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Rose Manuscript Descriptions

jabrah edited this page Oct 27, 2014 · 3 revisions

Following are some of the TEI encoding conventions that we are using for the Roman de la Rose manuscript descriptions. These description are TEI based XML documents that contain prose description and manuscript metadata. They follow the naming convension:


Conventions common to all sections

  • Enclose folio numbers in a <locus> element whenever it is encountered. These will always appear in the QUIRES section but may also appear in other sections.
    • When enclosing a range of folia, use @from and @to for the beginning and ending of the range respectively
  • Enclose text that needs italics in <hi rend="italics">...</hi>

<fileDesc> section

Most of the descriptive information about the manuscript as a whole is found here. Information about the intellectual content of the individual texts in a manuscript are encoded in the <msItem> section described below. The following section will always appear directly following <fileDesc>:

    <title>;Roman de la Rose</title>

The <titleStmt> and <publicationStmt> will be followed by up to ten descriptive sections based on the (???) bibliographical conventions. These will be represented by a series of <note> elements all contained by a single <notesStmt> element. Each <note> will have @rend in all caps describing the content of that section. Please note: we were using @type instead of @rend, but this was changed on 22 August 2008. David will correct all existing descriptions. Following are the @rend for each of the sections.

    • This is not part of the original manuscript description format followed by Tim Stinson. We added this as a way to encode a nickname by which the manuscript is known but that is not its official shelfmark.
    • Enclose the type of material (paper or parchment) in <material>...</material>
    • The QUIRES section should contain a <list> element that contains <head>Collation:</head> followed by a series of <item> elements containing a description of each quire. These <item> elements contain @n for the quire number and usually a <locus> element with @from for the beginning and @to for the ending folio of that quire. The <item> can also contain text that describes the quire.
      • <item n="III"><locus from="13" to="19">13-19</locus>(one leaf missing)</item>
  • TEXT

Each <note> element contains one or more <p> elements that contains the text of a section.

<sourceDesc> section

This section contains <bibl> and <msDesc> elements that describe different aspects of the manuscript. This data serves as a brief description or citation of the manuscript. Each element contains several subelements.


  • <note type="format"> should have either manuscript or printed book as a value.
  • <note type="commonName"> This is not part of the original manuscript description format followed by Tim Stinson. We added this as a way to encode a nickname by which the manuscript is known but that is not its official shelfmark. We had originally put this in as a "section" as above, but it works better as a <note> within <sourceDesc>
  • <title>. This will usually be "Roman de la Rose". [check with Tim Stinson about this]
  • <extent> contains subelements <measure> and <dimensions>
    • The subelement <measure> contains text describing the number of pages or folios. The number alone should also be recorded in @quantity and the type of unit (folios or pages) is recorded in @unit
    • The subelement <dimensions> contains two elements: <height> and <width>. Each element contains @unit="mm" and the value of the element is the number of mm's high or wide.
  • <note type="illustrations"> contains the number of illustrations in the manuscript, if known
    • leave this element out entirely if you do not have a number
    • enter only whole numbers without words in the value
  • <note type="material"> contains the terms "paper" or "parchment" to describe the material on which the manuscript is written
  • <pubPlace> contains the country and/or city where the manuscript was produced
  • <date> contains the date (or approximate date) that the manuscript was produced
    • for single dates, including single approximate dates, use @value
    • for uncertain dates such as "last half of 16th century" use @notBefore and @notAfter

<msDesc> section

  • <msIdentifer> contains subelements that describe where the manuscript is currently held
    • <settlement> contains the city that currently houses the manuscript
    • <repository> contains the library, archive, or other entity that houses the manuscript
    • <idno> contains the identification number or shelfmark of the manuscript within the scheme of the repository
  • <msContents> contains descriptions of all of the texts in the manuscript. This element is included even if there is only one text present.
    • <msItem n="1"> is the container element for each text. The @n should go in order starting with 1
      • <locus from="1" to="100">1-100</locus> contains the range of folia for each separate text.
      • <note type="folios">100</note> contains the number of folios for a particular text
      • <title>text title</title>
      • <note type="textid">rose</note> identifier for text
      • <note type="illustrations">10</note> contains the number of illustrations for a particular text
        • enter only whole numbers without words in the value
        • do not include this element if the text is not illustrated
      • <note type="linesPerColumn">38</note> contains the number of lines per column for each text
      • <note type="columnsPerFolio">2</note> contains the number of lines per folio for each text
      • <note type="leavesPerGathering">8</note> contains the number of leaves per gathering for each text

<text> section

In order to validate against the TEI schema, the manuscript description must have a <text> element with a <body> child element. In addition, the <body> element must have a <div> child element. The <div> </div> should be empty unless we decide to enclose the entire TEI transcription within it.

XML Description To Data Model Mapping

The TEI description files are mapped to the BookMetadata object for metadata (and in the future, the BookDescription object for prose description).

  • date: <date>
  • yearStart: <date notBefore="yearStart INT">
  • yearEnd: <date notAfter="yearEnd INT">
  • currentLocation: <msDesc><msIdentifier><settlement>
  • repository: <msDesc><msIdentifier><repository>
  • shelfmark: <msDesc><msIdentifier><idno>
  • origin: <bibl><pubPlace>
  • dimensions: combines width and height elements
  • width: <bibl><extent><dimensions><width unit="..">
  • height: <bibl><extent><dimensions><height unit="..">
  • numberOfIllustrations: <bibl><note type="illustrations">
  • numberOfPages: <bibl><extent><measure quantity="numberOfPages INT" unit="..">
  • type: <bibl><note type="format">
  • commonName: <bibl><note type="commonName">
  • material: <bibl><note type="material">
  • texts: all in element <msDesc><msContents><msItem n="INTEGER">
    • linesPerColumn: <note type="linesPerColumn">
    • columnsPerPage: <note type="columnsPerFolio">
    • leavesPerGathering: <note type="leaversPerGathering">
    • NumberOfIllustrations: <note type="illustrations">
    • numberOfPages: <note type="folios">
    • id: <note type="textid">
    • title: <title>
    • firstPage: <locus from="firstPage INT">
    • lastPage: <locus to="lastPage INT">
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