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2021 02 18

Chris Little edited this page Feb 25, 2021 · 8 revisions

Environmental Data Retrieval API SWG Meeting 43

14:00 UTC (07:00 MST, 09:00 EST, 14:00 GMT, 15:00 CET, 22:00 CST, Friday 01:00 AEDT)


Agree Agenda and IPR Call

Minutes/Notes of previous meeting

Current Candidate EDR API Specification

Progress of e-vote (needs quorum of 30 TC Technical Members' votes) 16 YES, 5 Abstain, 2 NO

API coordination: 

    "OGC API - Features - Part 3: Filtering and CQL" public comments requested. Can we borrow anything?
Outstanding Issues:

    Gobe's code generator errors - are they all addressed?

Outstanding Pull Requests:

Update Documentation on GitHub:

Next version/work discussion

Any Other Business

Date of Next Meeting



  • Chris Little
  • Boyl Shangguan
  • Igor Andruska
  • James Kreft
  • Mark Burgoyne
  • Peter Trevelyan
  • Shane Mill
  • Steve Olson

Agenda: agreed

Previous minutes: agreed

IPR call: done

Progress of e-vote (needs quorum of 30 TC Technical Members' votes) 16 YES, 4 Abstain, 2 NO.

  • Group discussed the current feedback from the voting for the standard
  • Group agreed to change the definition of Position to agree with the ISO definition
  • Most comments were about renaming, emphasising "Spatio-Temporal" not "Environmental"

API coordination: Group agreed to consider the draft API-Features-Part 3:Filters&CQL for alignment

  • Group discussed options for defining regular height intervals in the z query parameters and agreed to remove the resolution-z query parameter from the Cube query. Exact replacement syntax To Be Agreed

Outstanding issues: #190, #196, #197 Closed

Outstanding Pull Requests: None

Next meeting: 25/02/2021 14:00 UTC

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