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Karel Donk edited this page Dec 25, 2021 · 5 revisions

QuantumGate::Access::Manager is a class that represents the Access Manager. Through the Access Manager it's possible to configure a number of different access and security settings, allowing you to control which peers on the QuantumGate network are allowed to connect to and communicate with your local instance. By default the local instance is locked down as much as possible and you need to explicitly allow connections from IP address ranges and peers.

A reference to the Access Manager of a QuantumGate instance can be retrieved through the QuantumGate::Local::GetAccessManager function.

Member functions


Name Description
GetAddressAllowed Checks whether or not an address is allowed to connect to the instance.

IP Filters

By default all IP addresses are blocked on the local instance unless a range (or ranges) are allowed through.

Name Description
AddIPFilter Adds an IP filter to the instance.
RemoveIPFilter Removes an IP filter from the instance.
RemoveAllIPFilters Removes all IP filters from the instance.
GetAllIPFilters Returns a collection of all IP filters on the instance.

IP Subnet Limits

By default there are no IP subnet limits.

Name Description
AddIPSubnetLimit Adds an IP subnet limit to the instance.
RemoveIPSubnetLimit Removes an IP subnet limit from the instance.
GetAllIPSubnetLimits Returns a collection of all IP subnet limits on the instance.

Address Reputations

QuantumGate automatically adds network addresses (IP addresses, Bluetooth addresses etc.) and maintains their reputation as soon as a peer connects to the local instance. Use these functions to add, set and retrieve reputations for addresses.

Name Description
SetAddressReputation Sets the reputation details for an address.
ResetAddressReputation Resets the reputation for an address to the maximum positive score.
ResetAllAddressReputations Resets the reputations of all addresses to the maximum positive score.
GetAllAddressReputations Returns a collection of all address reputations.


By default no peers are allowed unless they have explicitly been added, and/or, unless the Peer Access Default is configured to allow peers to connect by default.

Name Description
AddPeer Adds access settings for a peer to the instance.
UpdatePeer Updates the access settings for a peer on the instance.
RemovePeer Removes access settings for a peer from the instance.
RemoveAllPeers Removes all peer access settings from the instance.
GetPeerAllowed Returns whether or not a peer is allowed to connect to the instance.
SetPeerAccessDefault Sets the default peer access settings for the instance.
GetPeerAccessDefault Returns the default peer access settings for the instance.
GetAllPeers Returns a collection of all peer access settings for the instance.
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