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Karel Donk edited this page Oct 27, 2021 · 4 revisions

Disables the specified listeners for the instance. If the QuantumGate instance is running the listeners are shut down while the instance keeps running. When the listeners are disabled the instance won't be able to accept incoming connections. Existing connections are unaffected.


Result<> DisableListeners(const ListenerType type) noexcept;


Name Description
type The listener type for which to disable listeners. See QuantumGate::Local::ListenerType for details.

Return values

Returns a QuantumGate::Result object equal to one of the following QuantumGate::ResultCodes:

Value Description
QuantumGate::ResultCode::Succeeded The operation succeeded.
QuantumGate::ResultCode::FailedNotRunning The operation failed because the QuantumGate instance wasn't running.
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