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Max_KUMC_Desktop edited this page Aug 6, 2020 · 3 revisions

Probe Layouts

To associate Probe meta-data with your nigelObj, there are a few prerequisites.

  1. Spreadsheet files where each row corresponds to a channel and columns contain data as shown below for the example Probe, "MM-036".

    Note: currently the Channel variable (column) should be referenced as RHD_Channel; this is because most of the CPL/IIT workflow rely on data acquired with the Intan system.

  2. Configure the nigeLab.defaults.Probe settings so that the ElectrodesFolder parameter points to the folder where this file is kept.

  3. Use blockObj.takeNotes to add Probe variables. Note that the syntax should be: Probe_A1 | Probe_A2 | Probe_B1 | ... where A, B, C, or D correspond to the Port identifier and 1, 2, etc. correspond to the stream index as board_stream + 1 (since Intan uses zero-indexed values and Matlab uses 1-indexed values).

    • For the example given above, a new line would be added to the notes.txt file as: Probe_A1|MM-036
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