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Releases: ava-labs/avalanchego

Cortina.1 - DAG Engine Removal

29 Apr 03:39
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged. The supported plugin version is 26.


  • Enabled avm.getBlockByHeight to take in height as a string
  • Added IDs to json formats
    • platform.getTx now includes id in the tx response
    • platform.getBlock now includes id in the block response and in the internal tx fields
    • avm.getTx now includes id in the tx response
    • avm.getBlock now includes id in the block response and in the internal tx fields
    • avm.getBlockByHeight now includes id in the block response and in the internal tx fields
  • Removed avm.issueStopVertex
  • Fixed wallet methods to correctly allow issuance of dependent transactions after the X-chain linearization
  • Added validatorOnly flag in platform.getStake
  • Removed all avalanche consensus metrics
  • Fixed msgHandlingTime metrics


  • Removed --snow-avalanche-num-parents
  • Removed --snow-avalanche-batch-size


  • Fixed panic when restarting partially completed X-chain snowman bootstrapping
  • Fixed --network-allow-private-ips handling to correctly prevent outbound connections to private IP ranges
  • Fixed UniformSampler to support sampling numbers between MaxInt64 and MaxUint64
  • Fixed data race in txID access during transaction gossip in the AVM

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.10.0...v1.10.1

Cortina - X-Chain Linearization

12 Apr 00:07
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This upgrade linearizes the X-chain, introduces delegation batching to the P-chain, and increases the maximum block size on the C-chain.

The changes in the upgrade go into effect at 11 AM ET, April 25th 2023 on Mainnet.

All Mainnet nodes should upgrade before 11 AM ET, April 25th 2023.

The supported plugin version is 25.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.9.16...v1.10.0

Cortina - DAG Linearization - Fuji Pre-Release

04 Apr 00:25
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Please note that this release is unable to run mainnet - and will display "mainnet is not supported" if attempted to run with a mainnet configuration.

This upgrade linearizes the X-chain, introduces delegation batching to the P-chain, and increases the maximum block size on the C-chain.

The changes in the upgrade go into effect at 11 AM EDT, April 6th 2023 on the Fuji testnet. After Fuji is updated and verified, a mainnet compatible release will be published.

All Fuji nodes should upgrade before 11 AM EDT, April 6th 2023.

The supported plugin version is 25.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.9.16...v1.10.0-fuji


26 Mar 01:58
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.9.0. It is optional, but encouraged. The supported plugin version is 24.

  • Removed unnecessary repoll after rejecting vertices
  • Improved snowstorm lookup error handling
  • Removed rejected vertices from the Avalanche frontier more aggressively
  • Reduced default health check values for processing decisions


24 Mar 00:44
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.9.0. It is optional, but encouraged. The supported plugin version is 24.

  • Fixed x/merkledb.ChangeProof#getLargestKey to correctly handle no changes
  • Added test for avm/txs/executor.SemanticVerifier#verifyFxUsage with multiple valid fxs
  • Fixed CPU + bandwidth performance regression during vertex processing
  • Added example usage of the /ext/index/X/block API
  • Reduced the default value of --snow-optimal-processing from 50 to 10
  • Updated the year in the license header


23 Mar 01:16
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.9.0. It is optional, but encouraged. The supported plugin version is 24.

Banff.12 - Cortina Prep

21 Mar 21:46
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.9.0. It is optional, but encouraged. The supported plugin version is 24.


  • Removed linger setting on P2P connections
  • Improved error message when failing to calculate peer uptimes
  • Removed EngineType from P2P response messages
  • Added context cancellation during dynamic IP updates
  • Reduced the maximum P2P reconnect delay from 1 hour to 1 minute


  • Added support to switch from Avalanche consensus to Snowman consensus
  • Added support for routing consensus messages to either Avalanche or Snowman consensus on the same chain
  • Removed usage of deferred evaluation of the handler.Consensus in the Avalanche OnFinished callback
  • Dropped inbound Avalanche consensus messages after switching to Snowman consensus
  • Renamed the Avalanche VM metrics prefix from avalanche_{chainID}_vm_ to avalanche_{chainID}_vm_avalanche
  • Replaced consensus and decision dispatchers with block, tx, and vertex dispatchers
  • Removed Avalanche bootstrapping restarts during the switch to Snowman consensus


  • Added avm block execution manager
  • Added avm block builder
  • Refactored avm transaction syntactic verification
  • Refactored avm transaction semantic verification
  • Refactored avm transaction execution
  • Added avm mempool gossip
  • Removed block timer interface from avm mempool
  • Moved toEngine channel into the avm mempool
  • Added GetUTXOFromID to the avm state.Chain interface
  • Added unpopulated MerkleRoot to avm blocks
  • Added avm transaction based metrics
  • Replaced error strings with error interfaces in the avm mempool


  • Added logs when the local nodes stake amount changes
  • Moved platformvm message package into components
  • Replaced error strings with error interfaces in the platformvm mempool


  • Added ID method to warp.UnsignedMessage
  • Improved warp.Signature verification error descriptions


  • Improved merkledb locking to allow concurrent read access through trieViews
  • Fixed Banff transaction signing with ledger when using the wallet
  • Emitted github artifacts after successful builds
  • Added non-blocking bounded queue
  • Converted the x.Parser helper to be a block.Parser interface from a tx.Parser interface


  • Separated dockerhub image publishing from the kurtosis test workflow
  • Exported various errors to use in testing
  • Removed the vms/components/state package
  • Replaced ad-hoc linked hashmaps with the standard data-structure
  • Removed usr/local/lib/avalanche from deb packages
  • Standardized usage of constants.UnitTestID


  • Added P-chain RemoveSubnetValidatorTx example using the wallet
  • Added X-chain CreateAssetTx example using the wallet


  • Added support to specify HTTP server timeouts
    • --http-read-timeout
    • --http-read-header-timeout
    • --http-write-timeout
    • --http-idle-timeout


  • Added avm block APIs
    • avm.getBlock
    • avm.getBlockByHeight
    • avm.getHeight
  • Converted avm APIs to only surface accepted state
  • Deprecated all ipcs APIs
    • ipcs.publishBlockchain
    • ipcs.unpublishBlockchain
    • ipcs.getPublishedBlockchains
  • Deprecated all keystore APIs
    • keystore.createUser
    • keystore.deleteUser
    • keystore.listUsers
    • keystore.importUser
    • keystore.exportUser
  • Deprecated the avm/pubsub API endpoint
  • Deprecated various avm APIs
    • avm.getAddressTxs
    • avm.getBalance
    • avm.getAllBalances
    • avm.createAsset
    • avm.createFixedCapAsset
    • avm.createVariableCapAsset
    • avm.createNFTAsset
    • avm.createAddress
    • avm.listAddresses
    • avm.exportKey
    • avm.importKey
    • avm.sendNFT
    • avm.mintNFT
    • avm.import
    • avm.export
    • avm.send
    • avm.sendMultiple
  • Deprecated the avm/wallet API endpoint
    • wallet.issueTx
    • wallet.send
    • wallet.sendMultiple
  • Deprecated various platformvm APIs
    • platform.exportKey
    • platform.importKey
    • platform.getBalance
    • platform.createAddress
    • platform.listAddresses
    • platform.getSubnets
    • platform.addValidator
    • platform.addDelegator
    • platform.addSubnetValidator
    • platform.createSubnet
    • platform.exportAVAX
    • platform.importAVAX
    • platform.createBlockchain
    • platform.getBlockchains
    • platform.getStake
    • platform.getMaxStakeAmount
    • platform.getRewardUTXOs
  • Deprecated the stake field in the platform.getTotalStake response in favor of weight

Banff.11 - Plugin Registration Regression

04 Mar 02:40
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.9.0. It is optional, but encouraged. The supported plugin version is 24.


  • Removed error from logging.NoLog#Write
  • Added logging to the static VM factory usage
  • Fixed incorrect error being returned from subprocess.Bootstrap


  • Added ledger tx parsing support


  • Added explicit consistency guarantees when committing multiple merkledb.trieViews to disk at once
  • Removed reliance on premature root calculations for merkledb.trieView validity tracking
  • Updated x/merkledb/

Banff.10 - Warp UX Improvements

02 Mar 00:56
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.9.0. It is optional, but encouraged. The supported plugin version is 24.


  • Removed parent tracking from merkledb.trieView
  • Removed base caches from merkledb.trieView
  • Fixed error handling during merkledb intermediate node eviction
  • Replaced values larger than 32 bytes with a hash in the merkledb hash representation


  • Refactored avm API tx creation into a standalone Spender implementation
  • Migrated UTXO interfaces from the platformvm into the components for use in the avm
  • Refactored avm tx.SyntacticVerify to expect the config rather than the fee fields


  • Updated the minimum golang version to v1.19.6
  • Fixed rpcchainvm signal handling to only shutdown upon receipt of SIGTERM
  • Added warp.Signature#NumSigners for better cost tracking support
  • Added snow.Context#PublicKey to provide access to the local node's BLS public key inside the VM execution environment
  • Renamed Avalanche consensus metric prefix to avalanche_{chainID}_avalanche
  • Specified an explicit TCP Linger timeout of 15 seconds
  • Updated the secp256k1 library to v4.1.0


  • Removed support for the --whitelisted-subnets flag
  • Removed unnecessary abstractions from the app package
  • Removed Factory embedding from platformvm.VM and avm.VM
  • Removed validator package from the platformvm
  • Removed timer.TimeoutManager
  • Replaced snow.Context in Factory.New with logging.Logger
  • Renamed set.Bits#Len to BitLen and set.Bits#HammingWeight to Len to align with set.Bits64

Banff.9 - gRPC Plugin Protocol

21 Feb 20:44
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.9.0. It is optional, but encouraged. The supported plugin version is 23.

Note: The --whitelisted-subnets flag was deprecated in v1.9.6. This is the last release in which it will be supported. Use --track-subnets instead.


  • Added warning when the P2P server IP is private
  • Added warning when the HTTP server IP is potentially publicly reachable
  • Removed merkledb.trieView#calculateIDs tracing when no recalculation is needed


  • Capped the number of goroutines that merkledb.trieView#calculateIDsConcurrent will create
  • Removed nodb package
  • Refactored Batch implementations to share common code
  • Added Batch.Replay invariant tests
  • Converted to use require in all database interface tests


  • Moved the secp256k1 implementations to a new secp256k1 package out of the crypto package
  • Added rfc6979 compliance tests to the secp256k1 signing implementation
  • Removed unused cryptography implementations ed25519, rsa, and rsapss
  • Removed unnecessary cryptography interfaces crypto.Factory, crypto.RecoverableFactory, crypto.PublicKey, and crypto.PrivateKey
  • Added verification when parsing secp256k1 public keys to ensure usage of the compressed format


  • Removed delegators from platform.getCurrentValidators unless a single nodeID is requested
  • Added delegatorCount and delegatorWeight to the validators returned by platform.getCurrentValidators


  • Improved documentation on the block.WithVerifyContext interface
  • Fixed --public-ip and --public-ip-resolution-service CLI flag descriptions
  • Updated to explicitly reference


  • Enabled state sync by default when syncing from an empty database
  • Increased block gas limit to 15M for Cortina Network Upgrade
  • Added back file tracer endpoint
  • Added back JS tracer


  • Added allowedNodes to the subnet config for validatorOnly subnets
  • Removed the hashicorp/go-plugin dependency to improve plugin flexibility
  • Replaced specialized bag implementations with generic bag implementations
  • Added mempool package to the avm
  • Added chain.State#IsProcessing to simplify integration with block.WithVerifyContext
  • Added StateSyncMinVersion to sync.ClientConfig
  • Added validity checks for InitialStakeDuration in a custom network genesis
  • Removed unnecessary reflect call when marshalling an empty slice


  • Renamed teleporter package to warp
  • Replaced bool flags in P-chain state diffs with an enum
  • Refactored subnet configs to more closely align between the primary network and subnets
  • Simplified the utxo.Spender interface
  • Removed unused field common.Config#Validators