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2021 01 21

Chris Little edited this page Jan 21, 2021 · 4 revisions

Environmental Data Retrieval API SWG Meeting 39

14:00 UTC (07:00 MST, 09:00 EST, 14:00 GMT, 14:00 CET, 22:00 CST, Friday 01:00 AEDT)

Draft Agenda

Agree Agenda and IPR Call

Minutes/Notes of previous meeting

Current Candidate EDR API Specification

API coordination: kebab-case agreed for API EDR/Common/Features/Records/Coverages

Outstanding Issues:

Outstanding Pull Requests:

Vote for TC Approval

Update Documentation of Implementations on GitHub: 

Next version/work discussion

OGC/Apache/OSGeo Sprint in Feb 2021

Any Other Business

Date of Next Meeting

Minutes Draft


Chris Little Boyi Shangguan Igor Andruska Lei Hu Mark Burgoyne Pavol Novotny Peter Trevelyan Shane Mill Steve Olson Yinyin Pan

Agenda: agreed

Previous minutes: agreed

IPR call: done

Outstanding issues: Closed #175, #180 Group agreed to adding a label attribute to the parameter metadata Group agreed to modify the corridor query to add width-units and height-units parameters

Outstanding Pull Requests: #174 concerning returned metadata, non-normative, to be discussed and resolved outside the meeting, then resolution merged afer review. #182 editorial and ASCIIDoc workflow, to be merged afer final review.

Any Other Business: none

Next meeting: 28-01-2021 14:00 UTC

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