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Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template Deployment JS


Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template Deployment JS


Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template Deployment JS

Use this GitHub Action task deploy an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template Deployment JS

uses: whiteducksoftware/azure-arm-action-js@v4

Learn more about this action in whiteducksoftware/azure-arm-action-js

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GitHub Action for Azure Resource Manager (ARM) deployment

A GitHub Action to deploy ARM templates.

build and publish

white duck logo


  • Azure Login Login with your Azure credentials
  • Checkout To checks-out your repository so the workflow can access any specified ARM template.


  • scope: Required Provide the scope of the deployment. Valid values are: resourcegroup, managementgroup, subscription

  • subscriptionId Required Provide the Id of the subscription which should be used.

  • location Provide the target region, only required for Management Group or Subscription deployments.

  • resourceGroupName Provide the name of a resource group.

  • templateLocation Required Specify the path or URL to the Azure Resource Manager template.

  • deploymentMode Incremental (only add resources to resource group) or Complete (remove extra resources from resource group). Default: Incremental.

  • deploymentName Specifies the name of the resource group deployment to create.

  • parameters Supply deployment parameter values or local as well as remote value files.
    (See also examples/


Every template output will be exported as output. For example the output is called containerName then it will be available with ${{ steps.STEP.outputs.containerName }}
For more Information see examples/


- uses: whiteducksoftware/azure-arm-action-js@v4
    scope: resourcegroup
    subscriptionId: <YourSubscriptionId>
    resourceGroupName: <YourResourceGroup>
    templateLocation: <path/to/azuredeploy.json>


on: [push]
name: AzureLoginSample

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@master
    - uses: azure/login@v1
        creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
    - uses: whiteducksoftware/azure-arm-action-js@v4
        scope: resourcegroup
        subscriptionId: e1046c08-7072-****-****-************
        resourceGroupName: github-action-arm-rg
        templateLocation: ./azuredeploy.json
        parameters: storageAccountType=Standard_LRS

For more advanced workflows see examples/