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Karel Donk edited this page Sep 2, 2018 · 17 revisions

QuantumGate::Result is a class that represents a return value from a function or operation. Many functions in the QuantumGate API return a QuantumGate::Result object containing an error code and optionally a value. The error codes and the value types can differ depending on the function being used. Refer to the documentation of the function in question for more details on its return values.

Member functions

Name Description
Constructor Creates a QuantumGate::Result object.
GetErrorCode Returns the std::error_code.
GetErrorValue Returns the error value.
GetErrorDescription Returns a description of the error code.
GetErrorCategory Returns the error category.
GetErrorString Returns a formatted string of the error code, error description and error category.
HasValue Returns whether the object holds a value.
GetValue Returns a reference to the value.
operator*, operator-> Returns a reference or pointer to the value.
Succeeded Returns whether the operation succeeded or executes a lambda function.
Failed Returns whether the operation failed or executes a lambda function.
operator bool Returns whether the operation succeeded.
operator==, operator!= Compares the result to a QuantumGate::ResultCode or a std::error_code.
operator<< Outputs the error category, code and description to the stream.
Clear Clears the error code and value and restores the default.


#include <iostream>
#include <QuantumGate.h>

int main()
    QuantumGate::StartupParameters params;
    // params member assignment here

    QuantumGate::Local qg;
    const auto result = qg.Startup(params);
    if (result.Succeeded())
        std::wcout << L"Startup successful";
        std::wcout << L"Startup failed (" << result << L")";

    return 0;
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