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README helper


README helper


README helper

A helper to generate README automatically


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: README helper

uses: LinuxSuRen/yaml-readme@v0.0.5

Learn more about this action in LinuxSuRen/yaml-readme

Choose a version

A helper to generate the READE file automatically.

Get started

Install it via hd:

hd i yaml-readme


# yaml-readme -h
  yaml-readme [flags]

  -h, --help              help for yaml-readme
  -p, --pattern string    The glob pattern with Golang spec to find files (default "items/*.yaml")
  -t, --template string   The template file which should follow Golang template spec (default "README.tpl")

Available variables:

Name Usage
filename The filename of a particular item file. For example, items/good.yaml, the filename is good.
parentname The parent directory name. For example, items/good.yaml, the parent name is items.

Ignore particular items

In case you want to ignore some particular items, you can put a key ignore with value true. Let's see the following sample:

name: rick
ignore: true