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What are the most popular libraries in the RxJS ecosystem?


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What are the most popular libraries in the RxJS ecosystem?

Name Description Stars
Reactive-Extensions/RxJS The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript 17443
pubkey/rxdb 💻 📱 A reactive Database for Progressive Web Apps and more 5713
redux-observable/redux-observable RxJS middleware for action side effects in Redux using "Epics" 3694
xgrommx/rx-book null 1228
vuejs/vue-rx RxJS integration for Vue.js. 1003
acdlite/redux-rx RxJS utilities for Redux. 921
Reactive-Extensions/rx.angular.js AngularJS Bindings for RxJS 813
moroshko/rxviz Rx Visualizer - Animated playground for Rx Observables 619
fdecampredon/rx-react ReactJS bindings for RxJS 596
2muchcoffeecom/ngx-restangular Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions 476
Reactive-Extensions/RxJS-DOM HTML DOM Bindings for the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript 379
Reactive-Extensions/RxJSKoans RxJS Koans 336
fdecampredon/react-rxjs-todomvc TodoMVC implementation with React and RxJS 318
philpl/fluorine [UNMAINTAINED] Reactive state and side effect management for React using a single stream of actions 296
jas-chen/rx-redux A reimplementation of redux using RxJS. 289
recyclejs/recycle Convert functional/reactive object description using RxJS into React component 279
thalesmello/exploring-async An essay exploring different async techniques in JavaScript. 271
canalplus/rx-player Smooth/DASH HTML5 Video Player 264
fdecampredon/rx-flux The Flux architecture with RxJS 251
staltz/rxjs-training RxJS Workshop exercises for MLOC.js 241
Reactive-Extensions/rx-node RxJS Bindings for Node.js and io.js 201
staltz/toy-rx A tiny implementation of RxJS that actually works, for learning 197
Reactive-Extensions/rxjs-jquery Reactive Extensions bindings for jQuery 196
ericelliott/irecord An immutable store that exposes an RxJS observable. Great for React. 194
MichalZalecki/connect-rxjs-to-react Connect rxjs to React component in Redux style... but without dispatch and constants. 151
Cmdv/React-RxJS React + RxJs + React-Router + Webpack + babel and soon more 149
justinwoo/react-rxjs-flow a simple react application using RxJS for data flow 107
mattpodwysocki/RxJSKoans The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) Koans 105
salsita/redux-saga-rxjs RxJS implementation of Saga pattern for redux 105
vuejs/vuex-observable Consume Vuex actions as Observables using RxJS 5 102
soup-js/omnistream Stream based state management for React built on RxJs 101
philpl/rxjs-diagrams React Components for visualising RxJS observables and operators 101
eliseumds/react-autocomplete Just tasting some ReactJS + RxJS 95
benlesh/RxSocketSubject A more advanced web socket wrapper for RxJS 95
shiftyp/redurx Redux'ish Functional State Management using RxJS 93
Travix-International/frint Modular JavaScript framework for building scalable and reactive applications 92
acdlite/react-rx-component Yet another RxJS library for React :) Create container components (also known as smart components) by transforming a sequence of props 87
rxmqjs/rxmq.js JavaScript pub/sub library based on RxJS 86
bsideup/rx-connect Glue your state and pure React components with RxJS 82
mcoetzee/udeo RxJS based state streams 81
zxbodya/rx-react-container Container for connecting React Components to RxJS observables and observers 81
gcanti/tom Elmish type-safe state and side effect manager using RxJS 80
Trakkasure/mikronode Mikrotik API for Node 78
funcool/beicon Reactive Streams for Clojure(Script) 77
DanWahlin/Angular-NodeJS-MongoDB-CustomersService Code for the Integrating Angular with Node.js RESTful Services Pluralsight course. 76
milankinen/ffux Functional Reactive Flux for RxJS and Bacon.js 74
BerndWessels/preact-redux-isomorphic preact-redux-isomorphic PWA SPA SSR best practices and libraries in under 80kB page size (for live demo click the link below) 73
bradtraversy/rxjs_boiler Boilerplate for building RxJS applications with Webpack and Babel 72
codesuki/reactive-flux Fluxish model implemented with RxJS 72
Reactive-Extensions/rxjs-node Reactive Extensions bindings for node.js 72
hstarorg/HstarDoc My blogs write with markdown. 71
bahmutov/node-rx-cycle Example using RxJS and Cycle.js on the server to handle requests (NOT server-side rendering) 63
christianalfoni/rxjs-react-component A component allowing you to change state using observables 63
joshburgess/redux-most Most.js based middleware for Redux. Handle async actions with monadic streams & reactive programming. 63
chicoxyzzy/rx-mobx [DEPRECATED] ✨ Convert MobX observables to RxJS and vice-versa 57
van100j/tibot TiBot — The Date and Time Bot 56
benlesh/RxEmber RxJS and EmberJS integration helpers 53
taichi/js-boilerplate Modern JavaScript Application Boilerplate 53
staltz/rxtween A library for creating RxJS Observables related to animation 52
joelhooks/react-rxjs-angular-di-todomvc Combines the forces of these powerful tools to create a todo list. 52
ryardley/rxjs-as-redux A simple proof of concept Redux style framework only using Rx 48
zxbodya/reactive-widgets Application starter template, for implementing isomorphic widgets, using RxJS and React 48
dacz/rxr Maintains state for React app with RxJS the Redux way 48
luigiplr/react-router-redux-rxjs-code-splitting An example React Redux app using React Router & RxJS for route management & chunk loading respectively. 44
gilbarbara/react-redux-observables-boilerplate Yet another starter kit for React with Router, Redux, Observable + RxJS 43
Widdershin/rxjs-ecosystem What are the most popular libraries in the RxJS ecosystem? 42
raimohanska/worzone Game programming experiment with Bacon.js (no more RxJs) 40
yamalight/rxstate Simple opinionated state management library based on RxJS and Immutable.js 40
cvuorinen/angular1-async-filter Angular2 async pipe implemented as Angular 1 filter to handle promises & RxJS observables 39
ecmadao/rxjs-example A quick start for RxJS usage 37
annatomka/rxjs-examples In this repository you can find some RxJS examples that I made while I'm learning it. 37
trxcllnt/rxjs-easing Robert Penner's easing functions as Observables. 37
joshburgess/inferno-most-fp-demo A demo for the ReactJS Tampa Bay meetup showing how to build a React+Redux-like architecture from scratch using Inferno, Most.js, reactive programmning, and various functional programming tools & techniques 36
Lorti/rxjs-breakout RxJS Breakout 33
topheman/rxjs-experiments Playing with RxJS 33
panacloud/learn-typed-rxjs Learn Reactive Programming with RxJS 5 and TypeScript in Baby Steps 33
johnlindquist/rxjs-in-angular2 null 31
Shyam-Chen/Frontend-Starter-Kit A boilerplate for HTML5, Material, Firebase, Gulp, Rollup, Babel, Reshape, and PostCSS. Progressive Web Apps ESLint
soyuka/rxrest Reactive rest library 30
DxCx/graphql-rxjs fork of Graphql which adds Observable support 29
Lokeh/observe-component A library for accessing React component events as reactive observables 29
madeagency/reactivity A Bleeding Edge React Universal Boilerplate for Power Users. 28
marcosloic/angular2echonest Angular2 (Alpha 47) playground with Echonest API and RxJs 28
coryrylan/observable-rxjs-demos null 28
RxJSInAction/rxjs-in-action Code sample repository 27
kahlil/oddstream A library to easily apply a unidirectional dataflow in your apps with RxJS. 27
paulpdaniels/rx.wamp An RX wrapper library for Wamp in the browser and node 26
bobiblazeski/rio Port of meteor realtime todos application using RethinkDB, Rxjs, & React 26
benlesh/ember-cli-rx Ember and RxJS integration 25
jadbox/rxjs-cluster Node Cluster support in RxJS 24
Reactive-Extensions/RxJS-CLI Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) Command Line Interface 24
trxcllnt/rxjs-gestures A library for reacting to future user input. 24
JoV5/react-cnode 本项目是由CNode社区提供的API,使用React全家桶所开发的数据持久化的单页应用。 24
BerkeleyTrue/react-redux-epic null 23
ptsurko/rx-lite RxJS lite implementation 23
tangledfruit/rxjs-fetch RxJS-flavored version of HTTP fetch API for node.js 23
SamVerschueren/alfred-rxjs Search through the RxJS documentation 23
jbaudanza/rxremote Subscribe to RxJs Observables on a remote server through a WebSocket 22
brabadu/tanok Elm Architecture-inspired wrapper for Rx.js+React 22
cif/redux-fusion React bindings for RxJS and Redux 21

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What are the most popular libraries in the RxJS ecosystem?







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