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MATT Jump to Landing

Crowguard edited this page Jul 25, 2024 · 21 revisions

Jump to Landing

When this action is reached in the action list, it jumps to a Landing with a name matching the one entered here.


The landing of the Landing to redirect to. Spaces, symbols, and capitalization all must match.

  • {{}} jumps to a landing matching the name of the current token.
  • {{{value.text.[0]}}} this can be used with this action following a Roll Table action to jump to a landing whose name matches the text result of that table; see the sample tile Randomized Actions.
  • {{value.totalPlayers}} this can be used to go a Landing based on the number of players, see the sample tile Reference Player Count.
  • {{variable.valuename}} can be used to jump to a Landing matching a stored Variable in the tile.


Limits the jump to the landing to X loops, then continues down the action list after that amount is reached. Leave this field blank to have no limit.


  • $\color{red}{\textsf{Warning}}$: This action can result in Infinite Loops and crash your Foundry. Use responsibly.

Sample Tiles That Use This Action

Page Last Updated

  • Foundry 12.325
  • MATT 12.01
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