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MATT Teleport

Crowguard edited this page Aug 21, 2024 · 51 revisions


Teleports the selected tokens. If this targets a player's assigned token and the destination is on a different scene, it will include a Change Scene for that player and a notification for the GM.

Use this to directly teleport an entity.

Triggering Token

Use this to teleport the triggering token.

Tokens Within Triggering Tile

Use this to teleport all tokens within the triggering tile.

Player Tokens

Use this to teleport all player tokens on the scene.

Current Tokens

Use this to teleport the current token collection.

Use Tagger

Use this to teleport all tokens with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings.

Select Coordinates

You can select a specific location on the game canvas, or select the following entity types on the canvas to use them as the location; attempting to use one not listed here as the destination will result in failure and errors.

To select a spot on a different scene, just click Select Coordinates then swap to the destination scene.

Please Select Location

You can double-click this field to bring up the location details window. You can manually enter coordinates or entity IDs here.

X & Y
  • Use + 100 etc to teleport the token relative to it's current position; Space is Important.
    • Both fields need to filled out, even if its just + 0.
    • You can use dice notation to move a random amount.
    • Accepts Handlebar Expressions.

This Tile

Teleports the target entity to this tile.

Current Location

Using this action following a Roll Table action, if the table's result is text entries properly formatted to coordinates, the token will teleport to those coordinates. {"x": 100, "y": 100} will teleport the token to 100, 100 for example.

Use Tagger

Teleports the target entity to another entity with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings. If there are multiple entities with a valid Tag present, one is randomly selected as the destination. You can use the following entity types as a destination; attempting to use one not listed here as the destination will result in failure and errors.


This field only appears if a tile is directly targeted or a Tag is being used. It allows you select where the token will be teleported to within the destination tile. If your destination is a Tagged token, this field does nothing.

  • Random Within
  • Center
  • Relative to Entry
    • If the token enters the teleporter tile in the upper left corner, it will teleport to the upper left corner of the destination tile.
    • This isn't perfect; depending on your tile size, grid size, and whether Snap to Grid is on, it may be off slightly.
    • You can reverse the relative positioning by using a negative scale on the destination tile.

Snap to Grid

Animate Canvas Pan

If the destination is on the same scene, this will pan the canvas to the destination.

Trigger at Destination

Teleporting into a tile does not trigger enter triggers unless this is checked. Enabling this will cause the token to trigger any tiles with enter triggers underneath the token upon arriving at it's destination.

$\color{yellow}{\textsf{Warning}}$: This can cause an Infinite Loop if the destination tile also has an enter trigger with a Teleport action with this option checked.

Delete Source Token

Deletes the original token when changing scenes. If this option is not used, the original token will instead be marked hidden. Upon teleporting back to this scene, it will use the original token & reveal it.

Requires a GM logged in or the players having access to delete tokens.

Preserve Settings if Token Already Exists

Attempts to merge conditions if the same token exists on the destination scene.

Avoid Other Tokens at Destination

Only works when your destination is a tile; it attempts to prevents token from stacking atop each other. This can place tokens through walls if there is no other available space.

Wash Color

Overrides the default teleport wash color for this tile. Leave it blank to use the default. Enter transparent to hide the wash entirely.


  • Cross-scene teleporting requires a Gamemaster level user to be logged in.
  • Cross-scene teleporting with Delete Source Token is going to mess up your combat tracker initiatives if its used in-combat. Its just how Foundry works, initiative is tied to the original token, which was deleted. There is no way around it besides not deleting the token.
  • If the destination cannot be found, the token will instead continue to the original location.
  • Teleporting out of a tile does not trigger exit triggers.
  • This action includes a Stop Token Movement regardless of where in the action list it is, even if the action isn't actually ran due to various checks. Build in a Move to the original destination if the teleport isn't ran due to requirements not being met.
  • $\color{yellow}{\textsf{Important}}$ There's a glitch with this action when its triggered by entering a tile from the bottom-right; the token is moved and it's location in the token document is saved, but it isn't visually updated on the canvas until another change modifies or accesses it's token document. As far as we can tell, this is an issue with Foundry's canvas and not MATT.

Sample Tiles That Use This Action

Page Last Updated

  • Foundry 12.331
  • MATT 12.02
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