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Releases: ava-labs/avalanchego

Durango - C-Chain Warp Messaging

21 Feb 21:47
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This upgrade consists of the following Avalanche Community Proposals (ACPs):

  • ACP-23 P-Chain Native Transfers
  • ACP-24 Activate Shanghai EIPs on C-Chain
  • ACP-25 Virtual Machine Application Errors
  • ACP-30 Integrate Avalanche Warp Messaging into the EVM
  • ACP-31 Enable Subnet Ownership Transfer
  • ACP-41 Remove Pending Stakers
  • ACP-62 Disable AddValidatorTx and AddDelegatorTx

The changes in the upgrade go into effect at 11 AM ET (4 PM UTC) on Wednesday, March 6th, 2024 on Mainnet.

All Durango supporting Mainnet nodes should upgrade before 11 AM ET, March 6th 2024.

The plugin version is updated to 33 all plugins must update to be compatible.


  • Added platform.getSubnet API


  • Deprecated:
    • api-auth-required
    • api-auth-password
    • api-auth-password-file


  • Fixed potential deadlock during P-chain shutdown
  • Updated the consensus engine to recover from previously misconfigured subnets without requiring a restart

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.10.19...v1.11.0

Durango - C-Chain Warp Messaging - Fuji Pre-Release

01 Feb 23:05
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Please note that this release is unable to run mainnet - and will display "mainnet is not supported" if attempted to run with a mainnet configuration.

This upgrade consists of the following Avalanche Community Proposals (ACPs):

  • ACP-23 P-Chain Native Transfers
  • ACP-24 Activate Shanghai EIPs on C-Chain
  • ACP-25 Virtual Machine Application Errors
  • ACP-30 Integrate Avalanche Warp Messaging into the EVM
  • ACP-31 Enable Subnet Ownership Transfer
  • ACP-41 Remove Pending Stakers
  • ACP-62 Disable AddValidatorTx and AddDelegatorTx

The changes in the upgrade go into effect at 11 AM ET (4 PM UTC) on Tuesday, February 13th, 2024 on the Fuji testnet.

All Fuji nodes must upgrade before 11 AM ET, February 13th 2024.

The plugin version is updated to 32 all plugins must update to be compatible.


  • Deprecated:
    • api-auth-required
    • api-auth-password
    • api-auth-password-file


  • Fixed potential deadlock during P-chain shutdown
  • Updated the consensus engine to recover from previously misconfigured subnets without requiring a restart

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.10.19...v1.11.0-fuji

Cortina.19 - Options Before Verification

29 Jan 22:33
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is unchanged at 31 and is compatible with version v1.10.18.


  • Added admin.dbGet call to the admin API
  • Added bloom filter metrics:
    • bloom_filter_count
    • bloom_filter_entries
    • bloom_filter_hashes
    • bloom_filter_max_count
    • bloom_filter_reset_count
      to the following namespaces:
    • avalanche_X_vm_mempool
    • avalanche_P_vm_mempool
    • avalanche_C_vm_sdk_atomic_mempool
    • avalanche_C_vm_sdk_eth_mempool


  • Fixed race condition during validator set creation
  • Fixed C-chain mempool bloom filter recalculation

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.10.18...v1.10.19

Cortina.18 - Optimize Peer Discovery

18 Jan 20:01
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is updated to 31 all plugins must update to be compatible.


  • Added info.acps API
  • Added supportedACPs and objectedACPs for each peer returned by info.peers
  • Added txs field to BanffProposalBlock's json format
  • Added metrics:
    • avalanche_network_validator_ips
    • avalanche_network_gossipable_ips
    • avalanche_network_ip_bloom_count
    • avalanche_network_ip_bloom_entries
    • avalanche_network_ip_bloom_hashes
    • avalanche_network_ip_bloom_max_count
    • avalanche_network_ip_bloom_reset_count
  • Added metrics related to get_peer_list message handling
  • Added p2p SDK metrics to the P-chain and X-chain
  • Renamed metrics related to message handling:
    • version -> handshake
    • appRequestFailed -> appError
    • crossChainAppRequestFailed -> crossChainAppError
  • Removed gzip compression time metrics
  • Converted p2p SDK metrics to use vectors rather than independent metrics
  • Converted client name reported over the p2p network from avalanche to avalanchego


  • Added:
    • --acp-support
    • --acp-object
    • snow-commit-threshold
    • network-peer-list-pull-gossip-frequency
    • network-peer-list-bloom-reset-frequency
    • network to the X-chain and P-chain configs including:
      • max-validator-set-staleness
      • target-gossip-size
      • pull-gossip-poll-size
      • pull-gossip-frequency
      • pull-gossip-throttling-period
      • pull-gossip-throttling-limit
      • expected-bloom-filter-elements
      • expected-bloom-filter-false-positive-probability
      • max-bloom-filter-false-positive-probability
      • legacy-push-gossip-cache-size
  • Deprecated:
    • snow-virtuous-commit-threshold
    • snow-rogue-commit-threshold
    • network-peer-list-validator-gossip-size
    • network-peer-list-non-validator-gossip-size
    • network-peer-list-peers-gossip-size
    • network-peer-list-gossip-frequency
  • Removed:
    • gzip as an option for network-compression-type


  • Fixed platformvm.SetPreference to correctly reset the block building timer
  • Fixed early bootstrapping termination
  • Fixed duplicated transaction initialization in the X-chain and P-chain
  • Fixed IP gossip when using dynamically allocated staking ports
  • Updated dependency to fix downstream compilation errors
  • Updated dependency to address CVE-2023-48795
  • Updated minimum golang version to address CVE-2023-39326
  • Restricted GOPROXY during compilation to avoid direct version control fallbacks
  • Fixed merkledb deletion of the empty key
  • Fixed merkledb race condition when interacting with invalidated or closed trie views
  • Fixed json.Marshal for wallet transactions
  • Fixed duplicate outbound dialer for manually tracked nodes in the p2p network

What's Changed

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Cortina.17 - Optimized Block Gossip

02 Dec 01:02
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is unchanged at 30 and is compatible with versions v1.10.15-v1.10.16.


  • Added avalanche_{chainID}_blks_build_accept_latency metric
  • Added avalanche_{chainID}_blks_issued{source} metric with sources:
    • pull_gossip
    • push_gossip
    • put_gossip which is deprecated
    • built
    • unknown
  • Added avalanche_{chainID}_issuer_stake_sum metric
  • Added avalanche_{chainID}_issuer_stake_count metric


  • Added:
    • --consensus-frontier-poll-frequency
  • Removed:
    • --consensus-accepted-frontier-gossip-frequency
  • Deprecated:
    • --consensus-accepted-frontier-gossip-validator-size
    • --consensus-accepted-frontier-gossip-non-validator-size
    • --consensus-accepted-frontier-gossip-peer-size
      • Updated the default value to 1 to align with the change in default gossip frequency
    • --consensus-on-accept-gossip-validator-size
    • --consensus-on-accept-gossip-non-validator-size
    • --consensus-on-accept-gossip-peer-size


  • Fixed duplicated operation on provided value error when executing atomic operations after state syncing the C-chain
  • Removed usage of atomic trie after commitment
  • Fixed atomic trie root overwrite during state sync
  • Prevented closure of stdout and stderr when shutting down the logger

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.10.16...v1.10.17

Cortina.16 - Concurrent Trie Prefetching

23 Nov 01:30
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is unchanged at 30 and is compatible with version v1.10.15.


  • Added log level information to the result of admin.setLoggerLevel
  • Updated info.peers to return chain aliases for benched chains
  • Added support to sample validators of non-tracked subnets with platform.sampleValidators
  • Added avalanche_{chainID}_max_verified_height metric to track the highest verified block


  • Added --db-read-only to run the node without writing to disk.
    • This flag is only expected to be used during testing as it will cause memory use to increase over time
  • Removed --bootstrap-retry-enabled
  • Removed --bootstrap-retry-warn-frequency


  • Fixed packing of large block requests during C-chain state sync
  • Fixed order of updating acceptor tip and sending chain events to C-chain event subscribers

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.10.15...v1.10.16

Cortina.15 - PebbleDB

02 Nov 02:24
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is updated to 30 all plugins must update to be compatible.


  • Added pebble as an allowed option to --db-type


  • Fixed C-chain tracer API panic

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.10.14...v1.10.15

Cortina.14 - Validator Set Management Redesign

26 Oct 06:22
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is unchanged at 29 and is compatible with version v1.10.13.


  • Deprecated --api-ipcs-enabled
  • Deprecated --ipcs-chain-ids
  • Deprecated --ipcs-path
  • Deprecated --api-keystore-enabled


  • Fixed shutdown of timeout manager
  • Fixed racy access of the shutdown time

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.10.13...v1.10.14

Cortina.13 - API Locking Refactor

17 Oct 22:02
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is updated to 29 all plugins must update to be compatible.


  • Added Prefetcher to the merkledb interface
  • Fixed json marshalling of TrackedSubnets and AllowedNodes

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.10.12...v1.10.13

Cortina.12 - Dual-Alpha Support

11 Oct 02:42
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This version is backwards compatible to v1.10.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is unchanged at 28 and compatible with versions v1.10.9 - v1.10.11.


  • Added avalanche_{chainID}_total_weight metric
  • Added avalanche_{chainID}_num_validators metric
  • Added avalanche_{chainID}_num_processing_ancestor_fetches_failed metric
  • Added avalanche_{chainID}_num_processing_ancestor_fetches_dropped metric
  • Added avalanche_{chainID}_num_processing_ancestor_fetches_succeeded metric
  • Added avalanche_{chainID}_num_processing_ancestor_fetches_unneeded metric
  • Added avalanche_{chainID}_num_missing_accepted_blocks metric
  • Added avalanche_{chainID}_selected_vote_index_count metric
  • Added avalanche_{chainID}_selected_vote_index_sum metric


  • Added --snow-preference-quorum-size flag
  • Added --snow-confidence-quorum-size flag
  • Added "fx-owner-cache-size" to the P-chain config


  • Fixed concurrent node shutdown and chain creation race
  • Updated http2 implementation to patch CVE-2023-39325
  • Exited network.dial early to avoid goroutine leak when shutting down
  • Reduced log level of "failed to send peer list for handshake" messages from ERROR to DEBUG
  • Reduced log level of "state pruning failed" messages from ERROR to WARN

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.10.11...v1.10.12