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QuantumGate Security Levels

Karel Donk edited this page Dec 30, 2019 · 6 revisions

While most of the security settings of a QuantumGate local instance can be configured through the QuantumGate::Local::SetSecurityLevel member function using the SecurityParameters, a number of defaults are provided to make it easier for users to get up and running with QuantumGate.

QuantumGate provides 5 default QuantumGate::SecurityLevels (from One to Five), each with their own specific configurations that increase in aggressiveness, where Five is the most aggressive. The higher the QuantumGate::SecurityLevel is set, the less tolerant and the more resistant the instance will be to various attacks and traffic analysis.

It is not required for the peers on the QuantumGate network to have the identical security settings configured in order to communicate with each other; they can run at any of the default levels provided in addition to the Custom level. However, in the case of the Custom level, care must be taken not to provide settings that would prevent other peers from successfully connecting and communicating with the local instance. For example, if you specify a MaxHandshakeDuration that is too low, other peers may fail to successfully connect in time. Other situations may benefit from diverse security settings. For example, when peers are configured at different security levels, the settings for noise will also differ, and this will cause the traffic to look even more random.

In addition to the security levels and parameters, access settings can be configured through the Access Manager of a local instance.

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