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Mark Patton edited this page Dec 7, 2015 · 6 revisions

Data model documentation moved to:

Data Model

TODO: Say something about different classes of identifiers we are minting and how they are managed... I called the enumerations we are using, identifiers for the moment.


  • Page identifier
  • Reader identifier
  • Pagination identifier
  • Signature identifier
  • Annotation set

An AnnotatedPage represents a page of a book which has been annotated by a reader.

Quoting the transcribers manual:

Pagination refers to any printed numbering on the page: whether they be Roman numerals, Arabic numerals, whether they are consistent throughout the volume or whether paratextual material is given a separate pagination apart from the main body of the text, as well as including errors introduced by the printer. Signature refers to the standard bibliographical practice of giving an identifier for each leaf of a book using a method inherited from the book-printing and binding methods of the early modern era.


  • Referred text
  • Location
  • Language identifier

An annotation is an intervention by a reader on a page at a location in the text in a certain language. The intervention may refer to printed text on the page. For example an underline annotation refers to the underlined text. There are a number of different types of annotations.

Drawing (Annotation)

  • Drawing identifier
  • Method identifier

A drawing represents a drawing by the reader using some method.

Errata (Annotation)

  • Amended text

Quoting the transcribers manual:

The errata tag captures the instances in which the readers makes amendments to the printed text, which include corrections but also instances in which the readers aims to preserve the text.

Mark (Annotation)

  • Mark identifier
  • Method identifier

Represents some mark on the page made by the reader by some method.

Symbol (Annotation)

  • Symbol identifier

Represents some symbol drawn by the reader. (TODO: Difference from Mark and Drawing?)

Underline (Annotation)

  • Method identifier
  • Underline type identifier

Used to capture an intervention that underlines text using some method.

Numeral (Annotation)

  • Number text

Used to capture an intervention that consists solely of a number.

Marginalia (Annotation)

  • Hand identifier
  • Date
  • Other reader identifier
  • Topic identifier
  • Translation text
  • MarginaliaText list.

Marginalia represents text written in the margin by the reader at a date in a hand on some topic. The date may not be very precise. A different reader than the main reader may have made the intervention.

The MarginaliaText list contains transcriptions of the written text in order. There is also a translation of the written text into English.


  • Language identifier
  • List of MarginaliaTextLocation

Represents the text written by the reader in some language at some set of location on the page. The MarginaliaTextLocation list is in reading order.


  • Location identifier
  • Orientation angle
  • Written text
  • Mentioned people identifier set
  • Mentioned book identifier set
  • Mentioned locations identifier set.
  • XRef set
  • Emphasis Underline set
  • InternalReference set

Represents the text written by the reader at a location on the page in some orientation. The orientation is the angle of the book relative to the reader the book would have to be rotated for the marginalia to be written. People, books, and locations mentioned by the reader are also recorded. The XRef set records references to books which are not made explicitely. The set of emphasis underlines captures underlining that the reader has done on their own marginalia. The InternalReference set records references to other places in the book being read.


  • Author identifier
  • Language identifier
  • Title text
  • Quote text

Represents the quotation by the reader of a book when the reader does not explictely mention the title or author. The XRef gives the written quote, its language, the title of the book being quoted, and the author who write the book.


  • Written text
  • Set of ReferenceTarget

An InternalReference represents a reference by text written by the reader to another place in a book.


  • Page identifier
  • Book identifier
  • Target text

A ReferenceTarget represents the page of a book to which the reader has referred. The target text is text such as a page number which describes the target.

TODO: Various info about [] in the transcribers manual. This is not necessarily written text.

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