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jabrah edited this page Sep 15, 2014 · 5 revisions

Group: rosa
Artifact: rosa-archive-model
Version: 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT


  • Must be GWT compatible, model classes have to implement Serializable, etc
  • Encompass all preserved content
  • Accommodate manuscripts, printed books, etc especially those from Archaeology of Reading
  • Implement equals/hashCode appropriately
  • Implement toString to help debugging
  • Unit test public methods


A collection will contain metadata about the collection itself, as well as references to the books it contains. Collections and Books are meant to be loaded separately.

It is intended that each of items in the archive have a wrapper class in this model and may contain other model classes. Each of these archive items will have a Serializer associated with it, in order to load a model object from the archive and write one to the archive. The Serializers are written as part of the rosa-archive-core API. These model classes are initially based heavily off of the original rosa project.

  • BookCollection
    • CharacterNames
    • IllustrationTitles
    • NarrativeSections
      • BookScene
    • MissingList
    • Book
      • ImageList
        • BookImage
      • BookMetadata
        • BookText
      • BookDescription (not implemented)
      • ChecksumInfo
        • ChecksumData
      • CropInfo
        • CropData
      • IllustrationTagging
        • Illustration
      • NarrativeTagging
      • Permission
      • Transcription
      • BookStructure
        • StructurePage
          • StructurePageSide
            • StructureColumn
            • Item
            • Blank
            • Heading
            • Image
            • Rubric

See the code