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Usage of Molecule and Ansible for development

Kushal Das edited this page Dec 11, 2020 · 9 revisions

We use Ansible heavily in SecureDrop project. Except the actual installation process, we use Molecule along with ansible for the other steps. All the available molecule scenarios can be found at ./molecule/ directory.

  • builder-xenial
  • builder-focal
  • testinfra
  • vagrant-packager
  • fetch-tor-packages
  • libvirt-staging-xenial
  • libvirt-staging-focal
  • qubes-staging-focal
  • qubes-staging-xenial
  • upgrade
  • virtualbox-staging-xenial

Builder Xenial and builder Focal

These 2 scenarios build the debian packages for the SecureDrop server code and related packages. For the following, we will examine the builder-focal scenario.

Let us dig into the files in the scenario.

The file contains two variables which are used in conditions to mark that we are building for Focal. These are used inside of the actual package building roles.
Apt file
This creates all the containers defined in the molecule.yml file.
Destroys the containers created in the create step
Dockerfile for the builder container image, this needs to pushed to the container repository
Hash of the container image
The make file
Main file which defines all configurations, from where to find the Ansible roles, and what all steps should be takes for this scenario.
After the containers are running, this runs the various roles to build the actual packages. It also does the initial package testing. Check the various roles in "Build SecureDrop application Debian package from local repository." task to find which package gets build via which container.
To push the container image.

Building the main app-code package

Path: install_files/ansible-base/roles/build-securedrop-app-code-deb-pkg/

All steps are in the tasks/main.yml.

Building ossec-server and ossec-agent package

Path; install_files/ansible-base/roles/build-ossec-deb-pkg

  • Using python requests package, it first downloads the ossec source tarball.
  • We use our own systemd service (two different files) for both server and agent on Focal. On Xenial we are still using the old sysv script.
  • Remember that the same role is being used to build both agent and server, configuration changes dynamically based on conditions.
- name: Copy our systemd based service file for ossec-server
    src: ossec.service
    dest: "{{ ossec_build_dir }}/etc/systemd/system/ossec.service"
    - ansible_host.endswith("-sd-generic-ossec-server")
    - ansible_distribution_release == "focal"

- name: Copy our systemd based service file for ossec-agent
    src: ossec-agent.service
    dest: "{{ ossec_build_dir }}/etc/systemd/system/ossec.service"
    - ansible_host.endswith("-sd-generic-ossec-agent")
    - ansible_distribution_release == "focal"
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