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John Abrahams edited this page Jan 16, 2019 · 10 revisions

Notes for various meetings.

10 Oct 2018

  • Update DTD used by our tools. This is most noticeable in transcriptions with certain special characters, which had previously been converted to unicode (similar to: U+00xx)
  • Internal references that have been broken out for an annotation into a separate section are now separate by a comma and whitespace (", ")
  • To avoid confusion, internal references with multiple targets are no longer turned into links within the annotation transcription. Previously, a user would click to open such internal references without being informed which target would be used. All targets will still appear in the separate Internal Reference section at the bottom of relevant annotations. Given time limitations, we will not be able to present these multi-target references to the user within the transcription in a nice way.
  • Allow custom labels to be specified per image. These labels will be added to our *.images.csv spreadsheets. The spreadsheets have already been shared for editing.
  • Various links related to books referenced in the corpus have been added to the books.xlsx spreadsheet. These links should now be available in the viewer similar to the way ISNI links are available for people referenced in annotations. When a book reference is clicked, a menu will appear that allows a user to search for that book within the current book and within the collection. If the referenced book has any related links, they will also appear in this menu.

Work has begun on implementing persistent URLs. These URLs have changed somewhat from our original idea of including data in the viewer's URL path. Instead, the data will be in the URL's fragment. This change has been made due to technical restraints.

28 Nov 2018


  • Further refined handling of history. It is still not perfect, but is mostly in place and should not crash the viewer if it trips up
  • Add new button to open up a "Research Finding" - display a list of events that were recorded as the user moved through the viewer
    • User can add a description or edit the label for each event
    • User can add a description for the entire list of events
    • User can export this list to HTML
      • Exported list has clickable links that will boot up an instance of the viewer

Known Issues

  • Removing a row from the research finding may result in unexpected behavior
    • Any additional steps added after removal will have incorrect numbering
    • Early tests showed additional steps were unable to be edited, although I have been unable to recreate this bug
  • Browser navigation using the Back / Forward browser buttons does not handle multiple panels right now. A user is able to navigate the viewer normally as before, opening up arbitrary panels as they want. However, going back in the browser history will not behave as a user may expect. Panels will not be added or removed as expected. This should not completely break the viewer, but it will behave strangely

12 Dec 2018


  • Updated metadata for each AOR book
    • Update book label
    • Update URLs to anticipated bibliography changes in WordPress site
  • Reformat exported HTML to be bulleted list
  • User can no longer click on any steps in the research finding view to navigate to that step. This is a workaround to prevent a bug that would sometimes clear the research finding data.
  • User can hit 'Enter' key when filename input is focused to trigger download
  • Basic searches should no longer show the raw query in the research finding view
  • Incorporate various UI tweaks to the viewer
    • We now display 5 thumbnails instead of 3
    • Make information visible in the book list configurable - we can specify metadata keys to display in the book list to add more info
    • AOR banner image added to viewer
    • Viewer header text changed - color and text updated
    • Change text color in the book list
    • "Item" count changed to "image" count
  • Add "Export to RMap" function to the research finding view

Known Issues

  • Research finding data can sometimes be completely lost if a user clicks on a link in the HTML view to navigate to a step. There is now a temporary work around which simply prevents a user from clicking on these links
  • Search across the AOR collection from the side panel for now will be labeled as a search in a book in the research finding view
  • Multiple panels in the viewer are not handled correctly in browser history still. Normal navigation is fine, the problem arises when using the browser forward/back buttons
  • The UI is still not exactly as specified in earlier meetings

Next Steps


9 Jan 2019

Changes here include all modifications to the aor2-test viewer after the beta period started.


  • Fix bug where old search results might hang around after starting a new search
  • Clicking on a book title in the book list will take you to the cover image, instead of thumbnail view
  • Fix bug where page images would not load when navigating to a new page
  • Removing items in research finding list should not break numbering any more
  • User can again change item title in research finding list
  • Blank entries should no longer appear in the research finding - this was caused by tracked events that do not have associated URLs - such as adding/removing slots. For now, those events are not included in the research finding
  • Several UI changes:
    • Search UI refactored on landing page and sidebar (Needs feedback!). Landing page search more closely resembles the proposed UI from Splice.
      • Sort By moved
      • Elements to toggle between Basic and Advanced search changed
      • Advanced search search terms now flow better and take up less vertical space
      • Clicking on the question mark icon opens a popup with some help text for advanced search
    • Search results panel modified to better distinguish it from the book list
    • Some basic CSS included with the exported research finding HTML so it better resembles the list in the viewer

16 Jan 2019


  • Research Finding
    • Removed "Not Implemented" tooltip
    • Various bits of text were added or changed to describe the function of various exports
    • Links in exported HTML moved to separate line
  • Search
    • Text for search results paging fixed (Showing 1 - 30 of 97)
    • Toggle between Basic and Advanced search made to look more like buttons
    • Search button should no longer be cut off in sidebar
    • Fixed bug where paging was not honored when loading directly from a search URL
  • Default text and text color in annotation tab
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