Which Way Is Up - an online gallery and ecommerce website for artist Peter Charalambides - was created for educational purposes as part of the Code Institute’s full stack development course.
Using the principles of UX design, this fully responsive and interactive website was developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python as well as Django as a framework.
View live project here link to deployed link
To make a test paiement, you may use the following card numbers:
- Visa: 4111 1111 1111 1111
- Mastercard: 2223 0000 4840 0011
- Amex: 3714 49635 398431
- UX Design
- Features
- CRUD operations and defensive design
- Technologies Used
- Testing
- Deployment
- Credits
Peter Charalambides is a London based artist operating under the umbrella 'Which Way Is Up' and whose style sits within the urban art movement.
Whilst Peter Charalambides’ breadth of work is versatile, he specialises in doodle art illustration on a wide range of mediums including furniture.
With over 1300 followers on instagram, Peter would like to revamp his website to showcase his portfolio and include an ecommerce shop where he can sell his art directly to the public.
Peter Charalambides offers original artwork as well as prints of his illustration, with a wide range of pricing, making his art accessible and affordable to all.
- To increase online presence
- To drive and connect with audience through the website
- To tell artist story and showcase portfolio
- Convert interest into sales
- To access a user-friendly website across multiple devices
- To discover artist work and collections
- To buy prints and unique piece of arts
- To contact and connect with the artist
Navigation and website experience
- As a site user, I want a responsive website so that I can access it on different devices
- As a site user, I want to easily navigate across the site so that I can find the information I need
- As a site user, I want to read about the artist so that I can learn about his background and exhibitions
- As a site user, I want to view the artist work so that I can understand meaning and what his pieces are about
- As a site user, I want to see the details for an artwork so that I can get a better appreciation and decide if I would want to buy it
- As site user, I want to engage with the artist work so that I can be part of his community
Shopping experience
- As a shopper, I want to view all the artwork available so that I can quickly have an overview of what is on offer
- As a shopper, I want to view available artwork by specific collection and category so that I can quickly find products I’m interested in
- As a shopper, I want to sort the list of artwork available so that I can find a piece within my price range
- As a shopper, I want to view the artwork price and details so that I can make an informed decision
- As a shopper, I want to read reviews so that I can have a better understanding of the quality of the artist work
- As a shopper, I want to view related items so that I can purchase several artwork
- As a shopper, I want to select a quantity for an item if applicable so I can order what I need
Shopping bag and checkout
- As a shopper, I want to review items in my shopping bag so that I can adjust quantities ordered
- As a shopper, I want to have a gift option so I can buy a print / piece of art for a special occasion for a friend
- As a shopper, I want to enter payment information in a safe and secure way so that I can checkout quickly with confidence
- As a shopper, I want to receive confirmation for my order so that I can have a proof of purchase
Registration and account management
- As a site user, I want to register for an account so that I can view my orders and my favourite items
- As a site user, I want to login and logout so that I can access my profile safely
- As a site user, I want to edit my profile so that I can update my personal information
- As a site user, I want to reset my password - if I forgot it - so that I can access my account
Favourite items and product review
- As a site user, I want to save an artwork in my wishlist so that I can buy it later or buy it again
- As a site user, I want to leave a review so that I can let others know about my shopping experience
Contact and connect
- As a site user, I want to contact the site owner so that I can make queries about his work / request for a commission
- As a site user, I want to follow the artist on social media so that I can keep up to date with his work
Admin and site management
- As the site owner, I want to add, edit and delete a collection so that I can keep my portfolio and work up-to-date
- As the site owner, I want to add, edit and delete individual artwork so that I can link them to a collection and keep my shop up-to-date
- As a site owner I want to add related products so that I can encourage multi-buy
- As a site owner, I want to be able to edit most of the content of the website, so that I can keep my website up to date and engaging.
- As a site owner, I want to manage orders from the console so that I know I have dispatched the order.
A pdf version of the feature trade-off can been see here
This website will be developed as a minimal viable product with room for future improvements and releases, incorporating additional features.
- To be able to sign-up using email address and secure password
- To be able to login and logout
- To be able to add/view/edit/delete profile information
- To be able to reset password
- To be able to add/view/edit/delete an collection
- To be able to add/view/edit/delete a artwork
- To be able to add/view/edit/delete reviews
- To be able to create/view/edit/delete shopping bag
- To be able to process orders
- To be able to process paiement
- To be able to sort shop items according to a set of criteria
- To be able to email notification to users
- To be able to store and retrieve images
- To be able to contact the site owner
- To receive feedback for important actions: create - update - delete
- To handle errors: page 404 not found, page 500 Internal Server Error and page 403 access denied
- Display artwork images and information in engaging way
- Intuitive navigation and structure
- Artist biography and key events/exhibitions
- Information about the artist work
- Image library for artworks
- Details for the artwork - materials, size, price
- Forms where user input is required
- Engaging text and headings throughout to introduce main sections of the website
- Icons for interactive and visual elements
- Artworks can be added to a portfolio and not be available for purchase
- Artworks can be available for purchase and not feature in a portfolio
- Artworks and portfolios may be set as active, inactive or draft
- An artwork cannot be deleted if it features in an order and should be set as inactive instead
- Orders will be set as 'in progress' and the shop owner to action orders as dispatched
- Delivery are free and items can only be shipped to a UK address but can be billed anywhere
- Technical skills: The site owner is still learning Python and is new to Django Framework which may impact on the successful implementation of the planned features.
- Time: Implementing features using new technical skills will require time and careful planning, especially since the developer is now working full-time.
- Header: Logo and a collapsible menu with navigational links
- Homepage: Give an overview of the artist universe including Hero image, featured collection, downloadable colouring page and reviews
- About: Information about the artist and events
- Work/Commission: Display artist portfolio and image library
- Shop: Display artwork, prints and other items for sale
- Product page: Display artwork details
- Shopping bag: Display items added in the bag
- Footer: Contact form, links to social media and policies
- Collapsible menu
- Buttons, icons and links with hovering effect
The diagram below illustrates the database structure used in this project, first managed using SQLite during the development process, then Postgres in production with Heroku. A pdf version can be seen here.
The schema has been revised and the intial database structure can be found here
- Stores users' registration information provided upon signing up
- Information from the User Model is used to create the UserProfile upon signing up
UserProfile model
- Stores users' detailed information such as full name, phone number and address that can be retrieved at checkout or when contacting the shop owner
- Stores wishlist items using many-to-many relationship with artwork model
- This model is related to Order and Review models to easily retrieve users' order details and reviews
PortfolioCategory model
- Stores category name for a portfolio
- Is used to generate dynamic nav bar menu ang group portfolios together
Portoflio model
- Stores detailed information about a portfolio such as name, description, materials, image and status and is used to display content in portfolios' pages (ex. work and commission)
- Status information is used to decide whether the portfolio is displayed or not
- Related with artwork model to display image library
ShopCategory model
- Stores category name and category back end name, which is automatically generated
- Used to generate dynamic shop's dropdown menu and shop pages
- Used to retrieve list of artwork to be displayed on relevant shop pages
Artwork model
- Stores detailed information about an artwork to be displayed in artwork detail page, such as name, image, size, price ...
- Features stock information with stock adjustment upon successful checkout. Stock information is also used to display dynamic options in select quantity fields and whether the artwork can be added to bag or not.
- Features an optional stock alert used to inform the shop owner if stock reach a critical level.
- Status is used to decide wether artwork can be displayed, added to wishlist and bag as well as whether reviews can be added for that artwork.
- Status is also used to override delete method if an artwork features in any Order_line records
- Feature a boolean and decimal field for displaying sale price and overriding artwork's default price
- Feature a many-to-many relationship to self to select related products (symmetrical)
- Rating field is auto-populated as average of all reviews for that item when a review is added
- Related to Portfolio and ShopCategoy model to easily retrieve information
Order model
- Stores all the information related to a successful order made by a user, including order number, delivery and billing details
- Stores if there's a gift option as well as the gift recipient and a gift message
- Stores if paiement was successfully made as well as the paiement ID
Order_line model
- Stores details that have been added to the user’s shopping bag, such as artwork name, price and quantity
- Takes information from the artwork model to display artwork detail
- Information from the Order_line is sent to the Order model to update the order and order totals
Review model
- Stores review details about an artwork such as ratings and comments
- Information from the Review model is sent to the Artwork model using a signal to update average rating
- Related to artwork and order_line model to verify wether the user is leaving a review for an item that has been purchased
- Related to UserProfile to easily retrieved information to be displayed in my reviews
Event model
- Stores detailed information about an event (can be an exhibition, event...) such as start date, end date, place and description.
- Used to be display in event section in about page
Please find all the wireframes in pdf format here.
Please find below links to a selection of wireframe used for this project (png format)
- Sections in the profile pages feature on their own dedicated pages
- Collection details (portfolio) feature a panel of the left for the portfolio details and a panel on the right for the image library
- Work page wasn't implemented as not needed, instead users will have access to each individual collections using a dropdown menu
- Items in shop page feature additional buttons
- Saved items has been renamed wishlist
- Line items in the shopping bag have been adjusted for better user experience.
The website will feature a simple, modern and engaging design, with minimum colours to keep the emphasis on the artist's work.
The website will solely feature images from the artist's work.
Since the artwork is either black and white or very colorful, the website will use mostly black and white with some additional colours for interactive purposes (such as hovering effect) and users' feedback.
The website will use the following colour palette, which was custom-made and checked for accessibility using Adobe Color:
The website will use the following fonts from Google:
Icons by font-awesome will be used throughout the website to allow users to quickly access functionalities such as adding items to the shopping cart or wishlist.
- Horizontal lines to structure and make the content of the website easy to read.
- Slightly rounded edge borders and buttons for a more user friendly and inviting interface.
- Some light shadows to add further dimension and depth to the website.
The image library in collection and commission sections is looking at presenting the images in their aspect ratio. Whilst it works relatively well when there are many images, it does look a bit odd when there are only a few items to display. Ideally the developer would have liked to implement a masonry style layout, but would need to work a solution compatible with Bootstrap.
Implemented features can be found in this document.
- Additional thumbnail images for product details
- Pagination on shop when displaying all items
- Full content management to display and update content on the homepage and other static pages such as policies and biography
- Improved user interface for the super admin to manage store, orders and content of the website
- Ability to share artwork on social media
- Integration with Paypal
- Allauth integration with social media platform
- Add a blog where artist can post about his creative process and other work (although shop owner not interested at his point)
Operations all user auth. user super user View homepage Yes Yes Yes View about page Yes Yes Yes Add/edit/delete event No No Yes View portfolio pages Yes Yes Yes Add/edit/delete categories No No Yes Add/edit/delete a portfolio No No Yes View artworks (shop) Yes Yes Yes View artwork details Yes Yes Yes Add/edit/delete shop categories No No Yes Add/edit/delete artwork No No Yes View add to bag Yes Yes Yes Checkout page Yes Yes Yes Login No Yes Yes Register Yes No No View profile Yes Yes Yes Edit profile No Yes Yes View wishlist No Yes Yes Add to/remove from wishlist No Yes Yes View order history No Yes Yes View order details No Yes Yes View my reviews No Yes Yes View all reviews Yes Yes Yes Add/edit/delete a review No Yes Yes -
Users first need to confirm that they are sure that they want to delete the specifified item (artwork, portfolio, reviews and event)
- The options for quantity to be added to the shopping bag are limited to stock availability and to a maximum of 5 items
- Users cannot add an item out of stock to their shopping cart and the button 'add to cart' to be removed from page when items are out of stock.
- Users cannot add an item whose status is not active to their shopping bag
- If artwork is set as inactive / draft:
- Artwork will not be displayed in portfolio pages
- Artwork will not be displayed in shop pages
- Artwork detail page will not be accessible to users except the super admin
- Artwork cannot be added to shopping bag and wishlist
- Artwork will be removed from any wishlist they have been added to & users will be notified by email
- Artwork will be removed from shopping bag and users will be notified when they next access their shopping bag or checkout page.
- If portfolio is set as inactive / draft:
- Portfolio will not be displayed in the dynamically generated nav bar
- Portfolio page will not be accessible to users except for the super admin
- If artwork is set as inactive / draft:
- Conditions in place to ensure that only the superuser can add/edit/delete artworks
- If an artwork has been purchased, it cannot be deleted and its status will be set as inactive instead
- Users can only add reviews for items that they have purchased and reviews will also be related to the order line in checkout orders
- Users can also only add reviews for items still active, but can edit and delete a review whether an item is active or not
- Users can only have a delivery address set in the UK and if the country selected is anything other than UK an error message will be displayed.
Braintree was selected as payment method for the following consideration:
- Ease of implementation and customisation
- Shop owner has previous experience of using Braintree, which will be helpful when the site goes live.
- The shop owner also wishes to add Paypal as a paiement method in future implementation
- Braintree offers an easy integration with Paypal and also with many other mobile paiment method such as Apple Pay.
The developer also looked at this blog post comparing features between Stripe and Braintree.
- SQlite: SQL database engine provided by default as part of Django and used during development
- Heroku Postgres: SQL database service provided directly by Heroku for storing data
- Amazon AWS S3: to store images and static files in production
- Heroku: to deploy and run the application in production
- Django: Python web framework for rapid development and clean, pragmatic design
- Gunicorn: WSGI HTTP Server to support deployment of Django application
- Jquery: to simplify Ajax, DOM manipulation and event handling
- Bootstrap5: for responsive grid and general layout
- Font Awesome: used for icons throughout the website
- Google font: used for body and headings font
- Crispy form: to manage rendering behaviour and layout of Django forms
- Bootstrap 5 crispy: Boostrap5 template for Dango Crispy Forms
- Django-countries: countries that already has a pre-built country field containing all the valid country codes.
- Django_case_insensitive_field: to allow case insensitive comparison for unique fields
- Django cleanup: to automatically delete images / files when an ImagField is removed / updated or deleted
- Tinyjpg.com: to compress images
- Balsamiq: to design wireframes
- Dbdiagram.io: to design schema of relational database
- W3C Markup Validation Service: to check there's not error in HTML
- W3C CSS Validator: This tool was used to check there's no error in the CSS code.
- WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool: This tool was used to evaluate accessibility of the webiste.
- PEP8 online: to validate python syntax
- JSHint: to validate jquery/javascript syntax
- Chrome DevTools: Google inspect was used to test and fix code and page responsiveness.
- Google lighthouse: Google lighthouse was used to assess performance of the site
The website was extensively tested as it was developed with the implementation of new features, using:
- console.log() and google developer tools
- terminal for backend functionalities by printing expected outcome
- Manual testing of user stories
User stories were tested manually and details can be found here:
The developer started implementing automated testing, namely checking all responses on views as well a test case on newsletter form. Unfortunately, as the developer is new to automated testing and time was of the essence, full case automated testing on all models and forms were not implemented. However this is something that the developer is keen to learn, explore and implement.
setUp function was used to create test classes - as explained in this django documentation
The website was extensively tested manually, going through different case scenarios.
Each page for the website was run through the W3C Markup Validation Service and returned no errors. As all web pages are rendered dynamically using Jinja template, each page and scenario had to be validated by direct input by copying and pasting the source code for the page.
Each CSS file was tested with W3C CSS Validator via direct input and returned no errors
All javascripts files were tested with JSHint and returned no errors except for braintree scripts for hosted fields, especially scripts for fields validation. Since the scripts will be actionned for the fields hosted in an iframe, the developer left the scripts as they are.
Each python file was run through PEP8 online and returned no errors, except for settings.py and password validation section.
The website was tested on the following devices and browsers:
Prefixes needed to be added to clip-path as trapezeoid shapes as they did not render on tablets regardless of the browser.
The website was also tested using Google Inspect and Responsive viewer
Google Lighthouse was run on different pages, with performances ranging from 83% to 100% depending on the number of images on the pages. The page with the lowest performance is the shop page with all products displayed. Below is an extract of the reports:
Since the website was developed using Django templating, each page was tested individually for accessibility with WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool and returned no errors except for Braintree hosted fields as the accessibility tools cannot identify labels for these fields.
Since these fields displayed in an iframe and after trying to add additional options such as 'internalLabel', the errors still remained and the developer kept the initial setting.
As the newsletter form is rendered in the base template and accessible across the website, it was included into a context processor.
At first return, as a condition looked for a get request, it seemed to have interferred with Allauth functionalities - and as a result - if there were any errors in the login or whilst registering, it would throw a NoneType error.
The solution was to remove "if request is get" & also renaming file - to make sure - it doesn’t override allauth functionalities
One of the issue was to render to profile form in two column using the crispy form functionalities. At first the developer used two forms, but that would have created issues with the post action, so crispy layout to design the form in the backend.
The developer had to be careful checking for django template variable being cut-off when beatufifying the code and causing errors when running the application.
Gitpod workplace opening to previous version of project On 03/01/22 the workplace for this project opened to a previous version showing changes that have been previously committed and pushed. Upon further inspection, many other files were missing and it became apparent that the workspace opened to a previous version of the project.
Step taken to resolve the issue
- Commit the changes on the workplace
- Pull from origin main
- Merge conflicts
- Commit and push to origin main
- Run the application to check for any issues and adjust settings to remove star ratings, which was previously installed and removed
Change to gitpod and Code Institute template
When gitpod updated their platform, it inadvertently affected the workspace and the template developed by Code Institute used for this project, whereby affecting the packages installed for running the application.
Following the previous issue with the workspace, the developer took the opportunity to follow the recommendations to open a new workspace with the updated Code Institute template by taking the following steps:
- Export the current database following this tutorial (the dump was included
- Fix the current requirements and override the dockerfile as recommended by Code Insitute
- Open a new workspace using the new CI template
- Upload the sqlite from the previous workspace to the one
Django variable to javascript
For ease and having had some initial issues with connecting the static javascript files, the developer included scripts at the bottom of the html file. Since it’s cleaner to have the scripts in static files, scripts were moved to their respective files. The connection issue was resolved by closing the server and reopening it.
For the checkout app, the client token variable needed to be retrieved from the html template. After some research, the solution was to use json_script as per suggestion in this stack overflow post and using this django documentation
Html template:
{{ client_token|json_script:'client_token' }}
const client_token = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('client_token').textContent);
Known issues are those raised in the accessibility report and formating of javascript for Braintree hosted fields. Other than that, all Braintree functionalities works as intended and error messages are displayed properly.
Also should the developer add an order form the admin platform, the stock will not deduct since the stock deduction scripts are within the views rather than the models. In retrospective, the developer should have created a signal when an order line for an order form is created (only).
This website was developed on Gitpod using the Code Institute student template with changes frequently committed to git then pushed onto GitHub from the Gitpod terminal. The application is deployed on Render with the repository hosted on Github and the postgres database hosted on ElephantSQL
- Have an account with Amazon AWS and get a connection string
- Have an account with Render
- Have an account with Braintree
- Have an account with ElephantSQL
- Have an email account, preferrably with gmail, having set up 2-step verification with a password specific for this app.
- Create a postgres instance on ElephantSQL
- Create a webservice on Render, connect to Postgres database and deploy the app without static files
- Create and connect Amazon bucket for storing images and static files
- As this database was designed without fixtures, make sure manage.py file is connected to mysql database
- Backup the current database for each of desired models and load it into a db.json file, by typing in CLI:
python3 manage.py dumpdata your_model_name > db.json
- Repeat this action for each models you wish to transfer to the postgres database (alternatively you can backup your whole database)
- Create a temporary variable in your environement named: DATABASE_URL with the value of the Postgres URL from Heroku
- In your local IDE, install these two packages by typing in the CLI:
pip3 install dj_database_url
pip3 install psycopg2-binary
- Then
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
- In whichwayisup > settings.py, add
import dj_database_url
at top of the page - Connect your manage.py file to your postgres database
DATABASES = { 'default': dj_database_url.parse('DATABASE_URL') }
- Load your data from the db.json file into postgres by typing in the CLI:
python3 manage.py loaddata <your_file>.json
(if you have backed up several json files, repeat this action for each file) - Migrate the database into Postgres by typing in CLI:
python3 manage.py migrate
- Create superuser by typing in CLI
python3 manage.py createsuperuser
and add credentials as required - Remove the variable DATABASE_URL from your local environment
- Install gunicorn using command in cli:
pip3 install gunicorn
to replace development server once the app is deployed to Heroku. - Update requirement.txt by typing command in cli:
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
- Create a
file in the root directory - In the
file, add the following scripts:set -o errexit pip install -r requirements.txt python manage.py collectstatic --noinput python manage.py makemigrations && python manage.py migrate
- Add, commit and push changes to GitHub
- Install gunicorn using command in cli:
- Secret Key:
SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY', '')
- Debug:
DEBUG = 'DEVELOPMENT' in os.environ
so that debug is true in your development environment, but false in production - Allowed Hosts:
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost']
- Add Render.com URL to allowed hosts
- Using an if statement in settings.py, the app will be connected to Postgres in production mode and SQlite when in development.
if 'DATABASE_URL' in os.environ: DATABASES = { 'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL')) } else: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'), } }
- Update email settings so that email are sent in production and display in the console when in development environment:
if 'DEVELOPMENT' in os.environ: EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend' DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = os.environ.get('EMAIL_USER') EMAIL_HOST_USER = os.environ.get('EMAIL_USER') else: EMAIL_USE_TLS = True EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.gmail.com' EMAIL_HOST_USER = os.environ.get('EMAIL_USER') EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = os.environ.get('EMAIL_HOST_PASS') DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = os.environ.get('EMAIL_USER')
- Add, commit and push changes to github
- Secret Key:
- Log onto Render and click the "new" button in the top menu
- Select the option "new webservice"
- Search and select the relevant repo, then click connect
- Enter a unique name for your application
- Select the region closest to you
- Enter "main" as branch
- Enter "Python 3" as runtime
- Set the build command as
- Set the start command as
gunicorn whichwayisup.wsgi:application
- Make sure you select the free option under instance type
- Add your environment variables, by selecting "advance" then select option to add variables:
- Click "create webservice" - you should see the following message when build is successful
- Log onto Render and click the "new" button in the top menu
- This project uses the cloud-based storage service Amazon Web Services s3 to store static files (css, javascript) and images. The following instructions explains how to create and configure a bucket, group and user for the purpose of this project View Instructions.
- In your CLI, install the following packages:
pip3 install boto3
pip3 install django-storages
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
- Create a
file in root directory - Add 'storages' to INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py
- Add configuration for Amazon AWS in settings.py using an if statement so that - if AWS is true for bucket configuration, static and media files will be overriden in production.
- In your CLI, install the following packages:
- Go to dashboard, then click on your app and navigate to Envrironment in left handside menu
- Add additional Amazon AWS key - values pairs
- Make sure to remove DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC = 1 when setting Amazon AWS
- Your configuration variables should now look like this:
KEY VALUE DATABASE_URL Your_url_link SECRET_KEY Your_value USE_AWS True AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Your_value AWS_SECRET_KEY Your_value BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID Your_value BRAINTREE_PUBLIC_KEY Your_value BRAINTREE_PRIVATE_KEY Your_value EMAIL_HOST_USER Your_value EMAIL_HOST_PASS Your_value - Create a 'media' folder in your Amazon bucket and upload your images
- Click open app to view the application in your browser, your app should display with all images, data and styles
- Go to dashboard, then click on your app and navigate to Envrironment in left handside menu
To use this project, you can either fork or clone the local repository on gitHub as follows, then go to the deployment section to configure and deploy the app on Heroku.
You can make a copy of the GitHub Repository by "forking" the original repository onto your own account, where changes can be made without affecting the original repository by taking the following steps:
- Log onto Github
- Navigate to the GitHub repository : https://github.com/lemocla/Which-way-is-up
- Click on the fork icon (located on top right of the page at the same level of repository name)
- You should now have a copy of this repository into your GitHub account.
- To make a change, clone the file into your local IDE
For more information on how to fork a repository, please check this github documentation.
- Log into GitHub and navigate to the GitHub repository: https://github.com/lemocla/Which-way-is-up
- Above the repository folder and file content, click “Code”
- Select from one of the following options:
- Clone the files using url
- Copy the url
- Create a repository in GitHub and a workspace in your IDE
- Open the terminal and type:
$ git clone https://github.com/lemocla/Which-way-is-up.git
- All the files should have been imported in your workspace
- Download zip files
- Create a repository in GitHub and a workspace in your IDE
- Unzip the folder
- Upload the files into your workspace
You can find all the steps to follow according to your chosen method in this GitHub documentation on how to clone a repository.
- To install all the Python dependencies dependencies needed for this project using the requirements.txt file, type the following command in the CLI:
$pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- About page event section styling adapted from Code Institute CV mini-project
- Trapezoid background shapes inspired from https://bennettfeely.com/clippy/
- Toasts small triangles adapted from CSS-tricks
- Getting last n records from a django queryset adapted from this stack overflow post
- Implementation of Django date input widget adapted from stack overflow post
- stack overflow post
- Implementation for Braintree paiement functionality from Braintree official documentation
- Implementation for Braintree hosted fields validation from Braintree code recipe
- Discarding rows in tabular inline table implemented from this stack overflow post
- Implementation of contact form adapted from official Django documentation
- Implementing unique boolean field in portfolio app adapated from this Stack overflow post
- Template tag for calculating estimated delivery date adapted from this Stack overflow post
- Rendering textfield data in template adapated from this stackoverflow post
- Restricting Django country list adapted from pypi.org documentation
- Implementation for Django case insensitive fields from pypi.org project documentation
- All images and contents for this website have been provided by the artist himself, Peter Charalambides.
- Card icons on checkout page from Aaron Fagan
- Accessibility statement is from W3C Web Accessibility Initiatlive
- Privacy policy generated and adapted from FreePrivacyPolicy
- Terms and conditions generated and adapted from Termly
- My mentor Akshat Garg for his advice and guidance during this project,
- Peter Charalambides for his trust and allowing me to develop his website
- Code Institute tutor services for their advice and support,
- The Code Institute slack community for support and advice