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GitHub Action

Accurics GitHub Action

v2.0.3 Latest version

Accurics GitHub Action


Accurics GitHub Action

The Accurics GitHub Action scans IaC (Infrastructure as Code) to help identify vulnerabilities prior to cloud deployment


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Accurics GitHub Action

uses: tenable/accurics-action@v2.0.3

Learn more about this action in tenable/accurics-action

Choose a version

Accurics GitHub Action


The Accurics GitHub action runs an Accurics scan against the IaC (Infrastructure-as-Code) files found within the applied repository. This action can be used to fail a pipeline build when violations or errors are found. The scan results can be viewed in the pipeline results or in the Accurics Console itself at depending on url configured. See examples below.


      - name: Accurics
        uses: tenable/accurics-action@v2.0.2
        id: accurics
          app-id: ${{ secrets.ACCURICS_APP_ID }}
          env-id: ${{ secrets.ACCURICS_ENV_ID }}
  • Create GitHub secrets to store the Environment ID and Application Token. Open your Repository Settings->Secrets tab->New Secret. Create two secrets called "ACCURICS_APP_ID" and "ACCURICS_ENV_ID" filled with the "app" and "env" values copied from the config file downloaded from the Accurics UI environment tab.
  • Add "app-id" and "env-id" parameters referencing the respective GitHub secrets. See the examples below for more info.
  • Add a "repo" parameter that contains the remote repo location.
  • If not using the latest Terraform version, specify the "terraform-version" parameter within the build step.
  • If variables are used, add them in the "plan-args" parameter, along with any other command line parameters that should be passed when running "terraform plan" (see the example below)


The Accurics GitHub action runs as a Linux container, which means it accumulates minutes while running at the same rate Linux containers are charged by GitHub. Please refer to the GitHub action billing page for more detailed information.

Input Settings

These settings are required

Setting Description
app-id The application token ID
env-id The environment ID
repo The repository location URL

All of the following settings are optional

Setting Description Default
terraform-version The Terraform version used to process the files in this repository latest
plan-args The Terraform version used to process the files in this repository
directories A directory to scan within this repository ./
fail-on-violations Allows the Accurics Action to fail the build when violations are found true
fail-on-all-errors Allows the Accurics Action to fail the build when any errors are encountered true
scan-mode Allows the Accurics Action to use either terraform or terrascan for scanning(plan/scan) plan
url Allows the Accurics Action to point to different target endpoint of the product e.g.
pipeline Allows the Accurics Action to choose mode as pipeline false


  • Variable values within the plan-args setting should be stripped of double-quote (") characters


Name Variable Name
Environment Name $env_name
Violation Count $num_violations
Resource Count $num_resources
High-Severity Violations $high
Medium-Severity Violations $medium
Low-Severity Violations $low
Native Resources $native
has-errors $has_errors


Example 1:

This example configures an Accurics Scan with a custom Terraform version and variables. It will also fail the build on any violations or errors found.

      # Required to checkout the files in the current repository
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Accurics
        uses: tenable/accurics-action@v2.0.2
        id: accurics
          # Required by Terraform
          AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          REPO_URL: ${{ github.repositoryUrl }}
          GIT_BRANCH:  ${{ github.ref_name }}
          GIT_COMMIT:  ${{ github.sha }}
          # Required by Accurics
          app-id: ${{ secrets.ACCURICS_APP_ID }}
          env-id: ${{ secrets.ACCURICS_ENV_ID }}
          # Optional args
          terraform-version: 0.14.7
          plan-args: '-var myvar1=val1 -var myvar2=val2'
          url: ""

Example 2:

This example configures an Accurics Scan using the latest Terraform version, custom variables, and instructs the action not to fail when any violations are found. This is helpful when first introducing the action into a new codebase and working through a large number of violations. Once the number of violations is manageable, the option can be set back to true (or removed).

      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Accurics
        uses: tenable/accurics-action@v2.0.2
        id: accurics
          # Required by Terraform
          AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          REPO_URL: ${{ github.repositoryUrl }}
          GIT_BRANCH:  ${{ github.ref_name }}
          GIT_COMMIT:  ${{ github.sha }}
          # Required by Accurics
          app-id: ${{ secrets.ACCURICS_APP_ID }}
          env-id: ${{ secrets.ACCURICS_ENV_ID }}
          repo: ""
          # Optional args
          plan-args: '-var myvar1=val1 -var myvar2=val2'
          fail-on-violations: false
          url: ""
          scan-mode: "plan"
          pipeline: true

Example 3:

This is the same configuration as before, but it now includes an extra build step to display the output scan status, also sets scan mode to terrascan scan.

      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Accurics
        uses: tenable/accurics-action@v2.0.2
        id: accurics
          # Required by Terraform
          AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          REPO_URL: ${{ github.repositoryUrl }}
          GIT_BRANCH:  ${{ github.ref_name }}
          GIT_COMMIT:  ${{ github.sha }}
          # Required by Accurics
          app-id: ${{ secrets.ACCURICS_APP_ID }}
          env-id: ${{ secrets.ACCURICS_ENV_ID }}
          repo: ""
          # Optional args
          plan-args: '-var myvar1=val1 -var myvar2=val2'
          fail-on-violations: false
          url: ""
          scan-mode: "scan"
          pipeline: true
      - name: Display statistics
        run: '
            echo ""
            echo "Environment Name           : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.env-name }}";
            echo "Repository                 : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.repo }}";
            echo "Violation Count            : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.num-violations }}";
            echo "Resource Count             : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.num-resources }}";
            echo ""
            echo "Native Resources           : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.native }}";
            echo "Inherited Resources        : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.inherited }}";
            echo ""
            echo "High-Severity Violations   : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.high }}";
            echo "Medium-Severity Violations : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.medium }}";
            echo "Low-Severity Violations    : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.low }}";
            echo ""
            echo "Drift                      : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.drift }}";
            echo "IaC Drift                  : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.iacdrift }}";
            echo "Cloud Drift                : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.clouddrift }}";
            echo ""

Example 4: This is the example to check number of violations and fail the build in case not satisfied.

      - run: touch config
      - run: echo "๐ŸŽ‰ The job was automatically triggered by a ${{ github.event_name }} event."
      - run: echo "๐Ÿง This job is now running on a ${{ runner.os }} server hosted by GitHub!"
      - run: echo "๐Ÿ”Ž The name of your branch is ${{ github.ref }} and your repository is ${{ github.repository }}."
      - name: Check out repository code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - run: echo "๐Ÿ’ก The ${{ github.repository }} repository has been cloned to the runner."
      - run: echo "๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ The workflow is now ready to test your code on the runner."
      - name: List files in the repository
        run: |
          ls ${{ github.workspace }}
      - name: Get git branch
        run: |
          git branch
      - name: Accurics
        uses: tenable/accurics-action@v2.0.2
        id: accurics
          # Required by Terraform
          AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          REPO_URL: ${{ github.repositoryUrl }}
          GIT_BRANCH:  ${{ github.ref_name }}
          GIT_COMMIT:  ${{ github.sha }}
          # Required by Accurics
          app-id: ${{ secrets.ACCURICS_APP_ID }}
          env-id: ${{ secrets.ACCURICS_ENV_ID }}
          repo: "your-repo-name-from-web-console"
          url: ""
          fail-on-violations: false
          scan-mode: "plan"
          pipeline: false
      - name: Display statistics
        run: '
            echo ""
            echo "Environment Name           : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.env-name }}";
            echo "Repository                 : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.repo }}";
            echo "Violation Count            : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.num-violations }}";
            echo "Resource Count             : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.num-resources }}";
            echo ""
            echo "Native Resources           : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.native }}";
            echo "Inherited Resources        : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.inherited }}";
            echo ""
            echo "High-Severity Violations   : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.high }}";
            echo "Medium-Severity Violations : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.medium }}";
            echo "Low-Severity Violations    : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.low }}";
            echo ""
            echo "Drift                      : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.drift }}";
            echo "IaC Drift                  : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.iacdrift }}";
            echo "Cloud Drift                : ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.clouddrift }}";
            echo ""
      - name: Check Number Of violations
        if: ${{ steps.accurics.outputs.num-violations > 10 }}
        uses: actions/github-script@v3
          script: |
              core.setFailed('Coverage test below tolerance')