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Max-Home-Tower edited this page Jul 1, 2020 · 1 revision


Subclassed event-related data objects from the Matlab superclass event.EventData


Table of EventData Classes

assignClus barCleared barStarted barStopped
figButtonUp jobCompleted progressChanged spikeAxesClicked
splitCompleted statusChanged toggleClusterVisible treeSelectionChanged

Table of Events (from notify)

Each custom EventData can be "seen" by objects listening to the corresponding Event issued by Source.

Event EventData Source
ClassAssigned assignClus nigeLab.libs.FeaturesUI, nigeLab.libs.SpikeImage
StateChanged barCleared, barStarted, barStopped nigeLab.libs.nigelProgress
JobCompleted jobCompleted nigeLab.libs.remoteMonitor (from nigeLab.libs.nigelProgress)
ProgressChanged progressChanged nigeLab.Block/reportProgress()
SpikeAxesSelected spikeAxesClicked nigeLab.libs.SpikeImage
SplitCompleted splitCompleted nigeLab.libs.splitMultiAnimalsUI
StatusChanged statusChanged nigeLab.Block/updateStatus()
VisionToggled toggleClusterVisible nigeLab.libs.SpikeImage
TreeSelectionChanged treeSelectionChanged nigeLab.libs.DashBoard/treeSelectionFcn()

Summary of Event Classes

Event for assigning subset of spikes to a cluster. Issued from the ClassAssigned event of nigeLab.libs.FeaturesUI or nigeLab.libs.SpikeImage when a subset of spikes from one cluster is assigned to a new cluster, typically in the nigeLab.Sort spike sorting interface.

This is issued by the nigeLab.libs.nigelProgress "progress bar" object via the StateChanged event notification when the progress bar is cleared from the queue by the user clicking the "red X" on the right of the status bar (or if it is otherwise removed). In this case, the Type property is 'Clear'.

This is issued by the nigeLab.libs.nigelProgress "progress bar" object via the StateChanged event notification. This notification occurs when the nigeLab.libs.nigelProgress/startBar() method is invoked. In this case, the Type property is 'Start'.

This is issued by the nigeLab.libs.nigelProgress "progress bar" object via the StateChanged event notification when the job is completed and the status bar invokes the indicateCompletion event. In this case, the Type property is 'Stop'.

This is not currently used, but could be used to notify of the "click type" as a custom ButtonUp function.

This is used to update the status of graphical progress bars (nigeLab.libs.nigelProgress) that are used in the "Queue" panel of nigeLab.libs.DashBoard (nigelDash). The nigeLab.libs.remoteMonitor issues the JobCompleted event notification, which triggers this event data.

The ProgressChanged event notification is issued by nigeLab.Block/reportProgress() when the relative completion progress (ranging between 0 and 100) of a particular doMethod (or any method that uses reportProgress) has increased by some fixed minimum increment. This primarily interacts with nigeLab.libs.nigelProgress, where the value of evt.progress is used to fill the "%" value on the right, and the value of evt.status is used to fill the middle text of the progress bar.

Issued alongside the SpikeAxesSelected event when the user clicks on a graphical axes object that is related to a given spike cluster index; typically mediated by nigeLab.libs.SpikeImage, which has all the spike axes in it.

This event is paired with the SplitCompleted event that is issued once the "split multi-animal blocks" procedure is completed using the nigeLab.libs.splitMultiAnimalsUI.

This event data is issued alongside the StatusChanged event that is invoked by nigeLab.Block/reportProgress(). It allows update of graphical elements associated with the Status of a particular Field.

This event is typically issued during spike sorting when the checkbox of a particular SpikeImage axes is toggled on or off. This removes the corresponding points from being plotted on all the features axes, and prevents them from being "circled" during any convex hull polygon "cutting" that might otherwise trigger a change of clusters for those spikes. It is issued alongside the VisionToggled event of nigeLab.libs.SpikeImage.

This is issued with the TreeSelectionChanged event notification of nigeLab.libs.DashBoard any time the nigeLab.libs.DashBoard.Tree uiw.widgets.Tree object is clicked and the selection (highlighted nodes, which correspond to the currently-selected nigeLab.Block objects) is changed.

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