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/ reactsetup Public archive

A super template for React with Next.js and other incredible tools

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Next.js Template

A super template for React with Next.js and other incredible tools

🚀 Demo

❔ About

This is a complete template all you need for your next react projects, with all the Best Practices of JAMStack. Customize and enjoy!

🌟 Features

This app features all the latest tools and good practices in web development!

  • ⚛️ Next.js – A complete React framework for hybrid and server rendering
  • ❇️ SWR – A React Hooks library for data fetching
  • 🔄 Axios – Promise based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js
  • 🎞️ Framer Motion – A production-ready motion library for React
  • 👓 Sass – A powerful and professional CSS extension language
  • React Icons – A collection of popular icons to React projects
  • 🎨 Tailwind CSS – A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes
  • 🐺 Husky – Modern native Git hooks made easy
  • 💩 lint-staged – Run linters against staged git files and don't let 💩 slip into your code base
  • 📓 commitlint – Helps your team adhering to a commit convention
  • 📱 next-pwa – A PWA plugin for Next.js
  • 📈 next-seo – A plugin that makes managing your SEO easier in Next.js projects

▶️ Get Started

  1. Click on Use this template button beside the Code button
  2. Configure your new project with a name and other options
  3. Clone this generated repository to your local machine
  4. Move yourself to the project using cd reactsetup
  5. Create a new file .env.local and add line API_BASE_URL=""
  6. Run yarn to install all dependencies
  7. Run yarn start or yarn dev

👨‍💻 Good Hacking!

❤️ Thanks for your attention!