconds to wait before raising a PoolTimeout error

+# Set the font used to generate PDFs in the PUI
+AppConfig[:pui_pdf_font_files] = ["KurintoText-Rg.ttf",
+                                  "KurintoText-Bd.ttf",
+                                  "KurintoText-It.ttf",
+                                  "KurintoTextJP-Rg.ttf",
+                                  "KurintoTextJP-Bd.ttf",
+                                  "KurintoTextJP-It.ttf",
+                                  "KurintoTextKR-Rg.ttf",
+                                  "KurintoTextKR-Bd.ttf",
+                                  "KurintoTextKR-It.ttf",
+                                  "KurintoTextSC-Rg.ttf",
+                                  "KurintoTextSC-Bd.ttf",
+                                  "KurintoTextSC-It.ttf",
+                                  "NotoSerif-Regular.ttf",
+                                  "NotoSerif-Bold.ttf",
+                                  "NotoSerif-Italic.ttf"]
+AppConfig[:pui_pdf_font_name] = "Kurinto Text,Kurinto Text JP,Kurinto Text KR,Kurinto Text SC,Noto Serif"
+AppConfig[:pui_pdf_paragraph_line_height] = "125%"
+AppConfig[:pui_pdf_title_line_height] = "140%"

+# Password recovery - requires email configuration
+AppConfig[:allow_password_reset] = false

Renamed configurations for email (used for request and new password reset functionality)

-# AppConfig[:pui_email_delivery_method] = :sendmail
-# AppConfig[:pui_email_sendmail_settings] = {
-#AppConfig[:pui_email_perform_deliveries] = true
-#AppConfig[:pui_email_raise_delivery_errors] = true
-#AppConfig[:pui_email_delivery_method] = :smtp
-#AppConfig[:pui_email_smtp_settings] = {
-#AppConfig[:pui_email_perform_deliveries] = true
-#AppConfig[:pui_email_raise_delivery_errors] = true

renamed to

+AppConfig[:global_email_from_address] = ""
+# AppConfig[:email_delivery_method] = :sendmail
+# AppConfig[:email_sendmail_settings] = {
+#AppConfig[:email_perform_deliveries] = true
+#AppConfig[:email_raise_delivery_errors] = true
+#AppConfig[:email_delivery_method] = :smtp
+#AppConfig[:email_smtp_settings] = {
+#AppConfig[:email_perform_deliveries] = true
+#AppConfig[:email_raise_delivery_errors] = true

This release includes 3 new database migrations. The schema number for this release is 175.

Solr Schema

The Solr schema has changed. A rebuild and reindex of the Solr core will be required:

-<schema name="archivesspace" version="1.5">
+<schema name="archivesspace" version="1.6">
-    <field name="fullrecord" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="false" />
+    <field name="fullrecord" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="true" />
+    <field name="fullrecord_published" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="true" />
+    <copyField source="fullrecord_published" dest="fullrecord" />
-    <field name="notes" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false" />
+    <!-- why are notes stored? (public app gets them from json for display) probably to support highlighting a long time ago -->
+    <!-- -->
+    <field name="notes" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" />
+    <field name="notes_published" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" />
+    <copyField source="notes_published" dest="notes" />
+    <field name="linked_record_titles" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" />

Community Contributions

Our thanks go out to these members of the community for their code contributions:

Andrew Morrison

  • ANW-1341: Display user-friendly message when trying to delete an agent linked to a user
  • ANW-1800: Add a "find_by_id" API endpoint for top containers
  • Fix agents plugin support in staff interface
  • Do not set up PUI routes for handling slug-based URLs if use_human_readable_urls is false
  • Indexer efficiency improvements and fixes
  • Do not re-index records in private repositories unnecessarily
  • Add EAD export hooks to allow plugins to add extra information in child elements of origination and controlaccess

Joshua Shaw

  • Plugins can add to top of body in PUI
  • Plugin addition to PUI welcome

Garrett Armstrong

  • Fix mismatch between docker-compose & ./proxy/Dockerfile ARG

Mark Triggs

  • Adjust handling of UTC date conversion to avoid problems around DST

Sam Sciolla

  • Add variable substition to solrconfig.xml for indexConfig/lockType

Valerie Addonizio

  • Typo in en.yml

JIRA Tickets and Pull Requests Completed

Read more


19 Feb 17:22
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V3.5.0-RC1 Pre-release

Release notes for v3.5.0-RC1

This release candidate includes bug fixes and feature enhancements. For staff interface users, some of the most significant may be the ability to set column preferences for the Manage Top Containers area, reset passwords (when the feature is enabled by the system administrator), and a small redesign and bug fixes for reorder mode. For public interface users, this release includes some improvements to scrolling and performance of the Collection Organization section on resource records, which are the first in a group of usability improvements planned for future releases. Users will likely also welcome formatting changes made primarily to the public PDF to make the staff and public side PDFs more consistent with each other.

For developers and systems administrators, please note that while we are evaluating removing support for Java 8 in the near future, support for Java 8 will continue with 3.5.0.

Configurations and Migrations

This release includes several modifications to the configuration defaults file:

New configurations

+AppConfig[:db_pool_timeout] = 5 # number of seconds to wait before raising a PoolTimeout error

+# Set the font used to generate PDFs in the PUI
+AppConfig[:pui_pdf_font_file] = "NotoSerif-Regular.ttf"
+AppConfig[:pui_pdf_bold_font_file] = "NotoSerif-Bold.ttf"
+AppConfig[:pui_pdf_italic_font_file] = "NotoSerif-Italic.ttf"
+AppConfig[:pui_pdf_font_name] = "Noto Serif"

+# Password recovery - requires email configuration
+AppConfig[:allow_password_reset] = false

Renamed configurations for email (used for request and new password reset functionality)

-# AppConfig[:pui_email_delivery_method] = :sendmail
-# AppConfig[:pui_email_sendmail_settings] = {
-#AppConfig[:pui_email_perform_deliveries] = true
-#AppConfig[:pui_email_raise_delivery_errors] = true
-#AppConfig[:pui_email_delivery_method] = :smtp
-#AppConfig[:pui_email_smtp_settings] = {
-#AppConfig[:pui_email_perform_deliveries] = true
-#AppConfig[:pui_email_raise_delivery_errors] = true

renamed to

+AppConfig[:global_email_from_address] = ""
+# AppConfig[:email_delivery_method] = :sendmail
+# AppConfig[:email_sendmail_settings] = {
+#AppConfig[:email_perform_deliveries] = true
+#AppConfig[:email_raise_delivery_errors] = true
+#AppConfig[:email_delivery_method] = :smtp
+#AppConfig[:email_smtp_settings] = {
+#AppConfig[:email_perform_deliveries] = true
+#AppConfig[:email_raise_delivery_errors] = true

This release includes 3 new database migrations. The schema number for this release is 175.

Solr Schema

The Solr schema has changed. A rebuild and reindex of the Solr core will be required.

-<schema name="archivesspace" version="1.5">
+<schema name="archivesspace" version="1.6">
-    <field name="fullrecord" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="false" />
+    <field name="fullrecord" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="true" />
+    <field name="fullrecord_published" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="true" />
+    <copyField source="fullrecord_published" dest="fullrecord" />
-    <field name="notes" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false" />
+    <!-- why are notes stored? (public app gets them from json for display) probably to support highlighting a long time ago -->
+    <!-- -->
+    <field name="notes" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" />
+    <field name="notes_published" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" />
+    <copyField source="notes_published" dest="notes" />
+    <field name="linked_record_titles" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" />

Community Contributions

Our thanks go out to these members of the community for their code contributions:

Andrew Morrison

  • ANW-1341: Display user-friendly message when trying to delete an agent linked to a user
  • ANW-1800: Add a "find_by_id" API endpoint for top containers
  • Fix agents plugin support in staff interface
  • Do not set up PUI routes for handling slug-based URLs if use_human_readable_urls is false
  • Indexer efficiency improvements and fixes
  • Do not re-index records in private repositories unnecessarily
  • Add EAD export hooks to allow plugins to add extra information in child elements of origination and controlaccess

Joshua Shaw

  • Plugins can add to top of body in PUI
  • Plugin addition to PUI welcome

Garrett Armstrong

  • Fix mismatch between docker-compose & ./proxy/Dockerfile ARG

Mark Triggs

  • Adjust handling of UTC date conversion to avoid problems around DST

Sam Sciolla

  • Add variable substition to solrconfig.xml for indexConfig/lockType

Valerie Addonizio

  • Typo in en.yml

JIRA Tickets and Pull Requests Completed

Read more


24 Aug 18:14
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Release notes for v3.4.1

This release addresses several small issues introduced in v3.4.0. Because #3031 has security implications for people using the public interface, we recommend upgrading directly to 3.4.1.

Configurations and Migrations

This release includes no configuration file changes or new database migrations. The schema number for this release is unchanged from the previous release.

Community Contributions

Our thanks go out to these members of the community for their code contributions:

  • Peter Heiner:
    • Correct issue with migration 160 (#3023)

JIRA Tickets and Pull Requests Completed

  • PR: 3023 use correct field in migration
  • PR: 3024 - ANW-1777 Bulk import failing to assign container instance
  • PR: 3031 validate search params for from_year and to_year
  • PR: 3032 - ANW-1777 remediate by adding novel container types to enum when import

Total Pull Requests accepted: 4


24 May 18:42
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Release notes for v3.4.0

This release includes many bug fixes and feature enhancements. Of particular note are some enhancements related to creating digital objects and making it easier to identify digital content for and in the public interface. The most complex work relates to new functionality using the previously unused Make Representative button. Based on a community-authored specification, it is now possible to mark a particular file version on a digital object or digital object component for display on different types of records, including digital objects, digital object components, accessions, resources, and archival objects. Representative images also display in relevant browse and search result displays in the public and staff interface.

Other enhancements for digital objects include the option to set a preference to spawn description fields from the linked accession, resource or archival object record when creating digital object instances; a View Digital Material section added to the "pill" for resource records in the public interface when there is digital content within the resource; breadcrumbs that make the context for linked digital objects easier to see in result displays; and a more recognizable generic button for digital content when an image cannot be shown.

Enhancements not related to digital objects but still significant include work submitted by Hudson Molonglo that it did for Princeton University to add local access restriction fields to the spreadsheet importers and RDE, and including URIs in EAD exports; more attractive print displays for records, including accessions; a new CSV import for standalone subjects; internal note fields for top containers and container profiles; and the elimination of a bug that caused hover text for the help center to sometimes appear at inopportune times.

Configurations and Migrations

This release includes several modifications to the configuration defaults file:

-# By default, Solr backups will run at midnight.  See for
-# information about the schedule syntax.
-AppConfig[:solr_backup_schedule] = "0 0 * * *"
-# By default no backups. If enabling (by setting > 0) then you must also ensure
-# that AppConfig[:solr_index_directory] is set to the correct path
-AppConfig[:solr_backup_number_to_keep] = 0
-AppConfig[:solr_backup_directory] = proc { File.join(AppConfig[:data_directory], "solr_backups") }
-# DEPRECATED OAI Settings: Moved to database in ANW-674
-# NOTE: As of release 2.5.2, these settings should be set in the Staff User interface
-# To change these settings, select Manage OAI-PMH Settings from the System menu in the staff interface
-# These three settings are at the top of the page in the General Settings section
-# These settings will be removed from the config file completely when version 2.6.0 is released
-AppConfig[:oai_admin_email] = ''
-AppConfig[:oai_record_prefix] = 'oai:archivesspace'
-AppConfig[:oai_repository_name] = 'ArchivesSpace OAI Provider'
-# In addition to the sets based on level of description, you can define OAI Sets
-# based on repository codes and/or sponsors as follows
-# AppConfig[:oai_sets] = {
-#   'repository_set' => {
-#     :repo_codes => ['hello626'],
-#     :description => "A set of one or more repositories",
-#   },
-#   'sponsor_set' => {
-#     :sponsors => ['The_Sponsor'],
-#     :description => "A set of one or more sponsors",
-#   },
-# }
-# Set the path to the solr index for the external Solr instance.
-# This setting is used by the solr backups configuration but only
-# applies if the solr index directory is accessible to ArchivesSpace.
-AppConfig[:solr_index_directory] = File.join('', 'var', 'solr', 'data', 'archivesspace', 'data')
+# When 'true' restrict authentication attempts to only the source already set for the user
+AppConfig[:authentication_restricted_by_source] = false # default: allow any source
+# Allow mixed content in the title fields of resources, archival objects,
+# digital objects, digital object components, and accessions
+AppConfig[:allow_mixed_content_title_fields] = false
-# :container_management_extent_calculator globally defines the behavior of the exent calculator.
+# :container_management_extent_calculator globally defines the behavior of the extent calculator.
-AppConfig[:pui_branding_img] = 'archivesspace.small.png'
+AppConfig[:pui_branding_img] = 'ArchivesSpaceLogo.svg'
-AppConfig[:frontend_branding_img] = 'archivesspace/archivesspace.small.png'
+AppConfig[:frontend_branding_img] = 'archivesspace/ArchivesSpaceLogo.svg'
-# Turns on representative file version features - still in development
-AppConfig[:enable_representative_file_version] = false
+# Enables Language Selection in PUI
+AppConfig[:allow_pui_language_selection] = true
+# How repositories should be sorted in the PUI. Options are :display_string or :position
+AppConfig[:pui_repositories_sort] = :display_string

This release includes 8 new database migrations. The schema number for this release is 172.

API Deprecations

No additional API deprecations in this release candidate. For more information see the ArchivesSpace API documentation.

Solr Schema

The Solr schema has changed. A rebuild and reindex of the Solr core will be required:

+    <field name="title_ws" type="text_ws" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false" />
+    <copyField source="title" dest="title_ws" />
+    <field name="identifier_ws" type="text_ws" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false" />
+    <copyField source="identifier" dest="identifier_ws" />
+    <dynamicField name="*_int_sort" type="int" indexed="true" stored="false" multiValued="false" />
+        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" />

Other considerations (plugins etc.):

There are a number of small changes to the MARCXML importers and exporters based on requests made or reviewed by the Metadata Standards sub-team. If you have plugins that rely upon or modify the previous behavior you should check to make sure they work as expected.

The .yml files for reports have been consolidated. If you have translations related to reports you may need to replicate them in the new structure.

Community Contributions

Our thanks go out to these members of the community for their code contributions:

  • Andrew Morrison:

    • ANW-1607 additional changes (#2933)
    • Fix for inability to suppress controlled value list values if the enumeration has no relationships to records
    • Enable plug-ins to customize EAD3 export differently to EAD 2002
    • ANW-1584: fix for filters being dropped after first page of subject pages on PUI
    • Some small fixes to SUI permissions
  • Brian Harrington:

    • ANW-1502 Don't create 049 if it will be empty
  • Corey Schmidt:

    • API documentation updates
  • Dave Mayo:

    • Fixes ANW-1550 - replaces broken XMLCleaner with Nokogiri PushParser
  • James Bullen:

    • Enhancements to spreadsheet importer, RDE, and EAD exports
  • Jason Jordan:

    • ANW-1738: Don't show PUI generic icon when linked DO is unpublished (#2989)
  • Jonathan Green:

    • Update typo in config-defaults.rb
  • Joshua Shaw:

    • Feature - PUI View Hooks for Plugins
    • Add run_serialize_step hook to digital objects
  • Lora Woodford:

    • ANW-1557 MARCXML import add 852$j
    • ANW-1565 MARCXML import conditionally add 264$c
    • ANW-1566 MARCXML import add 555
    • ANW-1567 MARCXML import add 583
    • ANW-1568 MARCXML import add 584 (#2856)
  • Manny Rodriguez (contracted development paid for through membership funds):

    • ANW-339, ANW-300: display subjects list in PUI sorted by first term type, display agents related as subjects in related names section
    • ANW-440: import marc call numbers as record identifiers
    • ANW-956: Always display date label in PUI
    • ANW-1084: publish flags for revision statements respect user preferences
    • ANW-1257: improve invalid UTF-8 error message on spreadsheet import
    • ANW-1260: MARCXML import: update 300 processing for extents
    • ANW-1350: export bibliography notes in MARCXML to 581 tag
    • ANW-1408: map 111,611,711 $c to location for corp agents in bib marcxml imports
    • ANW-1414: include primary agent_record_identifier in MARC export subfield $0
    • ANW-1416: Use MARC country codes instead of ISO-3166 codes in marc exports
    • ANW-1471: adding context-sensitive help for metadata rights dec
    • ANW-1472: adding links to help documentation for classification record links
    • ANW-1488: display top_container internal note on show view and results page
    • ANW-1503: bugfix for identifier value not appearing in CSV download
    • ANW-1526: Fix for file version URIs not appearing when linked in file version and custom report where FV is linked
    • ANW-1542: adding option to import subjects in marc agents and lcnaf importers
    • ANW-1549: displays restricted status on container show page in PUI
    • ANW-1608: adding missing translation
    • ANW-1612: update translations
    • ANW-1648: Applied fix for table markup breaking PDF generation
    • ANW-1662: adding missing translation
  • Mark Triggs:

    • Enhancements to spreadsheet importer, RDE, and EAD exports
    • Ensure prefilled collection in "browse top containers" works with a URL prefix
    • ANW-1666 mixed content in titles (#2929)
    • Include a new "emph-italic" option to make italics easy to apply
  • Michael Glanznig:

    • Translations updates
  • Nick Butler:

    • Allow the light mode toggle to appear when creating new Agents
  • Payten Giles:

    • Enhancements to spreadsheet ...
Read more


28 Apr 16:06
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V3.4.0-RC1 Pre-release

Release notes for v3.4.0-RC1

This release candidate includes many bug fixes and feature enhancements. Of particular note are some enhancements related to creating digital objects and making it easier to identify digital content for and in the public interface. The most complex work relates to new functionality using the previously unused Make Representative button. Based on a community-authored specification, it is now possible to mark a particular file version on a digital object or digital object component for display on different types of records, including digital objects, digital object components, accessions, resources, and archival objects. Representative images also display in relevant browse and search result displays in the public and staff interface. Draft documentation for how to use this functionality is available for reference and comment.

Other enhancements for digital objects include the option to set a preference to spawn description fields from the linked accession, resource or archival object record when creating digital object instances; a View Digital Material section added to the "pill" for resource records in the public interface when there is digital content within the resource; breadcrumbs that make the context for linked digital objects easier to see in result displays; and a more recognizable generic button for digital content when an image cannot be shown.

Enhancements not related to digital objects but still significant include work submitted by Hudson Molonglo that it did for Princeton University to add local access restriction fields to the spreadsheet importers and RDE, and including URIs in EAD exports; more attractive print displays for records, including accessions; a new CSV import for standalone subjects; internal note fields for top containers and container profiles; and the elimination of a bug that caused hover text for the help center to sometimes appear at inopportune times.

Configurations and Migrations

This release candidate includes several modifications to the configuration defaults file:

-# By default, Solr backups will run at midnight.  See for
-# information about the schedule syntax.
-AppConfig[:solr_backup_schedule] = "0 0 * * *"
-# By default no backups. If enabling (by setting > 0) then you must also ensure
-# that AppConfig[:solr_index_directory] is set to the correct path
-AppConfig[:solr_backup_number_to_keep] = 0
-AppConfig[:solr_backup_directory] = proc { File.join(AppConfig[:data_directory], "solr_backups") }
-# DEPRECATED OAI Settings: Moved to database in ANW-674
-# NOTE: As of release 2.5.2, these settings should be set in the Staff User interface
-# To change these settings, select Manage OAI-PMH Settings from the System menu in the staff interface
-# These three settings are at the top of the page in the General Settings section
-# These settings will be removed from the config file completely when version 2.6.0 is released
-AppConfig[:oai_admin_email] = ''
-AppConfig[:oai_record_prefix] = 'oai:archivesspace'
-AppConfig[:oai_repository_name] = 'ArchivesSpace OAI Provider'
-# In addition to the sets based on level of description, you can define OAI Sets
-# based on repository codes and/or sponsors as follows
-# AppConfig[:oai_sets] = {
-#   'repository_set' => {
-#     :repo_codes => ['hello626'],
-#     :description => "A set of one or more repositories",
-#   },
-#   'sponsor_set' => {
-#     :sponsors => ['The_Sponsor'],
-#     :description => "A set of one or more sponsors",
-#   },
-# }
-# Set the path to the solr index for the external Solr instance.
-# This setting is used by the solr backups configuration but only
-# applies if the solr index directory is accessible to ArchivesSpace.
-AppConfig[:solr_index_directory] = File.join('', 'var', 'solr', 'data', 'archivesspace', 'data')
+# When 'true' restrict authentication attempts to only the source already set for the user
+AppConfig[:authentication_restricted_by_source] = false # default: allow any source
-# Turns on representative file version features - still in development
-AppConfig[:enable_representative_file_version] = false
+# Enables Language Selection in PUI
+AppConfig[:allow_pui_language_selection] = true
+# How repositories should be sorted in the PUI. Options are :display_string or :position
+AppConfig[:pui_repositories_sort] = :display_string

This release includes 8 new database migrations. The schema number for this release is 172.

API Deprecations

No additional API deprecations in this release candidate. For more information see the ArchivesSpace API documentation.

Other considerations (plugins etc.):

There are a number of small changes to the MARCXML importers and exporters based on requests made or reviewed by the Metadata Standards sub-team. If you have plugins that rely upon or modify the previous behavior you should check to make sure they work as expected.

The .yml files for reports have been consolidated. If you have translations related to reports you may need to replicate them in the new structure.

Community Contributions

Our thanks go out to these members of the community for their code contributions:

  • Andrew Morrison:

    • Fix for inability to suppress controlled value list values if the enumeration has no relationships to records
    • Enable plug-ins to customize EAD3 export differently to EAD 2002
    • ANW-1584: fix for filters being dropped after first page of subject pages on PUI
    • Some small fixes to SUI permissions
  • Brian Harrington:

    • ANW-1502 Don't create 049 if it will be empty
  • Dave Mayo:

    • ANW-1550 - replaces broken XMLCleaner with Nokogiri PushParser
  • James Bullen:

    • Enhancements to spreadsheet importer, RDE, and EAD exports
  • Jason Jordan

    • ANW-1738: respect digital object publish flag when selecting a representative digital object for an archival object
  • Joshua Shaw:

    • Feature - PUI View Hooks for Plugins
    • Add run_serialize_step hook to digital objects
  • Lora Woodford:

    • ANW-1557 MARCXML import add 852$j
    • ANW-1565 MARCXML import conditionally add 264$c
    • ANW-1566 MARCXML import add 555
    • ANW-1567 MARCXML import add 583
  • Manny Rodriguez (contracted development paid for through membership funds):

    • ANW-339, ANW-300: display subjects list in PUI sorted by first term type, display agents related as subjects in related names section
    • ANW-440: import marc call numbers as record identifiers
    • ANW-956: Always display date label in PUI
    • ANW-1084: publish flags for revision statements respect user preferences
    • ANW-1257: improve invalid UTF-8 error message on spreadsheet import
    • ANW-1260: MARCXML import: update 300 processing for extents
    • ANW-1350: export bibliography notes in MARCXML to 581 tag
    • ANW-1408: map 111,611,711 $c to location for corp agents in bib marcxml imports
    • ANW-1414: include primary agent_record_identifier in MARC export subfield $0
    • ANW-1416: Use MARC country codes instead of ISO-3166 codes in marc exports
    • ANW-1471: adding context-sensitive help for metadata rights dec
    • ANW-1472: adding links to help documentation for classification record links
    • ANW-1488: display top_container internal note on show view and results page
    • ANW-1503: bugfix for identifier value not appearing in CSV download
    • ANW-1526: Fix for file version URIs not appearing when linked in file version and custom report where FV is linked
    • ANW-1542: adding option to import subjects in marc agents and lcnaf importers
    • ANW-1549: displays restricted status on container show page in PUI
    • ANW-1608: adding missing translation
    • ANW-1612: update translations
    • ANW-1648: Applied fix for table markup breaking PDF generation
    • ANW-1662: adding missing translation
  • Mark Triggs:

    • Ensure prefilled collection in "browse top containers" works with a URL prefix
    • Include a new "emph-italic" option to make italics easy to apply
  • Nick Butler:

    • Allow the light mode toggle to appear when creating new Agents
  • Michael Glanznig:

    • Translations updates

Total community contributions accepted: 85

JIRA Tickets and Pull Requests Completed

  • PR 2989 - ANW-1738: respect digital object publish flag when selecting a representative digital object for an archival object
  • PR: 2986 - ANW-1735: ANW-1735: Undo the removal of generic icons from PUI Resource and Archival Object pages
  • PR: 2985 - ANW-1719: ANW-1719: Allow file version file_uri to start with 'http' or 'data:'
  • PR: 2983 - ANW-1722: ANW-1722 Add PUI additional file version display logic
  • PR: 2976 - ANW-1719: ANW-1719: Remove PUI file_uri 'http' rule for showing icon
  • PR: 2982 - ANW-1721: ANW-1721: Add link_uri to representative_file_version based on proceeding file version
  • PR: [2978](
Read more


04 Oct 17:57
Choose a tag to compare

This patch release fixes a bug when using default values that was introduced by 3.3.0 and adds some missing labels. People who haven't already upgraded to 3.3.0 should go directly to this release when they are ready to upgrade, and we recommend upgrading to 3.3.1 if you have already upgraded to 3.3.0 and use or plan to use default values for record creation.

See the 3.3.0 release notes for the full listing of new functionality and fixes in the 3.3 releases.

JIRA Tickets and Pull Requests Completed


07 Sep 19:40
Choose a tag to compare

Note: Due to a bug found in default values that was introduced in v3.3.0, people who haven't previously upgraded should go directly to v3.3.1 when they decide to upgrade.

Release notes for 3.3.0

This release includes many small bug fixes and feature enhancements. Of particular note are some enhancements to spawning from accessions and an option for logged in users to change their own passwords. As part of the spawning improvements, the plugin Hudson Molonglo developed for The New School Archives and Special Collections to link accessions to archival objects has been incorporated into the core code of ArchivesSpace.

Configurations and Migrations

This release includes several modifications to the configuration defaults file:

-# The ArchivesSpace Solr index listens on port 8090 by default.  You can
-# set it to something else below.
+# The ArchivesSpace Solr index url default.  You can set it to something else below.
-AppConfig[:solr_backup_number_to_keep] = 1
+# By default no backups. If enabling (by setting > 0) then you must also ensure
+# that AppConfig[:solr_index_directory] is set to the correct path
+AppConfig[:solr_backup_number_to_keep] = 0
-AppConfig[:solr_index_directory] = proc { File.join(AppConfig[:data_directory], "solr_index") }
-AppConfig[:solr_home_directory] = proc { File.join(AppConfig[:data_directory], "solr_home") }
+# Set the path to the solr index for the external Solr instance.
+# This setting is used by the solr backups configuration but only
+# applies if the solr index directory is accessible to ArchivesSpace.
+AppConfig[:solr_index_directory] = File.join('', 'var', 'solr', 'data', 'archivesspace', 'data')

+AppConfig[:max_boolean_queries] = 1024 # ArchivesSpace Solr default
+# record types resolved for record inheritance
+AppConfig[:record_inheritance_resolves] = [
+  'ancestors',
+  'ancestors::linked_agents',
+  'ancestors::subjects',
+  # 'ancestors::instances::sub_container::top_container',
+AppConfig[:frontend_branding_img] = 'archivesspace/archivesspace.small.png'
+AppConfig[:frontend_branding_img_alt_text] = 'ArchivesSpace - a community served by Lyrasis.'
+# Whether to expand all additional information blocks at the bottom of record pages by default. `true` expands all blocks, `false` collapses all blocks.
+AppConfig[:pui_expand_all] = true
+AppConfig[:pui_display_facets_alpha] = false
+# Resolving linked events can have a big impact on performance. If the number of linked
+# events surpasses the max then the events will not be resolved and a more abridged
+# record will be displayed to keep memory usage under control as the no. of events grows
+AppConfig[:max_linked_events_to_resolve] = 100

+# Prior to 3.2.0, multiple ARKs may have been created without
+# the user intending to do so. Setting this to true will make
+# database upgrade 158 attempt to clean up unwanted extra ARKs.
+# When multiple rows in the ARK table reference the same resource
+# or archival object, the first one created will be kept
+# and the rest discarded.
+# Use with caution and test thoroughly.
+AppConfig[:prune_ark_name_table] = false

+# If the PUI is enabled, add resource finding aid URLs to MARC exports
+AppConfig[:include_pui_finding_aid_urls_in_marc_exports] = false
+# If enabled, use slugs instead of URIs in finding aid links (856 $u)
+AppConfig[:use_slug_finding_aid_urls_in_marc_exports] = false
+# Turns on representative file version features - still in development
+AppConfig[:enable_representative_file_version] = false

This release includes 5 new database migrations. The schema number for this release is 164.

Other Considerations:

As part of the spawning improvements, the functionality of the plugin Hudson Molonglo developed for The New School Archives and Special Collections to link accessions to archival objects has been incorporated into the core code of ArchivesSpace.

Community Contributions

Our thanks go out to these members of the community for their code contributions:

  • Andrew Morrison:

    • Hide 'View Published' for published records in unpublished repositories
    • Fix inaccurate API endpoint description
    • Fix sorting of records with titles containing non-ASCII characters
    • Do not set up PUI route for handling ARK URLs if arks_enabled is false
    • Fix for PDF failure when predefined XML entities are unescaped
  • Brian Zelip:

    • ANW-616: Add a spawn component feature to accession record toolbar
    • ANW-730: Add PUI expand/collapse all config option
    • ANW-1493: Representative File Version: Backend Rules
    • ANW-1506: Display representative file version in PUI
    • ANW-1548: Unexpected digital object bulk import requirement of DO uri or thumbnail
    • Upgrade ESLint and Stylelint major versions
    • Patch npm dependency vulnerability
  • Corey Schmidt:

    • Update id_lookup_controller.rb API Examples
    • Update various api endpoints documentation
    • Add examples to archival_objects.rb
  • Don Richards:

    • ANW-1193: Show the type of import on the Import Job page
    • ANW-1382: MARCXML authority import fails when an 024 (other standard identifier) does not have a $a even though this can be valid
  • Greg Wiedeman:

    • API login request with expiring=false now returns feedback
  • Jacob Shelby:

    • Add API shell examples for agents publish and get enumeration by name
  • James Bullen:

    • Fix git version fail when head is detached
  • Jason Jordan:

    • ANW-1473: jruby letsencrypt rebase
  • Joshua Shaw:

    • Correct visibility for Delete button on Assessment View
  • Lora Woodford:

    • ANW-918: ns2 Namespace Remover background job
    • Note persistent id issue
  • Manny Rodriguez:

    • ANW-164: Add "create" option to linker in "update container profiles" option
    • ANW-340: Add support for sorting facets in alpha order
    • ANW-445: Add feature to allow bulk update for indicators
    • ANW-534: Add support for users to update their own accounts
    • ANW-699: Move 'add item' button to bottom for defined lists
    • ANW-857: Add a config.rb option for header logo and alt-text in frontend
    • ANW-1071: Include PUI link in MARC export when PUI is enabled
    • ANW-1095: Display all creators in public interface
    • ANW-1148: Bugfix for not being able to set an enumeration default
    • ANW-1162: Remove field prefix in MARCXML import
    • ANW-1165: Allow suppressed enum values to be deleted in one step
    • ANW-1168: Strip out quotes from the confirmation when deleting a repo
    • ANW-1182: Bugfix for 500 error thrown in date calculator
    • ANW-1201: Bugfix for UTF-8 chars in slugs breaking the PUI
    • ANW-1242: bugfix for lost formatting when expanding notes in PUI
    • ANW-1244: Bugfix for extent calculator adding result to wrong subrecord
    • ANW-1268: Bugfix for invalid EAD created when top_container.type left blank
    • ANW-1276: Bugfix for include_unpublished flag not passed to EAD agent export
    • ANW-1342: Add default value for extent type in deaccession show page
    • ANW-1360: Add URI to list of fields that can be displayed in search/browse
    • ANW-1374: Fix menu display for phone and tablet screen sizes
    • ANW-1393: Update source/rules/authority id columns in agents browse/search to reflect the changes in the agents module
    • ANW-1396: Update copy for preferences menu and page for clarity
    • ANW-1422: Display full record ID in PUI breadcrumb
    • ANW-1430: Change shortcut key from space to control for infinite scroll library
    • ANW-1434: Add sidebar links for events and linked via rights statement to events show
    • ANW-1478: Prevent create custom template button for showing unless permissions
    • ANW-1483: Correct maintenance states strings in EAC-CPF export
    • ANW-1487: Bugfix for translation missing error
    • ANW-1494: List custom report templates alphabetically in the reports area
    • ANW-1498: Change UI so make representative is disabled unless publish is checked
    • ANW-1519: Bugfix for non-repo records not linking properly when imported
  • Mark Triggs:

    • Print more diagnostic information on a DB connection failure
  • Michael Glanznig:

    • German Translations update from Hosted Weblate
    • Miscellaneous i18n updates & fixes
    • add proper i18n for titles of new records
    • add i18n to frontend and public interface footers

Total community contributions accepted: 126

JIRA Tickets and Pull Requests Completed

  • PR: 2765: make sure not to accidentally set resource as a parent
  • PR: 2763 - ANW-1585: ANW-1585 add text to spawned record message
  • PR: 2761: ensure datasource url is complete and better handle insertions to a resource that has no children
  • PR: 2740: Translations update from Hosted Weblate
  • PR: 2755: revise tree position selection when spawning component
  • PR: 2721: Fix public / staff app url link in footer for dev
  • PR: 2708 - ANW-1134: ANW-1134: Avoid resolving top_containers where it's unnecessary
  • PR: 2741: Translations update from Hosted Weblate
  • PR: 2742: Tran...
Read more


29 Aug 19:30
Choose a tag to compare
V3.3.0-RC2 Pre-release

Fixes a bug in migration 160.


15 Aug 17:58
Choose a tag to compare
V3.3.0-RC1 Pre-release

Release notes for 3.3.0-RC1

This release candidate includes many small bug fixes and feature enhancements. Of particular note are some enhancements to spawning from accessions and an option for logged in users to change their own passwords. As part of the spawning improvements, the plugin Hudson Molonglo developed for The New School Archives and Special Collections to link accessions to archival objects has been incorporated into the core code of ArchivesSpace.

Configurations and Migrations

This release includes several modifications to the configuration defaults file:

-# The ArchivesSpace Solr index listens on port 8090 by default.  You can
-# set it to something else below.
+# The ArchivesSpace Solr index url default.  You can set it to something else below.
-AppConfig[:solr_backup_number_to_keep] = 1
+# By default no backups. If enabling (by setting > 0) then you must also ensure
+# that AppConfig[:solr_index_directory] is set to the correct path
+AppConfig[:solr_backup_number_to_keep] = 0
-AppConfig[:solr_index_directory] = proc { File.join(AppConfig[:data_directory], "solr_index") }
-AppConfig[:solr_home_directory] = proc { File.join(AppConfig[:data_directory], "solr_home") }
+# Set the path to the solr index for the external Solr instance.
+# This setting is used by the solr backups configuration but only
+# applies if the solr index directory is accessible to ArchivesSpace.
+AppConfig[:solr_index_directory] = File.join('', 'var', 'solr', 'data', 'archivesspace', 'data')
+AppConfig[:max_boolean_queries] = 1024 # ArchivesSpace Solr default
+# record types resolved for record inheritance
+AppConfig[:record_inheritance_resolves] = [
+  'ancestors',
+  'ancestors::linked_agents',
+  'ancestors::subjects',
+  # 'ancestors::instances::sub_container::top_container',
+AppConfig[:frontend_branding_img] = 'archivesspace/archivesspace.small.png'
+AppConfig[:frontend_branding_img_alt_text] = 'ArchivesSpace - a community served by Lyrasis.'
+# Whether to expand all additional information blocks at the bottom of record pages by default. `true` expands all blocks, `false` collapses all blocks.
+AppConfig[:pui_expand_all] = true
+AppConfig[:pui_display_facets_alpha] = false
+# Resolving linked events can have a big impact on performance. If the number of linked
+# events surpasses the max then the events will not be resolved and a more abridged
+# record will be displayed to keep memory usage under control as the no. of events grows
+AppConfig[:max_linked_events_to_resolve] = 100
+# Prior to 3.2.0, multiple ARKs may have been created without
+# the user intending to do so. Setting this to true will make
+# database upgrade 158 attempt to clean up unwanted extra ARKs.
+# When multiple rows in the ARK table reference the same resource
+# or archival object, the first one created will be kept
+# and the rest discarded.
+# Use with caution and test thoroughly.
+AppConfig[:prune_ark_name_table] = false
+# If the PUI is enabled, add resource finding aid URLs to MARC exports
+AppConfig[:include_pui_finding_aid_urls_in_marc_exports] = false
+# If enabled, use slugs instead of URIs in finding aid links (856 $u)
+AppConfig[:use_slug_finding_aid_urls_in_marc_exports] = false
+# Turns on representative file version features - still in development
+AppConfig[:enable_representative_file_version] = false

This release includes 5 new database migrations. The schema number for this release is 164.

Other Considerations:

As part of the spawning improvements, the functionality of the plugin Hudson Molonglo developed for The New School Archives and Special Collections to link accessions to archival objects has been incorporated into the core code of ArchivesSpace.

Community Contributions

Our thanks go out to these members of the community for their code contributions:

  • Andrew Morrison:

    • Hide 'View Published' for published records in unpublished repositories
    • Fix inaccurate API endpoint description
    • Fix sorting of records with titles containing non-ASCII characters
    • Do not set up PUI route for handling ARK URLs if arks_enabled is false
    • Fix for PDF failure when predefined XML entities are unescaped
  • Brian Zelip:

    • ANW-616: Add a spawn component feature to accession record toolbar
    • ANW-730: Add PUI expand/collapse all config option
    • ANW-1493: Representative File Version: Backend Rules
    • ANW-1506: Display representative file version in PUI
    • ANW-1548: Unexpected digital object bulk import requirement of DO uri or thumbnail
    • Upgrade ESLint and Stylelint major versions
    • Patch npm dependency vulnerability
  • Corey Schmidt:

    • Update id_lookup_controller.rb API Examples
    • Update various api endpoints documentation
    • Add examples to archival_objects.rb
  • Don Richards:

    • ANW-1193: Show the type of import on the Import Job page
    • ANW-1382: MARCXML authority import fails when an 024 (other standard identifier) does not have a $a even though this can be valid
  • Greg Wiedeman:

    • API login request with expiring=false now returns feedback
  • Jacob Shelby:

    • Add API shell examples for agents publish and get enumeration by name
  • James Bullen:

    • Fix git version fail when head is detached
  • Jason Jordan:

    • ANW-1473: jruby letsencrypt rebase
  • Joshua Shaw:

    • Correct visibility for Delete button on Assessment View
  • Lora Woodford:

    • ANW-918: ns2 Namespace Remover background job
    • Note persistent id issue
  • Manny Rodriguez:

    • ANW-164: Add "create" option to linker in "update container profiles" option
    • ANW-340: Add support for sorting facets in alpha order
    • ANW-445: Add feature to allow bulk update for indicators
    • ANW-534: Add support for users to update their own accounts
    • ANW-699: Move 'add item' button to bottom for defined lists
    • ANW-857: Add a config.rb option for header logo and alt-text in frontend
    • ANW-1071: Include PUI link in MARC export when PUI is enabled
    • ANW-1095: Display all creators in public interface
    • ANW-1148: Bugfix for not being able to set an enumeration default
    • ANW-1162: Remove field prefix in MARCXML import
    • ANW-1165: Allow suppressed enum values to be deleted in one step
    • ANW-1168: Strip out quotes from the confirmation when deleting a repo
    • ANW-1182: Bugfix for 500 error thrown in date calculator
    • ANW-1201: Bugfix for UTF-8 chars in slugs breaking the PUI
    • ANW-1242: bugfix for lost formatting when expanding notes in PUI
    • ANW-1244: Bugfix for extent calculator adding result to wrong subrecord
    • ANW-1268: Bugfix for invalid EAD created when top_container.type left blank
    • ANW-1276: Bugfix for include_unpublished flag not passed to EAD agent export
    • ANW-1342: Add default value for extent type in deaccession show page
    • ANW-1360: Add URI to list of fields that can be displayed in search/browse
    • ANW-1374: Fix menu display for phone and tablet screen sizes
    • ANW-1393: Update source/rules/authority id columns in agents browse/search to reflect the changes in the agents module
    • ANW-1396: Update copy for preferences menu and page for clarity
    • ANW-1422: Display full record ID in PUI breadcrumb
    • ANW-1430: Change shortcut key from space to control for infinite scroll library
    • ANW-1434: Add sidebar links for events and linked via rights statement to events show
    • ANW-1478: Prevent create custom template button for showing unless permissions
    • ANW-1483: Correct maintenance states strings in EAC-CPF export
    • ANW-1487: Bugfix for translation missing error
    • ANW-1494: List custom report templates alphabetically in the reports area
    • ANW-1498: Change UI so make representative is disabled unless publish is checked
    • ANW-1519: Bugfix for non-repo records not linking properly when imported
  • Mark Triggs:

    • Print more diagnostic information on a DB connection failure
  • Michael Glanznig:

    • German Translations update from Hosted Weblate
    • Miscellaneous i18n updates & fixes
    • add proper i18n for titles of new records
    • add i18n to frontend and public interface footers

Total community contributions accepted: 126

JIRA Tickets and Pull Requests Completed

  • PR: 2765: make sure not to accidentally set resource as a parent
  • PR: 2763 - ANW-1585: ANW-1585 add text to spawned record message
  • PR: 2761: ensure datasource url is complete and better handle insertions to a resource that has no children
  • PR: 2740: Translations update from Hosted Weblate
  • PR: 2755: revise tree position selection when spawning component
  • PR: 2721: Fix public / staff app url link in footer for dev
  • PR: 2708 - ANW-1134: ANW-1134: Avoid resolving top_containers where it's unnecessary
  • PR: 2741: Translations update from Hosted Weblate
  • PR: 2742: Translations update from Hosted Weblate
  • PR: 2739: Translations update from Hosted Weblate
  • PR: 2749 - ANW-1494: ANW-149...
Read more