Make your Mac utter, now in Swift (major rewrite of Utter)
I'd had fun making Utter, but ran into some issues that I couldn't solve in its native Objective-C. Also, I wanted to write a modern Swift 3 app. So...I made Utterly.
- Simple GUI on top of NSSpeechSynthesizer. Enter text, and then either press ⌘-Enter or click the play button to hear it.
- Stop, pause and resume speech.
- Change the voice, speed/rate, pitch, pitchmod, or volume of the speech synthesis. Speech updates automatically as options change.
- Save the speech to an AIFF on your desktop. Use the text itself as the filename, if you wish.
- A picture of a cow!
Clone the repo and build the Xcode project. It was created in Xcode 8, and was targeted to macOS 10.2, but may work in earlier versions.