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MEJ Person

Crowguard edited this page May 31, 2023 · 5 revisions


A journal for storing information about people in your world.

You can drag an actor from the sidebar (not a compendium) to the sheet and it will be added as the linked actor in the upper right.

Generate Name

Generates a random name for the person. If the race field in the Details is filled in, it will generate using specific tables for that race.

Available tables.

  • Dragon
  • Dwarf
  • Elf
  • Gnome
  • Goblin
  • Halfling
  • Human
  • Orc
  • Tiefling

Description Tab

See Description.

Details Tab

See Details.

Relationships Tab

See Relationships.

Offerings Tab

See Offerings.

Notes Tab

See Notes.

Page Last Updated

MEJ 10.15

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