My personal Emacs configuration used mostly for JavaScript development.
Node.js is required for JavaScript syntax checking.
- Download repository.
- Symlink or copy
to your home directory. - Install TSlint
- redo+
- expand-region
- ido
- yasnippet
- js-doc
- js2-mode
- ac-js2
- projectile
- smartparens
- auto-complete
- multiple-cursors
- magit
- yasnippet
- nyan-mode
- hlinum
- syntax-subword
- less-css-mode
- undo-tree
- helm
- helm-projectile
- scss-mode
- god-mode
- use-package
- avy
- markdown-mode
- php-mode
- smart-forward
- web-mode
- smooth-scroll
- csv-mode
- column-enforce-mode
- yaml-mode
- clojure-mode
- xkcd
- jedi
- flycheck
- exec-path-from-shell
- json-mode
- ztree
- typescript-mode
- ng2-mode
- tide
- company
- string-inflection
Ctrl + f
- move forwardCtrl + b
- move backwardCtrl + n
- move to next lineCtrl + p
- move to previous lineCtrl + a
- move to beginning of the lineCtrl + e
- move to ending of the lineAlt + f
- move word forwardAlt + b
- move word backwardAlt + right arrow
- move forward (semantic)Alt + left arrow
- move backward (semantic)Alt + up arrow
- move up (semantic)Alt + down arrow
- move down (semantic)Alt + <
- move to beginning of the fileAlt + >
- move to ending of the fileCtrl + v
- scroll downAlt + v
- scroll upAlt + p
- move line/region upAlt + n
- move line/region downup arrow
- jump to line with number
Ctrl + space
- enter/exit text selection modeCtrl + .
- mark next like thisCtrl + ,
- mark previous like thisCtrl + j
- new line for many cursorsAlt + s
- expand selection, then by pressings
expand it widerCtrl + x + p
- select allAlt + .
- add another cursor forward/belowAlt + ,
- add another cursor backward/up
History and search
Alt + w
- copyCtrl + k
- cutCtrl + y
- paste, then by pressingAlt + y
paste previously copied textLeft arrow
- undoRight arrow
- redoCtrl + s
- Isearch (forward, case sensitive)Ctrl + r
- Isearch (backward, case sensitive)Alt + c
- switch to case insensitive IsearchAlt + g
- recursive grep
Text removal
Alt + backspace
- remove word backwardAlt + d
- remove word forwardCtrl + d
- remove character forward
Files and console
Ctrl + c p f
- search fileCtrl + l
- search file (helm)Alt + l
- search buffer (helm)Alt + x
- search command (helm)Ctrl + x b
- search through open filesAlt + x
- open consoleCtrl + x Ctrl + f
- browse filesCtrl + r
- nextCtrl + s
- previous
Ctrl + space
- go to word (two letters)Ctrl + w
- go to word (one letter)Ctrl + l
- go to line
f tab
- anonymous function snippetfn tab
- named function snippeti tab
- if snippetie tab
- if else snippetCtrl + c i
- js function description comment
Ctrl + x 3
- split screen verticallyCtrl + x 2
- split screen horizontallyCtrl + x o
- move to next windowCtrl + x 0
- close windowCtrl + x Ctrl + o
- rotate buffer windows
Helm buffer list
Alt + l
- open listCtrl + Space
- mark buffers on the listAlt + Shift + d
- kill marked buffers and close Helm
Ctrl + c Ctrl + c
- open component counterpartCtrl + c j
- jump to html binding (inside a template)Ctrl + c j
- jump to definition (inside a TypeScript file)Ctrl + c r s
- rename symbolCtrl + c r f
- rename file
Ctrl + c b l
- open list of bookmarksCtrl + c b a
- add a bookmarkCtrl + c b d
- delete a bookmarkCtrl + c b r
- rename a bookmark
Alt + ;
- comment/uncomment line/selectionCtrl + x u
- open undo-tree bufferAlt + m
- open magit status bufferdown arrow
- count lines, words and charactersCtrl + c Ctrl + s
- cycle between different ways of writing strings (camelCase, kebab_case etc.)Alt + r
- open rgrep
Great thanks to Andrzej for showing me emacs, what made me immediately hooked.