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Karel Donk edited this page Dec 23, 2021 · 2 revisions

QuantumGate::BinaryBTHAddress is a struct containing details about a Bluetooth address.


struct BinaryBTHAddress
    BinaryBTHAddress::Family AddressFamily{ BinaryBTHAddress::Family::Unspecified};
        Byte Bytes[8];
        UInt64 UInt64s{ 0 };

Member variables

Name Description
AddressFamily The address family. See QuantumGate::BTHAddress::Family for more details.
Bytes The bytes making up the Bluetooth address.

Member functions

Name Description
Clear Clears the contents and restores the default values.
operator= Assigns a value from another BinaryBTHAddress.
operator==, operator!= Compares the BinaryBTHAddress to another.
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