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Karel Donk edited this page Dec 23, 2021 · 5 revisions

Constructs a QuantumGate::IPEndpoint object.


  1. constexpr IPEndpoint() noexcept;
  2. constexpr IPEndpoint(const Protocol protocol, const IPAddress& ipaddr, const UInt16 port);
  3. constexpr IPEndpoint(const Protocol protocol, const IPAddress& ipaddr, const UInt16 port,
        const RelayPort rport, const RelayHop hop);
  4. IPEndpoint(const Protocol protocol, const sockaddr_storage* addr);


Name Description
protocol The protocol to use for the endpoint. See QuantumGate::IPEndpoint::Protocol for more details.
ipaddr The IP address of the endpoint. See QuantumGate::IPAddress for more details.
port The port of the endpoint.
rport The relay port of the endpoint.
hop The hop count of the endpoint.
addr A pointer to a sockaddr_storage object with the endpoint information.


May throw a std::invalid_argument exception when the protocol or addr parameters are invalid.

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