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MATT Attack

Crowguard edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 35 revisions


Performs an attack using the selected attacker.

Use this to directly attack a token.

Triggering Token

Use this to attack the triggering token.

Tokens Within Triggering Tile

Use this to attack all tokens within the triggering tile.

Player Tokens

Use this to attack all player tokens on the scene.

Current Tokens

Use this to attack the current token collection.

Use Tagger

Use this to attack all tokens with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings.

Use this to select the entity performing the attack.

You can also drag & drop an actor to this field.


The dropdown list will be populated with a list of all valid items on the actor or token.

  • D&D 5th Edition: The action must be one of the following types: Weapon, Spell, or Consumable.

Type of Action

Different use options for the item; which option to use depends on your system and modules.

  • Chat Card
    • Just displays the chat card for the attack.
  • Attack
    • Runs the item as an attack.
  • Use
    • Uses the item. Select this if using MIDI.

Show Chat Card

Shows the chat card for the item in addition to the attack roll.

Who can see the roll.

Fast Forward

Rolls without the prompt window popping up.

Roll Damage

Automatically rolls damage if the attack roll exceeds the target's armor class.


  • This action does not automatically apply damage on it's own; that will be up to your system or modules.
  • This action probably will not work in Sandbox System Builder.
  • This action does not work in the Basic Fantasy RPG system.
  • This action may or may not work in Pathfinder 2E, depending on how many days its been since PF2e updated.
  • If you're using D&D 5th Edition, running MIDI QoL, and this action fails, its probably because MIDI is enforcing weapon range. Disable it in MIDI's settings or place a token belonging to the attacker on the scene within the expected attack range.
  • Automated Animations requires a token placed on the scene for animations to function.

Page Last Updated

MATT 11.22

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