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Karel Donk edited this page Aug 4, 2020 · 3 revisions

QuantumGate::Extender::PeerEvent is a class that represents a peer event. Peer events are sent by a QuantumGate local instance to its extenders through their callback functions. In this way extenders are notified when peers connect to, or disconnect from, the instance, and when messages are received.

Member functions

Name Description
Constructor Constructs a PeerEvent object. PeerEvent objects are constructed by the QuantumGate instance and an extender can only move construct an object of needed.
operator= Move assigns a value from another PeerEvent.
operator bool Returns whether the object contains a valid peer event.
GetType Returns the peer event type.
GetPeerLUID Returns the Locally Unique Identifier of the peer causing the event.
GetPeerUUID Returns the Universally Unique Identifier of the peer causing the event.
GetPeer Returns the peer causing the event.
GetMessageData Returns a pointer to the message data of the event.
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