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Releases: cloudtools/troposphere

Release 1.9.0

16 Nov 02:08
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1.9.0 (2016-11-15)

  • Note: the dynamodb change below may cause backwards compatibility issues.
    There have been deprecation warnings for a while.
  • Replace dynamodb module with dynamodb2 (#564)
  • Add CodeCommit as a supported AWS resource type
  • Add update of github Releases page to RELEASE doc
  • Update elasticache for 2016-10-12 changes (#592)
  • Support for S3 Lifecycle Rule property NoncurrentVersionTransitions (#596)
  • Include resource title in required attr exception (#597)
  • Added Placement class for the Placement property in LaunchSpecifications. (#598)
  • Add EFS example (#601)
  • Add support to old mysql db engine (#602)
  • Fix typo in Example Allowed Values (#603)
  • Remove title validation. Fixes #428 (#605)
  • Add support for conditions in cfn2py script (#606)
  • Added MongoDB default port to constants (#608)
  • Add HttpVersion prop to DistributionConfig (CloudFront HTTP/2 Support) (#609)
  • Added missing QueryStringCacheKeys property to CloudFront ForwardedValues (#612)
  • Add a validator for ELB names (#615)

Release 1.8.2

08 Oct 23:02
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  • Add SpotPrice to SpotFleet LaunchSpecifications
  • Add new properties to ECS (Clustername to Cluster and Family to TaskDefinition)
  • Add Alias object to KMS (fixes #568)
  • Added cross-stack references (#569)
  • Handle lambda => awslambda mapping in cfn2py (#573)
  • Add support for Tags to Certificate Manager Certificates (#574)
  • Adding enhanced monitoring to rds.DBInstance (#575)
  • Add support for LogGroupName in Logs::LogGroup (#576)
  • Update Export param (#579)
  • Add support for Fn::Sub (#582)
  • RDS DBInstance Engine required even when DBSnapshotIdentifier is set (#583)
  • Resource updates for 2016-10-06 changes (Fixes #584)
  • Add AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan (fixes #585)
  • Add AWS::CodeCommit::Repository (fixes #586)
  • Provide better type checking for values in from_dict (#587)
  • Allow HelperFn in UpdatePolicy for ASG (#588)
  • Fixed from_dict case where you have a list of non BaseAWSObjects (#589)

Release 1.8.1

12 Sep 14:53
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1.8.1 (2016-09-12)

  • Add TargetGroupArn and fix ContainerPort (#549)
  • Update ApiGateway resources (#550)
  • Add support for AutoScalingCreationPolicy (#552)
  • Change param type for resource: RestAPI (#553)
  • Add support for IAM Roles in ECS Task Definitions (#556)
  • Allow Tags on AWS::CloudFormation::Stack (#557)
  • Added support for protocol in container definition PortMapping property. (#558)
  • Add Tags prop to Kinesis::Stream (#565)
  • Add a sample ECS Cluster template (#559)
  • Add support for ElasticsearchVersion in Elasticsearch Domain (#560)
  • WAF SizeContraint needs to be an AWSProperty (Fixes #561)
  • Add Tags prop to Kinesis::Stream (#565)

Release 1.8.0

15 Aug 15:15
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1.8.0 (2016-08-15)

  • Support "UserName" property for AWS::IAM::User #529
  • Remove double S from S3ObjectVersion (fixes #530) (#531)
  • Fix TemplateGenerator import logic. (#533)
  • Add Name attributes for IAM groups and roles (#535)
  • Automatically check if zip_file exceeds 4096 chars #537
  • Add AWS Certificate Manager (#538)
  • Add Application Auto Scaling (#539)
  • CloudFront updates (Aug 9, 2016) (#540)
  • Add PerformanceMode to FileSystem resource (#541)
  • Add AWS Internet of Things (#542)
  • Extend Template constructor. (#543)
  • Add application loadbalancer objects and properties (#544)
  • Improve check_zip_file to calculate a minimum length (#548)


08 Jul 04:37
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1.7.0 (2016-07-07)

  • Convert fake AWSHelperFns into AWSProperties (#478)
  • cfn script: allow update (#484)
  • Validate the template against AWS before stack creation (#485)
  • Fix capitalization in README (#487)
  • Remove duplicate waf FieldToMatch class (fixes #489)
  • Tune validation logic and test cases for S3 bucket names (#486)
  • waf XssMatchTuple should be an AWSProperty (Fixes #498)
  • Allow setting a different region for S3 upload (#491)
  • fix attribute for ApiKey (Enable -> Enabled) (#492)
  • Invoke join correctly (#493)
  • EMR: fix EBS configuration (#497)
  • EMR: Action on Failure Fix (CONTINUE_AND_WAIT->CANCEL_AND_WAIT) (#501)
  • Rewritten the helper to be more flexible (#502)
  • Added support for Kinesis Firehose (#505)
  • Add support for VPC Flow Logs (#507)
  • Syntax highlighting for readme python sample (#508)
  • Added Name property to Kinesis streams (#510)
  • Availability zones and EC2 instance type (#512)
  • Add AutoScalingReplacingUpdate to UpdatePolicy (#513)
  • Removed validation for DBSubnetGroupName when creating a read replica with SourceDBInstanceIdentifier (#515)
  • EMR configurations values: also allow AWS helper functions (#516)
  • Fix AssociationParameters Value type to list of strings (#518)
  • Add DependsOn to Deployment and remove Enabled from StageKey (#519)
  • Update fields in apigateway StageDescription (#521)
  • Fix rename pep8->pycodestyle and bump to fixed pyflakes (#522)
  • Allows MultiAZ=false with AvailabilityZone in rds (#524)
  • Do not require Status as a param in iam.AccessKey (#525)
  • Fix badges in README


04 May 16:14
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  • Remove unnecessary AWSHelperFn from props
  • ReplicationConfigurationRules Destination is now an object (#380)
  • Add WAF SizeConstraintSet and XssMatchSet
  • Logs SubscriptionFilter (#413)
  • Elasticsearch support (#415)
  • Fixed ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties type (#420)
  • Adding support for EMR resources (#421)
  • Fix ecs.TaskDefinition.Volumes that was incorrectly flagged as required (#422)
  • AWS::ECR test example (#423)
  • Add cloudfront hostedzoneid for route53 (#427)
  • Typo in variable name (431)
  • ScalingAdjustment is an integer (#432)
  • Add Compress to CloudFront (#433)
  • Added missing S3OriginConfig parameter(#437)
  • Allow both GetAtt and a basestring (#440)
  • Add VpcConfig to AWS::Lambda::Function (#442)
  • Add Version Resource to awslambda (#443)
  • Add Alias Resource to awslambda (#444)
  • Ignore If expression during validation of ASG (#446)
  • Add test and tweak fix for ASG MaxSize If fix (#446)
  • Provide Valid Lambda Function Memory Values for use in Parameters (#449)
  • Add FunctionName to Lambda::Function (#452)
  • Add support for EBS volume configuration in EMR resources (#453)
  • Add elasticsearch instance type constants (#454)
  • DomainName isn't a required parameter (#457)
  • Create Documentation To Help Contributors (#458)
  • Move Groups to property, add policy template version (#460)
  • Fix Elasticsarch Domain object naming and add backward compatibility (#461)
  • EC2 update FromPort, ToPort and Egress as optional (#463)
  • ApiGateway Resources (#466)
  • Added CloudWatch Events support (#467)
  • Import JSON Templates (#468)
  • Fix config Source object to take a list of SourceDetails (#469)
  • Update Contribute Document to Use Requirements.txt (#470)
  • Update to Apr 25, 2016 release (#471)
  • Implement LifecycleRule Transitions property (#472)
  • Better AWSHelperFn support in template generator (#473)
  • Fix Bucket AccessControl to allow Ref (#475)
  • Fix baseclass for AWS::Logs::Destination (#481)
  • Add test for AWS::Logs::Destination (#482)


02 Mar 00:08
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1.5.0 (2016-03-01)

  • Add MariaDB to list of RDS engines [GH-368]
  • Add ap-northeast [GH-373]
  • Add T2 Nano [GH-374]
  • capability support for cfn [GH-375]
  • Update to resource list in documentation [GH-383]
  • More info from validator function errors [GH-385]
  • Add testing for python 3.5 [GH-388]
  • Extended title validation [GH-389]
  • EC2 NAT Gateway [GH-394]
  • Add AWS::ECR::Repository [GH-395]
  • Add KmsKeyId and StorageEncrypted to DBCluster [GH-396]
  • Add awacs soft dependency [GH-397]
  • New dynamodb2 module to replace dynamodb for consistent interface [GH-398]
  • Add IsMultiRegionTrail support [GH-399]
  • Add IncludeGlobalResourceTypes to RecordingGroup [GH-400]
  • Capitalize examples [GH-404]
  • use location constants for bucket creation in cfn [GH-409]


01 Mar 00:39
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1.4.0 (2016-01-01)

  • Add RDS Aurora support [GH-335]
  • Change DeploymentGroup Ec2TagFilters to list [GH-337]
  • Correct EC2 SpotFleet LaunchSpecifications [GH-338]
  • RDS::DBCluster change AvailabilityZone to AvailabilityZones [GH-341]
  • ECS LoadBalancerName property is a string [GH-342]
  • CodeDeploy S3Location Version property is not a default requirement [GH-345]
  • Add AutoEnableIO to AWS::EC2::Volume
  • Only discard Properties in JSONrepr [GH-354]
  • CodeDeploy added ApplicationName [GH-357]
  • CodeDeploy DeploymentGroupName property missing [GH-358]
  • Add in cloudfront properties for max, default [GH-360]
  • Allow RDS iops to be 0 [GH-361]
  • Add CodePipline support [GH-362]
  • Implemented CloudFormation changes from Dec 3 and Dec 28 [GH-366]
  • Add AWS::Config, AWS::KMS, AWS::SSM

Release 1.3.0

21 Oct 18:15
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Release 1.3.0

Release 1.2.2

15 Sep 20:33
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Release 1.2.2