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Max-Home-Tower edited this page Jul 1, 2020 · 1 revision


(Current as of 2019-11-23)
Each matching element of FieldType and Field has a corresponding element in the FileType cell array defined in nigeLab.defaults.Block. Currently, there are four unique elements that FileType may correspond to, and these relate to the usage of the principal data storage library class, nigeLab.libs.DiskData.


  1. Hybrid
  2. Event
  3. Other
  4. Matfile

Hybrid (back to list)

The Hybrid FileType is the main data read/write file type that is essentially the core of what makes nigeLab convenient. Essentially, each Hybrid file contains a 1 x nSamples vector in a single variable (data). Most Channels and all Streams disk files are saved using the Hybrid FileType.
See nigeLab.libs.DiskData for more details.

Event (back to list)

The Event FileType is larger than the Hybrid FileType, storing a nEvent x (nSamplesPerEvent+4) matrix in a single variable (data). On the saved Event disk file, the first column of data corresponds to type; the second column of data corresponds to value; the third column of data corresponds to tag; the fourth column of data corresponds to ts; and the remaining columns correspond to snippet.
See nigeLab.libs.DiskData for more details.

Other (back to list)

The Other FileType is primarily in use for the Notes, Probes, and Video Field members, this just denotes any other "non-standard" datatype (*.txt, *.xlsx, and *.mp4 or *.avi, in each previous example).

Matfile (back to list)

Possibly deprecated. The Matfile FileType was the original nigeLab.libs.DiskData type that was used to store data streams.
See nigeLab.libs.DiskData for more details.

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