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2020 01 29

David Blodgett edited this page Jul 30, 2020 · 1 revision

2020-01-29 Environmental Data Retrieval SWG Meeting 3

1pm EST (worldtime)

gotomeeting in OGC Portal


  1. Call for any more agenda items?
  2. Corrections and Acceptance of previous meeting Minutes, 2020-01-22
  • Mark moves to accept notes. Steve Seconds. NOTUC.
  1. Review of candidate standard document content
  • OGC usual standard front matter and annexes?
  • OGC API Common Core pages (landing page, /API for YAML definitions, /conformance for testing, etc)
    • Edit to remove reference to Features?
  • Point chapter
  • Time Series Chapter
  1. Any Other Business?

    From @chris-little: Tweaked use cases to replace WotW terminology with EDR API emphasis.

    Do Use Cases need structuring?



Given a few people not on the call and that Mark's ongoing work is not quite ready, suggest we postpone till next week.

Chuck brought up what document we are starting from on the draft spec.

Draft announcement for the EDR sprint in March will get shared with Chuck.

  • Steve has reached out to OGC staff and has support for the sprint.
  • Chuck is conscious of the need to have a good OAPI base to build on.
  • Steve is working through the distinction

Use Cases: Some are more formal than others -- do we need to structure them consistently?

  • Sounds like yes, but we haven't really had a chance to look at them.
  • Are they complete for our purpose?
  • Probably worth taking some time to look them over for breadth and structure.
  • The immediate use would be to inform the hackathon in March.
  • Should stakeholder participants describe their use cases prior to the hackathon.




  • "Stakeholder" participants should take time to fill in the use case template prior to the hackathon. (check in on this with everyone on the next call, are we missing any critical use cases?)
  • Someone should review the use cases that are already their for consistency. (dblodgett)
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