You will need to have Ruby installed. Then Bundler for downloading dependencies.
- Download and install Ruby from Ruby 2.5+ with DevKit. Make sure for full installation along with devkit
- Add Ruby bin path to Path variable
- Gem Installation – gem install bundler in command prompt
- Automation repository: git clone
- Change directory to root of api_automation_rest_soap project (api_automation_rest_soap)
- Run
bundle install
to download dependencies.
Using Rake you can run specific tests suites. Type 'rake -T' in terminal to see all Rake tasks to run.
This is the command structure to run tests: rake
will run all tests with default configuration.
Available environment variables app_env [local, dev, qa] specifies on which environment to run tests (dev - default).
rake wip
will run all wip tests on default dev server.
app_env=qa rake wip
will run all wip tests on localhost.(update config file for localhost endpoint)
gem 'rake'
gem 'rspec'
gem 'rspec-core'
gem 'rspec_junit_formatter'
gem 'rspec-retry'
gem 'allure-rspec'
gem 'jsonpath'
gem 'rest-client'
gem 'savon', '~> 2.12.0'
Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are specified in standard Ruby syntax.
RSpec is a computer domain-specific language (DSL) (particular application domain) testing tool written in the programming language Ruby to test Ruby code. It is a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework which is extensively used in production applications.
Allure Framework is a flexible lightweight multi-language test report tool
JSONPath is used for selecting and extracting a JSON document's property values.
rest-client A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra's microframework style of specifying actions: get, put, post, delete.
savon Heavy metal SOAP client
config => hosts.json - list down host for Dev/QA
"dev": {
"reqres": ""
"qa": {
"reqres": ""
config => users.json - list of test users used acrossed in automation
config => headers-cookies.json - common headers other than Authentication token
libs => helpers => setup.rb - Read host config and build base url, add save them in global variable
hosts = convert_to_json(read_file('./config/hosts.json'))
app_env = ENV['app_env']
environment = app_env ? app_env : 'dev'
if environment
env_hosts = hosts[environment]
$ "environment is #{environment}!"
$reqres_host = 'https://' + env_hosts['reqres'] + '/'
libs => helpers => login.rb - make changes in login_user to retrive authentication token and cookies, save them in global variable
def login_user
url_for_send_token = $reqres + 'api/login'
response =, { "email": "#{$user[:username]}", "password": "#{$user[:password]}" }, content_type: :json, accept: :json)
rescue RestClient::Exception => e
raise e
$auth_token = response["token"]
$cookies = response.cookies
libs => helpers => requests.rb - make changes in headers_cookies_manager for authentication token and cookies
def headers_cookies_manager
headers_cookies = convert_to_json(read_file('./config/headers-cookies.json'))
headers_to_send = headers_cookies['headers']
cookies_to_send = headers_cookies['cookies']
#set Authorization/authToken in headers/cookies
headers_to_send = headers_to_send.merge({"token" => $token}) if $token
cookies_to_send = cookies_to_send.merge($cookies) if $cookies
return headers_to_send, cookies_to_send
libs => helpers => requests.rb - list of available http methods
def send_file(api_url, file_path, method='post')
def send_multipart_data(api_url, json, method = "post")
def send_get_request(api_url, headers=nil)
def send_post_request(api_url, json=nil, headers=nil)
def send_delete_request(api_url)
def send_archive_request(api_url, json)
def send_patch_request(api_url, json, patch_header={})
def send_put_request(api_url, json)
def get_file(api_url)
libs => assertions.rb - list of available assertions methods
def verify_response(response, expected_response, expected_response_code)
def verify_response_code(response, expected_response_code)
def verify_response_is_successful(response)
def verify_response_is_successful_create_entity(response)
def verify_response_message_equals(response, message)
# response - Hash, message - string
def verify_response_message_includes(response, message)
# validate response with their values or "only_digits", "only_chars", "skip", "should_not_be_null"
def verify_response_template(response, expected_response, expected_response_code)
Create lib dir and file for endpoint to test (ex libs => util-reqres and users.rb) Define all the CRUD operation for endpoint Expose request response json payload
#exposed for json to use in test
attr_reader :user_post_payload_request, :user_post_response, :user_get_response
def initialize
def users_url
$reqres_host + '/api/users'
def post_user(user)
send_post_request(users_url, user)
def get_user(id)
send_get_request(users_url + "/#{id}")
def put_user(id, user)
send_put_request(users_url + "/#{id}", user)
def patch_user(id, user)
send_patch_request(users_url + "/#{id}", user)
def delete_user(id)
send_get_request(users_url + "/#{id}")
#Define request and response payload, for large payload create them as file in test data and read here
def init_variables
@user_post_payload_request = convert_to_json('{
"name": "",
"job": ""
@user_post_response = convert_to_json('{
"name": "",
"job": "",
"id": "should_not_be_null",
"createdAt": "skip"
@user_get_response = convert_to_json('{
"data": {
"id": "should_not_be_null",
"email": "",
"first_name": "Janet",
"last_name": "Weaver",
"avatar": "",
"support": {
"url": "",
"text": "To keep ReqRes free, contributions towards server costs are appreciated!",
Create file for endpoint to test (ex spec => reqres => users_spec.rb)
RSpec.describe "Users Reqres", :users do
before(:all) { @users = }
context "Users CRUD", :wip do
test_data = [
{ name: "morpheus", job: "leader"},
{ name: "name1", job: "job1"}
test_data.each { |test_case|
it "Add #{test_case}, Update and Get" do
post_user_request = @users.user_post_payload_request.merge!({"name" => test_case[:name], "job" => test_case[:job]})
response = @users.post_user(post_user_request)
#verify_response_code(response, 200)
#verify_response(response, @users.user_post_response)
#expected_response = @users.user_post_response.merge!({ "name" => test_case[:name], "job" => test_case[:job] })
#verify_response_template(response, expected_response, 200)