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100 lines (100 loc) · 13.7 KB
  1. Font-Awesome [36788, 6124]: The iconic font and CSS toolkit
  2. FreeCodeCamp [25080, 1271]: The open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code and help nonprofits.
  3. material-design-icons [19522, 3142]: Material Design icons by Google
  4. chosen [18405, 3532]: Chosen is a library for making long, unwieldy select boxes more friendly.
  5. normalize.css [18191, 3819]: A collection of HTML element and attribute style-normalizations
  6. skrollr [14427, 2931]: Stand-alone parallax scrolling library for mobile (Android + iOS) and desktop. No jQuery. Just plain JavaScript (and some love).
  7. polymer [12871, 1279]: Build modern apps using web components
  8. pure [12566, 1549]: A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
  9. web-starter-kit [11205, 1712]: Google Web Starter Kit
  10. angular-seed [9792, 5890]: *Seed project for angular apps. *
  11. zepto [9395, 2256]: Zepto.js is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers, with a jQuery-compatible API
  12. marked [7431, 1064]: A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
  13. AdminLTE [6707, 2219]: AdminLTE - Free Premium Admin control Panel Theme That Is Based On Bootstrap 3.x
  14. bootswatch [6619, 1756]: Themes for Bootstrap
  15. Ladda [5860, 659]: Buttons with built-in loading indicators.
  16. uikit [5666, 1109]: A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.
  17. youmightnotneedjquery [5494, 227]: **
  18. jquery.adaptive-backgrounds.js [5467, 373]: A jQuery plugin for extracting the dominant color from images and applying the color to their parent.
  19. jquery-ui-bootstrap [5328, 832]: A jQuery UI theme based on Twitter Bootstrap
  20. pelican [5116, 1159]: Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax. Powered by Python.
  21. favico.js [5011, 371]: Make use of your favicon with badges, images or videos
  22. startbootstrap [4983, 2687]: A library of free and open source Bootstrap themes and templates
  23. js-the-right-way [4976, 641]: An easy-to-read, quick reference for JS best practices, accepted coding standards, and links around the Web
  24. code-guide [4947, 742]: Standards for flexible, durable, and sustainable HTML and CSS.
  25. fonts [4941, 509]: Font files available from Google Fonts
  26. ink [4880, 416]: Quickly create responsive HTML emails that work on any device & client. Even Outlook.
  27. jquery_lazyload [4760, 1246]: *jQuery plugin for lazy loading images *
  28. Arduino [4656, 3756]: open-source electronics prototyping platform
  29. WebFundamentals [4352, 708]: Best practices for modern web development
  30. rdash-angular [4326, 587]: AngularJS implementation of the RDash admin dashboard theme
  31. epoch [4301, 227]: A general purpose, real-time visualization library.
  32. twitter-bootstrap-rails [4212, 1011]: Twitter Bootstrap for Rails 3.x - 4 Asset Pipeline
  33. transactional-email-templates [4101, 428]: Responsive transactional HTML email templates
  34. Redacted-Font [4059, 197]: Keep your wireframes free of distracting Lorem Ipsum.
  35. FitVids.js [4025, 928]: A lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds.
  36. html5demos [4000, 1700]: Collection of hacks and demos showing capability of HTML5 apps
  37. FlexSlider [3985, 1484]: An awesome, fully responsive jQuery slider plugin
  38. awesomplete [3965, 264]: Ultra lightweight, usable, beautiful autocomplete with zero dependencies.
  39. [3720, 379]: BOOTFLAT is an open source Flat UI KIT based on Bootstrap 3.3.0 CSS framework. It provides a faster, easier and less repetitive way for web developers to create elegant web apps.
  40. lazysizes [3690, 199]: High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images (responsive and normal), iframes and more, that detects any visibility changes triggered through user interaction, CSS or JavaScript without configuration.
  41. stroll.js [3668, 710]: CSS3 list scroll effects
  42. bootstrap-switch [3665, 887]: Turn checkboxes and radio buttons in toggle switches.
  43. grunt-uncss [3602, 166]: ✂️ A grunt task for removing unused CSS from your projects.
  44. BOOTSTRA.386 [3513, 178]: *A Twitter Bootstrap theme to make webpages look like they are from the 1980s. *
  45. gumbo-parser [3407, 437]: An HTML5 parsing library in pure C99
  46. peity [3270, 308]: Progressive <svg> pie, donut, bar and line charts
  47. base16 [3242, 122]: Color schemes for hackers
  48. puphpet [3209, 603]: Vagrant/Puppet GUI
  49. sharelatex [3163, 372]: A web-based collaborative LaTeX editor
  50. randomColor [3141, 193]: A tiny script for generating attractive random colors
  51. responsive-html-email-template [3117, 440]: When all you need is a really simple HTML email template.
  52. grunticon [3105, 186]: A mystical CSS icon solution.
  53. UpUp [3015, 123]: ✈️ Kickstarting the Offline-First Revolution
  54. frontend [2972, 294]: Source for
  55. learnxinyminutes-docs [2965, 1172]: Code documentation written as code! How novel and totally my idea!
  56. html5-device-mockups [2938, 271]: HTML5 mockups of popular devices, to showcase your portfolio and spice up your website.
  57. jquery-focuspoint [2892, 185]: jQuery plugin for 'responsive cropping'. Dynamically crop images to fill available space without cutting out the image's subject. Great for full-screen images.
  58. rrssb [2859, 339]: Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons
  59. [2827, 683]: A one pager for emojis on Campfire and GitHub
  60. brick [2746, 100]: Webfonts that actually look good.
  61. antwort [2732, 622]: Beautiful responsive email templates with code as beautiful as email templates can be
  62. ihover [2714, 756]: iHover is a collection of hover effects using pure CSS, inspired by codrops article, powered by Sass.
  63. PIE [2684, 225]: A behavior for Internet Explorer allowing it to recognize and render various CSS3 box decoration properties
  64. stats.js [2659, 349]: JavaScript Performance Monitor
  65. Bootstrap-Image-Gallery [2631, 924]: Bootstrap Image Gallery is an extension to blueimp Gallery, a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image and video gallery. It displays images and videos in the modal dialog of the Bootstrap framework, features swipe, mouse and keyboard navigation, transition effects, fullscreen support and on-demand content loading and can be extended to display additional content types.
  66. [2629, 1296]: A comprehensive Node.js tutorial for beginners
  67. zxcvbn [2594, 253]: A realistic password strength estimator.
  68. shower [2568, 326]: Shower HTML presentation engine
  69. jsPlumb [2559, 669]: Visual connectivity for webapps
  70. screenfull.js [2547, 255]: Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API
  71. TheaterJS [2528, 134]: Typing effect mimicking human behavior.
  72. coursera-dl [2512, 929]: Script for downloading videos and naming them.
  73. learnyounode [2510, 694]: Learn You The Node.js For Much Win! An intro to Node.js via a set of self-guided workshops.
  74. pup [2480, 67]: Parsing HTML at the command line
  75. Wookmark-jQuery [2476, 826]: A jQuery plugin to create a dynamic, multi-column layout.
  76. [2465, 531]: 岁月如歌
  77. cw-omnibus [2443, 2431]: Source code to omnibus edition of The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development
  78. simpl [2392, 708]: Simplest possible examples of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  79. jquery.scrollTo [2384, 798]: Lightweight, cross-browser and highly customizable animated scrolling with jQuery
  80. Mars [2373, 748]: 腾讯移动Web前端知识库
  81. whatiscode [2372, 175]: Paul Ford’s “What Is Code?”
  82. scriptaculous [2362, 486]: is an open-source JavaScript framework for visual effects and interface behaviours.
  83. Email-Boilerplate [2347, 352]: The email boilerplate for sending out nicely formatted messages.
  84. ImageOptim [2326, 113]: GUI image optimizer for Mac
  85. pnotify [2322, 366]: JavaScript notifications for Bootstrap, jQuery UI, and the Web Notifications Draft.
  86. unslider [2310, 1408]: The simplest jQuery slider there is.
  87. outdated-browser [2309, 291]: A simple tool to identify and upgrade old browsers.
  88. essential-js-design-patterns [2239, 365]: Repo for 'Learning JavaScript Design Patterns' - creative-commons book on JavaScript design patterns.
  89. SVG-Loaders [2212, 251]: Loading icons and small animations built purely in SVG, no CSS or JS.
  90. bootmetro [2211, 545]: Simple and complete web UI framework to create web apps with Windows 8 Metro user interface.
  91. life [2162, 552]: Life - a timeline of important events in my life
  92. scala_school [2127, 654]: Lessons in the Fundamentals of Scala
  93. country-list [2112, 713]: 🌐 List of all countries with names and ISO 3166-1 codes in all languages and data formats.
  94. goquery [2061, 206]: A little like that j-thing, only in Go.
  95. startbootstrap-sb-admin-2 [2022, 1034]: A free, open source, Bootstrap admin theme created by Start Bootstrap
  96. betterspecs [2002, 174]: RSpec Best Practices
  97. py-must-watch [1972, 165]: Must-watch videos about Python
  98. Fira [1958, 133]: Mozilla's new typeface, used in Firefox OS
  99. charisma [1954, 1076]: Free, responsive, multiple skin admin template
  100. devtools-snippets [1933, 201]: A collection of helpful snippets to use inside of browser devtools