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A python library mostly used for pentesting and automation some tasks.
Hek library is not near to be completed It's under constant updates.


pip install hek


Get device current username.

import hek

# get device current username
user = hek.system.username()

# print username

Request device os name.

import hek

os_name = hek.system.oname()

Download content.

You could not add any path and It'll extract the file name from the url.
from hek import system

# new file path
path = "dog.jpg"
# file url
url = "https://example/dog_picure.jpg"
# download content
result = system.download_content(url=url, path=path)
# print result

System - process.

kill process

You could change the name argument to process pid like (pid="1234"), also you could disable kill with force using force=False.
import hek

# process name
name = "chrome.exe"

# kill process
res = hek.system.process.kill_process(name=name)


Get process PID by process name.

from hek import system

# targeted process name\user
name = "chrome.exe"
# will return process PID\ID
name = system.process.getnamebypid(name=pid)
# print process PID\ID

Get process name by PID.

from hek import system

# targeted process PID\id
pid = "2779"
# will return process name
name = system.process.getnamebypid(pid=pid)
# print process name

Proxy usages.

Doing http request using tor proxy

With this way you can do all kinds of requests like post/get/options, before using the function you need to setup and run tor bundle you could download it from tor official site
import hek

# request tor session
tor_session = hek.tor.get_session()

# tor get request
result = tor_session.get("").text

# print result
You may add your host/proxy manually using this way, Identity is your proxy location contain some other info.
import hek

# adding host manually
host = ""

# request session
session = hek.tor.get_session(host=host)
# request your proxy identity..
identity = session.identity(host=host)
# print proxy identity
This code result your proxy identity.

Simple function to check if proxy is working.

import hek

result = hek.proxy.checkproxy( # function to check if proxy is working
    url="", # targeted url
    user_agent="Mozilla/5.0", # user agent
    proxy="" #  HTTP/HTTPS proxy
if "Working" in result: # It'll return Working if It's alive end exception if not
    print("Alive proxy")

It'll return Working if It's alive end exception if not

Ip stuff.

Code to grab site ip address.

import hek

url = "" # targeted url

ip = hek.ipstuff.siteip(url) # grap ip by url


Code to check if opened port.

import hek

ip = "" # targeted device ip address

port = 80 # targeted port

result = hek.ipstuff.portscan(ip=ip, port=port, timeout=3) # checking if opened port or not

if result == True:
    print("Opened port.")
elif result == False:
    print("Closed port.")

Checking if device SSH by device ip.

import hek

ip = "" # targeted device ip address

result = hek.ipstuff.checkssh(ip) # checking if device is shh by the device ip

if result == True:
    print("is ssh")
elif result == False:
    print("isn't ssh")

Simple code to check if device is rdp by device ip address.

import hek

ip = "" # targeted device ip address

result = hek.ipstuff.checkrdp(ip) # checking if device is rdp by the device ip.

if result == True:
    print("is rdp")
elif result == False:
    print("isn't rdp")

Simple code to check if ip does exist or not.

import hek

ip = "" # targeted ip address

result = hek.ipstuff.checkip(ip) # checking if ip exist, It'll return True is exist and False if not.

if result == True:
    print("ip exist")
elif result == False:
    print("ip doesn't exist")

It'll return True is exist and False if not.

Get public ip.

import hek

# get ip 
ip = hek.ipstuff.myip(find="query")

# print ip

you could get your ip information by removing find="query" also you can change query and get other info about your ip.


Check if server port is open.

import hek

# server ip
ip = ""
# targeted port
port = 80
# check
result = hek.server.portscan(ip=ip, port=port)

Retrieve server banner.

import hek

# server ip
ip = ""
# targeted port
port = 430
# check
result = hek.server.get_banner(address=ip, port=port)


server.set_socket is a static way like a session that you only need to add the server info once to start sending and receiving data, unlike server.socket which is not static at all.

Connect to a server.

import hek

# server ip
ip = ""
# server port
port = 80
# set server data
server = hek.server.set_socket(host=ip, port=port)

# connect to server
r = server.connect()
print(f"connected: {r}")

Send packet to a server.

import hek
# server ip
ip = ""
# server port
port = 80
# set server data
server = hek.server.set_socket(host=ip, port=port)
# connect to server
r = server.connect()
print(f"connected: {r}")
# the packet

packet = "hi im packet"
# send packet
result = server.sendpacket()

Receive data from a server.

data = server.recv(bufsize=1048)


Close connection.



server.socket unlike set_socket It's unstatic better to work with it while using multiple socket's and multithreading.

Create a socket.

from hek import server
# get the server value
server = server.socket()
# create socket
sock = server.socket()

connect to a server.

# connect to a server
result = server.connect(sock, host="", port=80)
# connection result True if connected

send packet.

# the packet
packet = "im a packet"
# send packet
result = server.sendpacket(sock, packet=packet, host="", port=80)

Receive data.

# receive data
server.recv(sock, bufsize=1048)

Close connection.

# close connection

Network and trafficking.

Sniff and monitor any device traffic on your network.

import hek, threading

# start sniffing network
def sniff():
        # your interface mostly It'll be wlan0
        # ip of the router that the device is connected to
        # device ip address that you want to sniff

# this function will run wireshark according to the entered data
def monitor_traffic():
        # your interface mostly It'll be wlan0
        # device ip address
threading.Thread(target=monitor_traffic).start() # run wireshark
threading.Thread(target=sniff).start() # start sniffing
You can use this if you just want to sniff device traffic without needing to open wireshark.
import hek

# start sniffing network
def sniff():
        # your interface mostly It'll be wlan0
        # ip of the router that the device is connected to
        # device ip address that you want to sniff

Connect to wifi using hek library.

This function is for linux also requires wifi adapter.

import hek

# connect to wifi
result = hek.wifi.connect(ssid="Wifi ssid/Name", # wifi ssid/name
                          password="wifi-password" # wifi password
# connection result

Start monitor mode.

This function for linux.

import hek

# Start monitor mode
result ="wlan0")

# Output

Stop monitor mode.

This function for linux.

import hek

# stop monitor mode
result ="wlan0mon")

# Output

Recording , videos, images stuff.

While recording a video you could display your choice of fps like fps=30 or 60 or higher.

Extracting image exif data.

import hek

data = hek.Image.extracexif(filename="hek.jpg") # grab exif data

print(data) # print data

Screen shot.

import hek


Webcam picture.

import hek"test.png")

Screen video capture.

import hek

hek.screen.capture_video(filename="filename.avi", seconds=5)

Webcam video capture.

import hek"webname.avi", seconds=3)

This program uses MIT license.