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jabrah edited this page May 17, 2016 · 5 revisions
  • Viewer fails to load a manifest if 1 or more canvases have zero images associated with them

  • Thumbnail associated with a manifest in the manifest list view is taken from DEFAULT_SETTINGS always, and references the location of the manuscript. It does not use the manifest or collection thumbnails.

  • BUG: Hold left-click to drag the image. While holding, right-click anywhere on the image to bring up the context menu. Right-click again on the image to force the menu to disappear. The image will now follow the mouse without holding down any button.

  • Only a single annotation list is used for any given canvas (the first one in the list).

  • Annotations handles fragments, selectors (by looking at .value)

    • find 'region string' only works with URL fragments and fragment selectors
    • split on '=' then split on ','

      example: "xywh=1,2,3,4" gives a "region array" of [1,2,3,4] representing x, y, width, height


  • git clone
        Clone the iiif/mirador Github repository.
  • npm install
        Install necessary modules.
  • bower install
        Install other dependencies.
  • grunt
        Run the JS build tool. Once this is done, the fully built application will reside in the build/ directory.
  • Copy index.html and build/ directory to the server.

If the npm, bower, or grunt commands fail, try deleting the node_modeuls/ directory and starting from step 2 again.

If Mirador2 has already been installed, to update, run git pull then grunt