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2023 11 09

Chris Little edited this page Nov 23, 2023 · 3 revisions

Environmental Data Retrieval API SWG Meeting 108 [Meeting postponed to 2023-11-23 because of extensive GoToMeeting problems]

15:00 UTC (08:00 MST, 10:00 EST, 15:00 GMT, 16:00 CET, 23:00 CST, Friday 02:00 AEDT)


  • Agree Agenda and IPR Call
  • Minutes/Notes of previous meetings

Status: EDR

Progress in the last month:

  • EDR API Specification:
    • Progress on Part 2: PubSub
    • Progress on V1.2
  • Outstanding Issues:
    • Some outside detailed inconsistencies
    • adoption of linkTemplate (as specified in draft IETF RFC)
  • Outstanding Pull Requests:
  • Compliance Test Suite: V1.1 delayed until at least 3Q2023
  • API coordination:
    • Sprint Oct/Nov 2023, London report
  • Update other Documentation on GitHub:

Plans for next month:

  • Progress PubSub (Part 2)
  • Progress V1.2: several themes
  • Start work on Summary Stats and Aggregation (Part 3?)


  • OMS SWG would like to try some EDR endpoints with observations (Metars?)

Longer Term Plans:


Any Other Business:

Date of Next Meeting: ?? Thursday, 7 December 2023, 14:00 - 15:00 UTC (08:00 MST, 10:00 EST, 15:00 GMT, 16:00 CET, 23:00 CST, Friday 02:00 AEDT)

-- Minutes

Agenda: Agreed

IPR Call: Done

Status: EDR

Progress in the last month:

  • EDR API Specification:
    • Progress on Part 2: PubSub - no outstanding PRs
      • PR needed for partial fulfilment of a request
    • Progress on V1.2 separate PRs for each theme
      • PR #473 specify resolution of retrieved data for Cube and Corridor queries
      • PR #472 various minor improvements and editorial
      • PR #471 support for multiple location query requests
      • PR #470 support for data masks
  • Outstanding Issues: several for V1.2
  • Outstanding Pull Requests: only for possible V1.1.1 Corrigendum
  • Compliance Test Suite: V1.1 delayed until at least 3Q2023
  • API coordination:
    • make some sbservational data for OMS & STA SWGs
  • Update other Documentation on GitHub:
    • nned to update ReadMe docs and Wiki to reflect progress

Plans for next month:

  • Progress PubSub (Part 2)
  • Progress V1.2: several themes
  • Start work on Summary Stats and Aggregation (Part 3?)


  • OMS SWG would like to try some EDR endpoints with observations (Metars?)

Longer Term Plans: No V2.0 planned

Risks: PubSub SWG proposal deviating from API EDR direction

Any Other Business: none

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday, 7 December 2023, 15:00 - 16:00 UTC (08:00 MST, 10:00 EST, 15:00 GMT, 16:00 CET, 23:00 CST, Friday 02:00 AEDT)

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