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Rosa Archive Book Description

jabrah edited this page Jan 23, 2015 · 1 revision

XML files with prose description and structured metadata. <noteStmt> section contains prose description of the book and consists of <note>s, identified by the rend attribute. This prose description is optional. The description should have the titleStmt, publicationStmt, and sourceDesc sections. <sourceDesc> contains structured metadata. The <text> section must be included in order to validate against the TEI schema.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TEI xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" tei_ms.xsd">
   <!-- the element locus always refers to a folio number; it may have @to and @from to designate a sequence of folia -->
            <title>Roman de la Rose</title>
            <note rend="IDENTIFICATION">
               <p>Ludwig XV 7, J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. Paris, c. 1405 </p>
            <note rend="BASIC INFORMATION">
               <p>Parchment, 370 x 260 mm, 136 folios</p>
            <note rend="MATERIAL">
                  <material>Parchment</material> of good quality, with no significant flaws; a minor
                  repair on 9r.</p>
            <note rend="LAYOUT">
               <p>Ruled in red ink, no prickings survive. Ruled with eight vertical and two
                  horizontal lines. Each column is delineated by a vertical through line on either
                  side; two additional lines extend to the top of text block and separate the first
                  letter of each line from the rest of the line. One horizontal through line at the
                  top and bottom of text block. Two columns of 44 lines each. Text block varies in
                  height from 255-260 mm, and is 169 mm in width; each column approximately 75mm
                  wide. Ruled for two columns of 44 lines each </p>
            <note rend="TEXT">
               <p>Contains only <hi rend="italics">Roman de la Rose</hi>.</p>
            <note rend="AUTHOR">
               <p>Description by Timothy L. Stinson</p>
               <note type="format">manuscript</note>
               <note type="commonName">Ludwig XV7</note>
               <title>Roman de la Rose</title>
                  <measure quantity="136" unit="folios">136 folios</measure>
                     <height unit="mm">370</height>
                     <width unit="mm">260</width>
               <note type="illustrations">101</note>
               <note type="material">parchment</note>
               <pubPlace>Paris, France</pubPlace>
               <date notAfter="1500" notBefore="1400">15th century</date>
                  <settlement>Los Angeles</settlement>
                  <repository>J. Paul Getty Museum</repository>
                  <idno>Ludwig XV 7</idno>
                  <msItem n="1">
                     <locus from="1r" to="135v">1r-135v</locus>
                     <title>Roman de la Rose</title>
                     <note type="textid">rose</note>
                     <note type="folios">135</note>
                     <note type="illustrations">101</note>
                     <note type="linesPerColumn">44</note>
                     <note type="leavesPerGathering">8</note>
                     <note type="columnsPerFolio">2</note>
         <div> </div>