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Karel Donk edited this page Aug 10, 2020 · 2 revisions

QuantumGate::Peer::ConnectionAlgorithms is a struct that contains details about the algorithms used for a connection to a peer. These algorithms get negotiated between peers when a connection is made and are chosen from the collection given during startup of the local instance via the StartupParameters. After a connection has been established to a peer the QuantumGate::Peer::GetConnectionAlgorithms member function can be used to get information about which algorithms were negotiated and are used for a connection to a specific peer. See Supported Algorithms for more information.


struct ConnectionAlgorithms
    Algorithm::Hash Hash{ Algorithm::Hash::Unknown };
    Algorithm::Asymmetric PrimaryAsymmetric{ Algorithm::Asymmetric::Unknown };
    Algorithm::Asymmetric SecondaryAsymmetric{ Algorithm::Asymmetric::Unknown };
    Algorithm::Symmetric Symmetric{ Algorithm::Symmetric::Unknown };
    Algorithm::Compression Compression{ Algorithm::Compression::Unknown };

Member variables

Name Description
Hash The hashing algorithm used for the connection.
PrimaryAsymmetric The primary asymmetric algorithm used for the connection.
SecondaryAsymmetric The secondary asymmetric algorithm used for the connection.
Symmetric The symmetric algorithm used for the connection.
Compression The compression algorithm used for the connection.
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