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Releases: mob-sakai/UIEffect


16 Jul 17:05
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Breaking changes:

  • UICapturedImage: Immediate capturing option is removed as it does not work on many platforms #161

Implemented enhancements:

  • Add demo for Unity 2018+ and TMPro 1.2+ #166

Fixed bugs:

  • UIDissolve's "Reverse Play" option works only in OnEnable #183
  • CanvasGroup.alpha does not affect #180
  • UIShiny effect remain on screen after calling Stop() #165
  • Material caching is not working properly #163
  • Add a null check to TMPro sprite asset material checking #176 (Oskiii)


10 Mar 14:13
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15 Feb 12:36
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Implemented enhancements:

  • add initial play animation delay option to UIShiny #147 (antpaw)

Fixed bugs:

  • UIEffectCapturedImage.effectColor does not work as expected #148
  • fix warnings #146 (antpaw)


21 Jan 11:37
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Fixed bugs:

  • UIHsvModifier works only on gamma-space #145


15 Jan 23:22
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Fixed bugs:

  • UIEffect & UIHsvModifier & UITransitionEffect Strange action #144


07 Nov 07:07
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Fixed bugs:

  • Compile error in 2018.3 #139


09 Oct 23:46
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New architecture: easier, faster and more beautiful.

  • Simple & easy-to-use
  • 20% faster
  • High precision parameter

Immediate capturing (UIEffectCapturedImage option)

  • Capture the previous frame immediately without any camera.
  • You no longer have to wait one frame to capture!
  • NOTE: LWRP, WebGL and Unity 5.x for iOS/Mac are not supported.

Advanced blur (UIEffect option)

  • Remove common artifacts in the blur effect for uGUI.
  • It is effective for small padding size atlases, including dynamic fonts!

Breaking changes:

  • Remove 'additional shadow' in UIShadow component #110
  • Remove 'custom effect' feature in UIEffect component #98
  • Remove 'shadow effect' feature in UIEffect component #97
  • Remove 'hue effect' in UIEffect component #91
  • Remove 'cutoff' and 'mono' effect in UIEffect component #78
  • UIEffectCapturedImage: Remove 'TargetTexture' feature #136
  • Change: Change ToneMode to EffectMode #61
  • UIShiny: change parameter name highlight to gloss #93

Implemented enhancements:

  • New architecture: Shared texture for effect parameter #63
  • Improve blurring for atlas #95
  • Use Canvas.willRenderCanvases event instead of Update method #87
  • UITransitionEffect: "Pass ray on hidden" option #135
  • Add component menu in editor #133
  • UITransitionEffect: Add Show/Hide method #132
  • UIEffectCapturedImage: Immediate capturing #130
  • Add tooltip #92


29 Sep 02:03
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Fixed bugs:

  • UIEffectCapturedImage: Black screen with Unity 2018.1+ editor on Windows #131


26 Sep 13:41
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Fixed bugs:

  • UICapturedEffectImage does not work with 'ScreenSpace - Overlay' in edit mode #128
  • The UIEffectCapturedImage is upside down with 'ScreenSpace - Overlay' mode #127
  • When "UI-Effect.mat" is created automatically, Unity hangs up. #126
  • UICapturedEffectImage does not work with Lightweight Render Pipeline LWRP #125


17 Aug 01:26
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Fixed bugs:

  • (Demo) "Transition capture & dissolve" is incorrect #119