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Karel Donk edited this page Jan 18, 2020 · 12 revisions

QuantumGate::Extender is a class that represents a QuantumGate extender. You can view extenders as plugins that work on top of QuantumGate and extend its basic functionality.

While QuantumGate handles the basic tasks like connecting with peers on the network and handling communications, the extenders can provide higher level functionalities such as chat services, file sharing services, crypto-currencies and much more.

All extenders written for QuantumGate should derive from this class. A single instance of QuantumGate can run multiple extenders simultaneously. Extenders can be designed and distributed on their own, or they can be distributed along with other extenders in QuantumGate Extender Modules.

Member functions


Name Description
Constructor Constructs a QuantumGate::Extender object.
GetUUID Gets the UUID of the extender.
GetName Gets the name of the extender.
GetLocalVersion Gets the QuantumGate module version of the QuantumGate instance hosting the extender.
GetLocalProtocolVersion Gets the QuantumGate protocol version of the QuantumGate instance hosting the extender.
GetLocalUUID Gets the peer UUID of the local QuantumGate instance hosting the extender.
IsRunning Returns whether the extender is running.


Name Description
ConnectTo Initiates a connection to a peer on the network.
DisconnectFrom Initiates disconnection from a peer on the network.
SendMessage Sends data to a peer on the network.
SendMessageTo Sends data to a peer on the network.
GetMaximumMessageDataSize Gets the maximum size of data that can be sent with a single call to the SendMessageTo function.
QueryPeers Returns a collection of peers on the QuantumGate instance hosting the extender based on custom criteria.
GetPeer Returns a peer on the local instance.


Name Description
SetStartupCallback Sets the startup callback function.
SetPostStartupCallback Sets the post-startup callback function.
SetPreShutdownCallback Sets the pre-shutdown callback function.
SetShutdownCallback Sets the shutdown callback function.
SetPeerEventCallback Sets the peer event callback function.
SetPeerMessageCallback Sets the peer message callback function.
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