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Releases: ava-labs/avalanchego

Cortina.11 - ArchiveDB

22 Sep 22:07
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is unchanged at 28 and compatible with versions v1.10.9 - v1.10.10.


  • Prevented overzelous benching due to dropped AppRequests
  • Populated the process file atomically to avoid racy reads

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.10.10...v1.10.11

Cortina.10 - Pull Gossip

19 Sep 20:56
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is unchanged at 28 and compatible with version v1.10.9.


  • Added height to the output of platform.getCurrentSupply


  • Added proposerNumHistoricalBlocks to subnet configs


  • Fixed handling of SIGTERM signals in plugin processes prior to receiving a Shutdown message
  • Fixed range proof commitment of empty proofs

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.10.9...v1.10.10

Cortina.9 - Zstandard Compression

25 Aug 00:00
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is updated to 28 all plugins must update to be compatible.


  • Changed the default value of --network-compression-type from gzip to zstd


  • Marked corruptabledb as corrupted after encountering an error during iteration
  • Fixed proposervm error handling during startup

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.10.8...v1.10.9

Cortina.8 - Partial Sync

11 Aug 01:32
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is unchanged at 27 and compatible with versions v1.10.5 - v1.10.7.

This update changes the local network genesis. This version will not be able to join local networks with prior versions.

The first startup of the P-Chain will perform indexing operations. This indexing runs in the background and does not impact restart time. During this indexing the node will report increased CPU, memory, and disk usage.


  • Added platform.getBlockByHeight


  • Added --partial-sync-primary-network flag to enable non-validators to optionally sync only the P-chain on the primary network
  • Added P-chain cache size configuration block-id-cache-size


  • Fixed P-chain GetValidatorSet regression for subnets
  • Changed x/sync range/change proof bounds from []byte to Maybe[[]byte]
  • Fixed x/sync error handling from failure to send app messages

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.10.7...v1.10.8

Cortina.7 - Validator Diff Indexing

02 Aug 19:48
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. This release contains meaningful performance improvements and we recommend updating as soon as possible.

The plugin version is unchanged at 27 and compatible with versions v1.10.5 - v1.10.6.


  • Modified platform.getValidatorsAt to also return BLS public keys


  • Changed the default value of --network-allow-private-ips to false when the --network-id is either fuji or mainnet
  • Added --process-context-file which defaults to [--data-dir]/process.json
  • Added P-chain cache size configurations
    • block-cache-size
    • tx-cache-size
    • transformed-subnet-tx-cache-size
    • reward-utxos-cache-size
    • chain-cache-size
    • chain-db-cache-size
  • Removed various long deprecated flags
    • --genesis use --genesis-file instead
    • --genesis-content use --genesis-file-content instead
    • --inbound-connection-throttling-cooldown use --network-inbound-connection-throttling-cooldown instead
    • --inbound-connection-throttling-max-conns-per-sec use --network-inbound-connection-throttling-max-conns-per-sec instead
    • --outbound-connection-throttling-rps use network-outbound-connection-throttling-rps instead
    • --outbound-connection-timeout use network-outbound-connection-timeout instead
    • --staking-enabled use sybil-protection-enabled instead
    • --staking-disabled-weight use sybil-protection-disabled-weight instead
    • --network-compression-enabled use --network-compression-type instead
    • --consensus-gossip-frequency use --consensus-accepted-frontier-gossip-frequency instead


  • Fixed C-chain tx tracer crashes
  • Fixed merkledb panic during state sync
  • Fixed merkledb state sync stale target tracking

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.10.5...v1.10.7

Cortina.6 - Validator Diff Indexing

03 Aug 17:14
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. This release contains meaningful performance improvements and we recommend updating as soon as possible.

The plugin version is unchanged at 27 and compatible with version v1.10.5.


  • Modified platform.getValidatorsAt to also return BLS public keys


  • Changed the default value of --network-allow-private-ips to false when the --network-id is either fuji or mainnet
  • Added P-chain cache size configurations
    • block-cache-size
    • tx-cache-size
    • transformed-subnet-tx-cache-size
    • reward-utxos-cache-size
    • chain-cache-size
    • chain-db-cache-size
  • Removed various long deprecated flags
    • --genesis use --genesis-file instead
    • --genesis-content use --genesis-file-content instead
    • --inbound-connection-throttling-cooldown use --network-inbound-connection-throttling-cooldown instead
    • --inbound-connection-throttling-max-conns-per-sec use --network-inbound-connection-throttling-max-conns-per-sec instead
    • --outbound-connection-throttling-rps use network-outbound-connection-throttling-rps instead
    • --outbound-connection-timeout use network-outbound-connection-timeout instead
    • --staking-enabled use sybil-protection-enabled instead
    • --staking-disabled-weight use sybil-protection-disabled-weight instead
    • --network-compression-enabled use --network-compression-type instead
    • --consensus-gossip-frequency use --consensus-accepted-frontier-gossip-frequency instead


  • Fixed C-chain tx tracer crashes
  • Fixed merkledb panic during state sync
  • Fixed merkledb state sync stale target tracking

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.10.5...v1.10.6

Cortina.5 - X-Chain Height Indexing

19 Jul 22:42
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is updated to 27, all plugins must update to be compatible.

The first startup of the X-Chain will perform an indexing operation. This indexing runs in the background and does not impact restart time.


  • Added avalanche_network_clock_skew_sum metric
  • Added avalanche_network_clock_skew_count metric


  • Added --tracing-headers to allow specifying headers to the tracing indexer


  • Fixed API handler crash for lookupState in prestate tracer
  • Fixed API handler crash for LOG edge cases in the callTracer

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.10.4...v1.10.5

Cortina.4 - X-Chain DB Cleanup

10 Jul 22:34
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is unchanged at 26 and compatible with versions v1.10.1 - v1.10.3.

The first startup of the X-Chain will perform a pruning operation. This pruning runs in the background and does not impact restart time.


  • Removed avalanche_X_vm_avalanche_metervm_pending_txs_count metric
  • Removed avalanche_X_vm_avalanche_metervm_pending_txs_sum metric
  • Removed avalanche_X_vm_avalanche_metervm_get_tx_count metric
  • Removed avalanche_X_vm_avalanche_metervm_get_tx_sum metric
  • Removed avalanche_X_vm_avalanche_metervm_get_tx_err_count metric
  • Removed avalanche_X_vm_avalanche_metervm_get_tx_err_sum metric


  • Added --staking-host to allow binding only on a specific address for staking
  • Added checksums-enabled to the X-chain and P-chain configs


  • Fixed proposervm preForkBlock.Status() response after the fork has occurred
  • Fixed C-chain logs collection error when no receipts occur in a block
  • Fixed merkledb's findNextKey when an empty end proof is provided
  • Fixed 0 length key issues with proof generation and verification
  • Fixed Docker execution on non-amd64 architectures

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.10.3...v1.10.4

Cortina.3 - Push Query Reduction

14 Jun 23:14
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged. The supported plugin version is 26.

Users must specify the --allowed-hosts-flag to receive inbound API traffic from non-local hosts.


  • Added health metrics based on tags
    • avalanche_health_checks_failing{tag="TAG"}
    • avalanche_liveness_checks_failing{tag="TAG"}
    • avalanche_readiness_checks_failing{tag="TAG"}
  • Removed P-chain VM percent connected metrics
    • avalanche_P_vm_percent_connected
    • avalanche_P_vm_percent_connected_subnet{subnetID="SUBNETID"}
  • Added percent connected metrics by chain
    • avalanche_{ChainID}_percent_connected
  • Removed avalanche_network_send_queue_portion_full metric


  • Added --http-allowed-hosts with a default value of localhost
  • Removed --snow-mixed-query-num-push-vdr
  • Removed --snow-mixed-query-num-push-non-vdr
  • Removed minPercentConnectedStakeHealthy from the subnet config


  • Fixed platformvm.GetValidatorSet returning incorrect BLS public keys
  • Fixed IPv6 literal binding with --http-host
  • Fixed P2P message log format

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.10.2...v1.10.3

Cortina.2 - Post-Linearization Cleanup

24 May 03:13
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged. The supported plugin version is 26.


  • Significantly improved the performance of platform.getStake
  • Added portion_filled metric for all metered caches
  • Added resource metrics by process
    • avalanche_system_resources_num_cpu_cycles
    • avalanche_system_resources_num_disk_read_bytes
    • avalanche_system_resources_num_disk_reads
    • avalanche_system_resources_num_disk_write_bytes
    • avalanche_system_resources_num_disk_writes


  • Deprecated --genesis in favor of --genesis-file
  • Deprecated --genesis-content in favor of --genesis-file-content
  • Deprecated --inbound-connection-throttling-cooldown in favor of --network-inbound-connection-throttling-cooldown
  • Deprecated --inbound-connection-throttling-max-conns-per-sec in favor of --network-inbound-connection-throttling-max-conns-per-sec
  • Deprecated --outbound-connection-throttling-rps in favor of --network-outbound-connection-throttling-rps
  • Deprecated --outbound-connection-timeout in favor of --network-outbound-connection-timeout
  • Deprecated --staking-enabled in favor of --sybil-protection-enabled
  • Deprecated --staking-disabled-weight in favor of --sybil-protection-disabled-weight
  • Deprecated --consensus-gossip-frequency in favor of --consensus-accepted-frontier-gossip-frequency


  • Fixed --network-compression-type to correctly honor the requested compression type, rather than always using gzip
  • Fixed CPU metrics on macos

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.10.1...v1.10.2